Superbook - “He Is Risen: The Resurrection of Jesus”
Chris is arguing with his mom, Phoebe. SUPERBOOK intervenes and takes Chris, Joy, Gizmo AND Phoebe back in time, for an encounter with Jesus’ mother Mary during the time of her son's crucifixion. When Superbook returns the family home, a wiser Chris apologizes for their argument and their relationship is restored. Lesson: Jesus’ life is about the restoration of relationships. (Animated - approx. 22 mins)
Superbook has posted the full episode on YouTube at
The DVD does not have chapter selections. But, using your remote Next Chapter button you can move through the remote chapters. I've given those chapters names relating to general theme of each section.
Review: They try to cover a lot in 22 minutes, so story events are touched on, but not in full detail. It is dark (dim), pretty tense, and shows a demon flapping its wings(!) What a dumb choice in an otherwise good series. Demon is seen in scenes 1 & 9 and Jesus is very cut up and bloody after being whipped (whipping not shown).
1 - Garden of Gethsemane & Arrest
2 - Theme Song
3 - Chris' Home - The Decision
4 - Superbook sweeps them back in time
5 - Jerusalem (Gang meets Mary - Jesus' Mother)
6 - Trial Before Pilate
7 - Crowd wants Jesus' Death
8 - Mary's House
9 - Crucifixion
10 - The Empty Tomb
11 - Home - What's really important.
12 - Credits
See's review and complete listing of the Superbook videos.