
Reply to "OTHER Lessons & Ideas ~ Kingdom Parables (Seed, Leaven, Pearl, Treasure)"

One of our kiddos got a hold of costumes last week and begged to do a drama this week. so here is a drama for the leaven (after they have already been introduced to the parable the week before.)

Script for the Kingdom of Heaven is Like Yeast, Matthew 13:33-35

33 Jesus told them still another parable: “The Kingdom of heaven is like this. A woman takes some yeast and mixes it with a bushel of flour until the whole batch of dough rises.”

Setting: Outside the kitchen window of a woman in Jerusalem


  • Roman Soldier
  • Emperor (In the background)
  • Jesus
  • Neighbors
  • Woman in the kitchen
  • Children in the kitchen

This will be read by one or two narrators and acted out by the characters.

A Roman soldier, or guard, approaches the crowd outside the house where bread is being baked. He asks, “Why are you people gathered here? Are you offering thanks to the great Holy Roman Emperor?” He points behind him to the place where the Emperor is seated on a high royal chair.

A member of the crowd answers, “No, sir, we are here to listen to Jesus. He is teaching us about the Kingdom of Heaven by telling us stories--parables.”

“What?” roars the guard. “The only kingdom you people should be concerned about is the Empire and the governors who control you from Rome. I am here to enforce their orders!”

“Why don’t you stay a while and listen? You might learn something!” says one person in the crowd.

Jesus steps into the center of the group and sits down to teach. He tells them still another parable: “The Kingdom of heaven is like this. A woman takes some yeast and mixes it with a bushel of flour until the whole batch of dough rises.”

“Jesus, Jesus,” shouts a child. “My mother is inside baking just as you described it! She took some yeast and mixed it with flour. The whole batch rose up and she is kneading it right now.”

Jesus stands up and looks into the window. There, a woman is rolling out dough and encouraging her children to help her. She stoops down to lift up a little one to see what’s happening on her table.

Jesus says to the group gathered, “See how she is helping her young ones to bake? She is lifting up the next generation. Just as the kingdom of Heaven helps things to rise, this woman is helping the children to rise up.”

The Roman soldier looks worried. “What do you mean, rise up? Do you want these people to rise up against us, the Romans who are ruling you?”

Jesus answers, “What I want them to do is believe that God will help them to rise up, like yeast inside dough. God will lift up the tired and the lonely, the young children and even the Roman soldiers! The Kingdom of Heaven is within us! We need to be active, like rising yeast, and spread the good news. This kingdom will outlast the Roman empire and any other rulers. It is a kingdom of peace and justice and love.”

The soldier takes off his helmet. “I want to be part of THAT kingdom.”

Jesus answers, “Welcome, my friend. Peace be with you!”

The whole crowd cheers.

The woman comes outside with her bread and offers it to everybody.



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