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Last Supper/Easter

Video Workshop

Summary of Lesson Activities:

Watch the video “The Easter Story” from "The Greatest Adventures" series, Hanna Barbera (preview below).

The first 13 minutes of this video covers the Last Supper, the second half covers Gethsemane through Empty Tomb.

NOTE: See Jaymie Derden's lesson using the same video.

Materials List:

  • “The Easter Story” (from "The Greatest Adventures" series, Hanna Barbera
  • Popcorn
  • Set up your video equipment and test it out



Explain the purpose of today’s lesson and scripture in one sentence: We celebrate Communion because Jesus wants us to remember Him.

Ask them to tell you as much as they know about the Last Supper and Holy Week story.


Scripture/Bible Story:
Read the Scripture. For younger children – show pictures as you read from Children’s Bible. You may want to use a Picture/story-book Bible.

Talk about The Last Supper, the elements used in communion (bread & wine). Symbols of communion.

Help the children understand that the bread and wine are important because of the meaning that Jesus gave them. Jesus used them as a way to help remind us of him and as a way of remembering what Jesus wants us to do.

Refer to the verse written on the board and talk about it.

Teach the kids where this verse is in the Bible,

Pass out the popcorn,


Begin the movie “The Easter Story” (from "The Greatest Adventures" series, Hanna Barbera). Decide in advance how much of the video you want to show. The first 13 minutes of this clip are about the Last Supper.

Questions to Ask After the Video:

  1. What is "The Last Supper"?  Why was it Jesus' "last" supper?
  2. What message did Jesus want his disciples to remember from this supper?
  3. What is the meaning of the bread? the cup?
  4. What happened after the Last Supper?
  5. If you had been at the Last Supper with Jesus...
  6. How would you have felt when he spoke about his death?
  7. When he said the "cup" was the new covenant "sealed in his blood," would you have been grossed out to take a drink from his cup?  What did he mean "sealed in his blood"?
  8. What questions would you have asked him?


Ask: If someone asked you to sum up the message of the Last Supper in once sentence, what would you tell them? (Write everyone's answers on the board. See how 'few' words you can condense their answers down to.)   Write down the shortest answer/message they can come up with that still makes sense and write it on NAMETAGS for the students to wear out of the classroom.  Close with a prayer that people will ask them to share the message.

A lesson written by Cathy Weygandt with improvements made by the Content Team


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  • mceclip0
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