DVD ` "The Nativity" (New Line Cinema)
Here's a lesson sketch with suggested cue points and questions for different sections of the Nativity Story, -the 2006 live actor movie. This movie was well-received by critics. It features a realistic retelling of the story.
Originally posted by Julie Burton
Before showing the movie...
Hold up a card with the word "accept" on it.
Ask: Do you know what this word is? What does it mean? What is something we might "accept?"
Repeat with two other words: "magnify" and "ponder."
If using sheets of newsprint, reveal the definition after they have guessed it. Tape the newsprint or poster board sheets around the room.
Tell the group that they might be wondering why we're having a vocabulary lesson before a video! I'll tell you why. Mary, the mother of Jesus, had something amazing happen to her. She was given some special news that meant her life was about to change forever. It was news that she would have to accept, that would magnify, and that she would ponder for a long time. We are going to watch some scenes from the movie "The Nativity Story" and see how this would happen, but let's read our scripture passage first.
Show the Movie....
Cue up Chapter 3 (about 4 minutes). Begin with "Nazareth"; stop at "those who have nothing?"
Ask: How would you describe Mary? Playful? Obedient?
Cue up Chapter 7 (about 2 minutes): Mary is sitting under a tree. Stop at Mary watching the bird fly away.
Ask: It seems like just the wind was blowing, but it was the angel coming to her. Do you think she was afraid? I wonder why the angel flew off as a dove? Was she accepting of the angel's message? Does that match our word definition?
Cue up Chapter 8 (about 4 minutes): Mary visits Elizabeth; stop with them hugging.
Ask: What was Elizabeth's reaction to seeing Mary? Mary's prayer is called "The Magnificat." In this passage, she is magnifying what the angel told her. Does that go with our word definition?
If desired, you may choose to play all the way through Chapter 7 and 8, end with them hugging.
Cue up Chapter 18 and play through 19 (about 5 minutes): "Finding Shelter" and "Birth of Jesus."
Say: Mary and Joseph are in a hurry to find someplace for Jesus to be born. What do you think they are feeling? When the shepherds arrive to worship Jesus, I wonder what Joseph and Mary are thinking? Was Mary pondering the message from the angel? Did Jesus' birth happen as the angel told her?