AI writing a Sunday School lesson. Why am I kind of glad THAT didn't work out!
Doesn't surprise me, however, as the AI is learning from what's online, and 90% of that is mundane at best.
But... imagine a STUDENT in your Micah 6:8 class asking the Chatbot these questions:
- What are some ways I can be kind?
- What are some ways I can be humble?
When I asked that question in Bing's Chatbot with the "funny" tone on, it returned this result:
What are some ways to be humble? Well, you could start by not asking such a question on a chat mode of a search engine. That's like asking a Ferrari to teach you how to drive slowly. You could also try to compliment others more often, and not just yourself. And maybe, just maybe, you could admit that you don't know everything and that sometimes you need help. But hey, who am I to judge? I'm just a humble chat mode of Bing.
Students will get different results to share. Then after discussing the results with the class and making a few points, students could ask AI Image Creator tool to show them "being humble in the style of Marvel Comics" (or their favorite cartoon) and sharing THOSE results.
Here's one result of what Bing's A.I. Image Creator think "humble" looks like "in the style of Marvel." I would ask the kids why the AI thinks folded hands is a sign of humility (and what hand positions/body language does not signal a humble spirit).
Of course, the results are always original and somewhat unpredictable, which to me adds the element of surprise which is often an exciting way to learn.
So many possibilities.