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Jesus' Birth through the Eyes of Mary & Elizabeth
Video Workshop

Summary of Lesson Activity:

A VIDEO Workshop using the DVD "Jesus of Nazareth", this lesson also include listening to and examining the lyrics in Amy Grant's "Breath of Heaven (Mary's Song)"

Scripture Reference:

Luke 1:39-56

Memory Verse: Luke 1:49b-50 (TEV) “God’s name is holy. He always shows mercy to everyone who worships him.”

Lesson Objectives:

  • Students will hear the story of Elizabeth and Mary in two versions – scripture and the movie and watch for differences—to try to help the children begin in a small way to not always take what is published or produced as exactly what the Bible says but to learn to dig deeper into scripture and find out for themselves.
  • Students will read/hear “Mary’s poem” or “The Magnificat” from the Bible.
  • Students will listen to various arrangements of “Magnificat” music ranging from the contemporary to the classical—to try to emphasize that the Bible is God’s Word to us and to show that God’s Word inspires others to glorify God in their own way.
  • To show the children that we are all called to serve God – men and women, boys and girls, young and old. Even though we're weak, flawed and totally unable, God chooses to use us to carry out His plan.

Leader Preparation:

  • Watch the Video to get familiar with the material
  • Read the scripture and background materials
  • Gather the materials

Materials List:

  • Jesus of Nazareth (Part 1) movie
  • Bibles – one for each student
  • Copy of “The Magnificat” – one for each student
  • CD player
  • CD with “Magnificat” songs on – provided
  • Journals
  • Pencils


Opening- Welcome and Lesson Introduction

Greet the children. “Today we are going to be learning about two very special women in the New Testament. One is an old woman named Elizabeth and the other is a very young woman named Mary. Elizabeth was the mother of John the Baptist and Mary was, of course, the mother of Jesus. Even though they were different ages, they both had babies about the same time. John was about six months older than Jesus.”

Opening Prayer: “Heavenly Father, thank you for bringing us together today. Help us to learn more about you from your Word, the Bible. Amen”

Dig- Main Content and Reflection
Read the story from the Bible: Luke 1:26-45 TEV. Let those who can read, help with the scripture.

Say: “Now we are going to watch the same story in a movie called “Jesus of Nazareth”. “Watch for differences in what the Bible tells us and what the movie says!”

Start the movie about three minutes in and end at about 22 minutes in when Elizabeth kisses Mary on the forehead before she returns to Joseph.

“Did anyone notice any differences between what the Bible says and what the movie says?”

Differences that I caught: (Maybe you can add more to this)

  • I believe that in the Bible it is implied that Mary sees the angel Gabriel – in the movie it was only a bright light.
  • There is no mention of Mary’s mother being anywhere in the Bible.
  • According to the scripture, Mary went home before John was born.

“We have to be careful when we watch a movie or read a book about stories in the Bible. Many times there are things in the movies or other stories that are not in the Bible. It’s not wrong to watch movies, listen to songs, or read stories about people in the Bible, but we also must read the Bible ourselves because the Bible is God’s Word and one way we get to know Him better.”


  1. Was Mary a really young girl or was Elizabeth the young girl? Mary was the young girl and Elizabeth was very old.
  2. Do women today have babies when the are old? No
  3. How do you think it was possible for Elizabeth to have a baby even though she was old? It was God’s plan for her and her husband Zechariah to have a son and God made it possible.
  4. Is there anything God can’t do? No (for this age group it is probably best that things are left at this. God, however, cannot sin.)
  5. How did the baby John know that Jesus was the Messiah even before either were born? The baby John lept in his mother’s tummy when Mary entered the room. He knew even before he was born that there was something very special about the baby Mary was going to have.
  6. Who was the Messiah? Jesus
  7. Why is Jesus so important? He is the Son of God and He came to earth so that when we all die we will be in heaven with Him.

Elizabeth was a very old mother and Mary was a very young mother. Both of these mothers served God in a very, very special way. It doesn’t matter in God’s eyes if we are young or if we are old; rich or poor, big or little, God still uses each and every one of us to carry out His special plan. In God’s eyes we are all special.

PART II of the Lesson...The Magnificat

We only read part of the story in the Bible of Mary and Elizabeth. I have a copy of a poem that Mary said after Elizabeth told her about the baby John jumping in her tummy with gladness. Let’s read this poem (if they are able) together. You can take a copy home with you today to share with your family.

Read the poem together (Mary's Song of Joy from Luke, aka "the Magnificat")

Just as the poem “The Magnificat” was Mary’s way of rejoicing and singing praises to God, many other people have used this beautiful poem and turned it into music that can be sang and played to show how much we love our God and to sing praises to Him.

The following song by Amy Grant is a beautiful song but does not have much the same words as the Bible says. The songwriter and singer, Amy Grant, wrote the song and it beautifully captures the feelings that Mary must have felt as she awaited the coming of her son and Savior. The sense of wonder and humility are communicated in the words as well as the music. (5.29 minutes)

Editor's Note:
"Breath of Heaven (Mary's Song)" was originally published on Amy Grant's "Home for Christmas" CD. There are several YOUTUBE CLIPS of it to preview it online.

I have traveled many moonless night
Cold and weary, with a babe inside
And I wonder what I've done
Holy Father, you have come
And chosen me now To carry your son

I am waiting in a silent prayer
I am frightened by the load I bear
In a world as cold as stone,
Must I walk this path alone?
Be with me now Be with me now

Breath of heaven Hold me together
Be forever near me Breath of heaven
Breath of heaven Light up my darkness
Pour over me your holiness For you are holy
Breath of heaven

Do you wonder as you watch my face
If a wiser one should have had my place
But I offer all I am For the mercy of your plan
Help me be strong Help me be Help me


Breath of heaven Breath of heaven Breath of heaven

What do you suppose Amy Grant means by the line:

a. I am frightened by the load I bear

b. In a world as cold as stone,
    Must I walk this path alone?

c. "Breath of Heaven"


End the class with a simple prayer before dismissal.

A lesson written by Augustana Lutheran Church
St. James, MN

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