This thread is for posting your Video, A-V, and Music Workshop Lessons and Ideas for teaching about the Temptation of Jesus.
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Some Video Suggestions moved here from older posts...
We used the “Jesus, the Son of God” video from the Nest Entertainment animated Bible series of videos. It includes about 10 minutes of Temptation in the Wilderness. Starts with Jesus' Baptism. Finishes with Jesus healing (and a nice song). --Neil
It's too vivid for young kids but I like the "Jesus" video (Trimark Pictures, 2000). There's about 8 minutes of Jesus in the wilderness and the temptation. The "Devil" is portrayed as both a man and a woman. Probably would only show it to 4th grade and up (if your 4th graders are on the mature side). --Carol
"Finding Nemo" has two scenes that are good to use: One is of the shark 12 step support group where the sharks are trying to give up eating fish. It is neat because when the one shark loses his resolve and begins to give into temptation, it is his friends who hold him back (community??). There is also a scene where Marlin and Dory go the wrong way and end up stung by jelly fish, which can lead to a discussion of listening and making choices. -Lisa M.
We taught the temptations of Christ as a lesson this year. We used the movie "Jesus" (trimark pictures 2000) and the "Finding Nemo" (Pixar) clip.
We felt that to teach this lesson properly, we needed to teach both the character of Jesus, but also the example for us in His actions. We talked about how we react to temptation and what can be done to avoid giving into them. We used an idea we found that had socks representing temptation that we threw at a victim. Then we gave the victim a shield to represent God's protection, and had the kids throw socks again. This was a great visual and I think the kids identified with how we, like Jesus, can rely on the power of God to protect us from temptation. My Mom said once, in reference to temptation, that you may have a bird fly into your head, but you don't let it nest there. --Andy