
Reply to "VIDEO, A-V Workshop Lessons and Ideas for Jesus in Gethsemane"

Garden of Gethsemane/Judas and Peter

Audio Visual Workshop

Summary of Lesson Activities:

Uses the video Agony in the Garden (from the series Jesus: A Kingdom Without Frontiers by CCC)

Scripture References:

Matthew 26: 36-56, 69-75

Lesson Objectives:

  • To learn more about the story of Gethsemane and how Jesus struggled with his future.
  • To learn about Judas’ role in Jesus’ arrest and Peter’s denial of Jesus.
  • Finally, to lead up to the crucifixion and Easter.

Leader Preparation:

  • Read the scripture ahead of time.
  • Watch the video ahead of time.
  • Have the movie ready to go before the children arrive.
  • Pop the popcorn

Materials List:

  • The video Agony in the Garden (from the series Jesus: A Kingdom Without Frontiers by CCC)
  • Popcorn/other snacks.

Lesson Plan


Greet the children and introduce yourself.


Lesson Plan:
Refer to the Bible passages above. There are a lot of verses, so you may want to divide them up among the children to read. When using the Family Story Bible for the youngest group, use pgs. 248-252. Ask any general questions about the story in review, so the children know what’s happening.

Watch the video:
The video lasts approximately 30 minutes. Note to teacher: the video introduces a few characters and minor “side stories” that are not part of the biblical story. It can get a little distracting, so you may want to be alert to this and help the kids focus on the main story. Stop the video when Peter runs away after denying Jesus three times.


Ask the children for their reactions and responses to what they’ve seen and heard. You may want to ask some of the following questions:

  • Why did the religious leaders want to arrest Jesus? How did Judas help them? Why did Judas help them?
  • When Jesus was praying, what did he pray for? Why?
    · How many times did Peter deny Jesus? What happened when he realized what he had done?
  • Do you pray to God when you are upset or scared, like Jesus was? Why or why not?
  • If you were Jesus in the garden, what would you have felt like? Why?
  • If you were Peter and just denied Jesus three times, what would you have felt like? Why?

Run the last five minutes of the video. It’s a quick synopsis of the story with a narrator. There are some big words used, but nevertheless it’s a good summary. It also points to Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection. When it’s over, ask the children if they know what all of this (Jesus in the garden, Peter denying Jesus) is leading up to (Jesus’ crucifixion and Easter). Ask them if anyone knows why Jesus died on the cross.

Close with prayer, thanking God for sending us Jesus so all of us – Peter denying Jesus three times, Judas betraying Jesus, and us with the wrong things we’ve done – can be close to God.

A lesson written by "St. Elmo's Choir" rotation writers group.

A representative of reformatted this post to improve readability.

Moderator adds: further details on the above video, "Agony in the Garden".

Here is Youtube link

Video description:

Jesus prays to the Father for relief from the suffering He knows He must endure. Jesus is arrested in the garden, and Peter denies him three times.

Jesus crosses Cedron Valley and reaches an olive-yard on the Mount of Olives ,called Gethsemane with his disciples, and withdraws to pray to his Father. Judas, accompanied by armed guards of the Temple, betrays him with a kiss and has him arrested. Jesus is taken to Caiaphas’ palace to be put to trial. Peter and John follow him at a distance. John goes into the hall in which the trial is to take place, while Peter waits outside in the courtyard. On three occasions, questioned by those waiting to hear the verdict, Peter denies ever having known Jesus. And as foretold by his Master, the cockerel crows, heralding dawn. Peter runs off, tortured by regret.

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