
Reply to "VIDEO, A-V, and MUSIC Workshop Lessons and Ideas for the Temptation of Jesus"

Christ’s Temptation

Video / Drama Workshop

Note:  This was originally posted in the drama forum, but as it begins with watching a short video clip, we've moved it to the video forum.  It's a good example of how to combine two different workshops into one when you only have a short video clip available to you.

Summary of Lesson Activities:

Instead of reading the scripture children will watch a 4 minute video clip/DVD: “The visual Bible – Matthew” –, then using attached script act out the story.

Scripture Reference:

Matthew 4: 1-11

Leader Preparation:

  • Read the scripture ahead of time.
  • Gather the materials.
  • Preview the video.

Supplies List:

  • DVD
  • Popcorn
  • devil horns
  • 2 step ladders
  • 2 chairs
  • angel outfits
  • symbol of a dove/origami
  • rocks


Opening-Welcome and Lesson Introduction:

Greet the children and introduce yourself.

Open with a prayer.

Dig-Main Content and Reflection:
You will not need to read from the Bible because this video is taken directly from the Bible.

  • You will watch chapters 6 & 7
  • It will be about 4 minutes long.
  • Go to the ‘Main Menu’
  • Search by event
  • Choose chapter 6 – Baptism of Jesus
  • Before starting the movie, explain:
    • John the Baptist was sent by God to baptize people
    • He was ‘wild’ looking – had camel hair clothing, ate locusts
    • John was baptizing people in the Jordan River
    • Jesus came to him to be baptized
  • Chapter 6 starts with John washing his hands in the River (Matthew 3:13)
  • Go through chapter 7 – Temptation of Jesus (Matthew 4:12)
  • Stop the video when they say: “And angels came & attended him”
  • (If you see a man lighting a candle stick and saying: “When Jesus heard that John had been put in prison…” that is too far.)
  • This should include Matthew 3:13- 4:12. The chapter/verse notations flash on the bottom right side of your screen.

Practice: The Memory Verse

Christ’s Temptation (Matthew 4: 1-11)

Gather children together and decide who is playing what character.  Hand out copies of script and have children who require to get into a costume get ready.

Temptation of Jesus Script

Props: devil horns, 2 step ladders, 2 chairs, angel outfits, symbol of a dove/origami, rocks,

Characters: Narrator 1, 2, & 3, John, Person 1, God, Jesus, devil, 2 angels (Will be moving chairs & step stools), group (The group should be kneeling/sitting & surrounding Jesus in a large/loose circle. Each time they say ‘Do it!’ they should throw their hands towards Jesus, then bring their hands back to their bodies.)


Narrator 1: John the Baptist was baptizing people in the river.

John: Turn from your sins…turn to God.

Person 1: I confess my sins.

John: (‘Dunk’ under water & bring up) Be baptized – and be saved.

Narrator 2: John baptized Jesus also. (Jesus is ‘dunked) As soon as Jesus came out of the water, the heavens opened. The Spirit of God came down to Jesus in the form of a dove. (Dove comes to Jesus)

God: (Heard – not seen) This is my Son. I am pleased with him.

Narrator 3: After Jesus was baptized, the Holy Spirit led him into the desert. (2 angels lead Jesus by the hand) There the devil tempted Jesus.

Narrator 1: For 40 days and 40 nights Jesus ate nothing. (Jesus crawls on the ground looking hungry/thristy)

Jesus: I am very hungry.

Devil: You want something to eat? Look at these rocks. (Point to the rocks)

Jesus: I see the rocks.

Devil: Change these rocks into loaves of bread. Then you will have food to eat. Then you can prove you are the Son of God.

Group: (Chanting) Do it! Do it! Do it!

Jesus: No! God says that bread will not feed men’s souls. God’s Word is what we need!

Narrator 2: Then, the devil took Jesus to the roof of the Temple to tempt him a second time. (Angels bring in chairs and hold them – Jesus & Devil climb up - each on a chair)

Devil: Jump off! (Devil pretends to do a ‘dive) Be free!

Jesus: From the top of this building? Are you crazy?

Group: (Chanting) Do it! Do it! Do it!

Devil: Jump! God won’t let you get hurt! His angels will keep you safe!

Jesus: No! I won’t do it! (Jesus turns & shakes his finger at the group) God says not to test Him.

Narrator 3: (Jesus & devil get off the chairs) Next, the devil took Jesus to the peak of a high mountain to tempt him a third time. (Angels bring 2 step ladders – Jesus & devil climb on)

Devil: (Move arm in an arc, to show ‘everything) Look at the world – how wonderful it is.

Jesus: Yes, God’s world is beautiful.

Devil: I will give it all to you!

Jesus: What? You will give this to me? (Move arm in an arc)

Devil: Yes! I will give it to you. Just bow down and worship me.

Group: (Chanting) Do it! Do it! Do it!

Jesus: No! Get out of here, Satan! God says to worship only God! Obey only God.

Narrator 1: Then the devil went away. (Devil leaves) God sent His angels to Jesus. They cared for him. (Angels come to Jesus and lead him off stage)

Narrator 2: The devil is sly. He tries to tempt us where we are weakest. Make us believe it is ‘OK’ to sin.

Narrator 3: But instead, we should say, ‘Get behind me Satan!’ ‘Go away!’ For we know in our hearts what God wants us to do. God wants us to follow Him in every thought, word, and deed. That is our focus. That is our goal. Amen.


Moderator notes it would be good to take a moment and reflect on the scriptures message and how it could be applied to their own lives/temptations.


End with a prayer.

A lesson written by: Rachel Haugland

A representative of reformatted this post to improve readability.

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