
Reply to "VIDEO, A-V Workshop Lessons and Ideas for Jesus in Gethsemane"

Garden of Gethsemane

Video Workshop

Editors Note: the author posted this as a "Garden of Gethsemane" lesson, but looking over it's discussion questions it appears to actual focus on "Palm Sunday".

Summary of Lesson Activities:

The children will watch The Easter Promise. Through it, they will learn of the many activities of Passion Week and will experience it through a fictional boy who followed Jesus’ activities throughout the week and on Easter.

Scripture Reference:

Mark 14:32-50

Memory Verse:
"Abba," he said, "everything is possible for you. Take this cup of suffering away from me. But let what you want be done, not what I want." Mark 14:36 (NIrV)

Lesson Objectives:
The children will:

  • Name that the story is found in the New Testament Gospels of Mark
  • Discover that Jesus used prayer to strengthen himself to accept and follow God’s plan and explore how we can use prayer to follow God’s plan for our lives.
  • Discover how it might have felt to be near Jesus during Passion Week.

Teacher Preparation:

  • Read “A MANUAL for the "VIDEO ~ A-V" WORKSHOP” by Neil MacQueen here at
  • Preview the video so you can utilize two of Neil’s key showing tips:
    Use the PAUSE button at key places. It's your most powerful "video" teaching tool, not only to make sure they get it, but to give their brains time to process what they've just seen before they move on. Some kid’s videos are breathless in pace.
    Don't be afraid to view an important scene a second time. Kids (and adults) watch movies over and over all the time. Point out facial expressions, reactions, things happening in the background, etc
  • Prepare the popcorn and get pitcher of water from the kitchen.
  • Cue the DVD to the starting point for the lesson.

Materials List:

The Easter Promise & The Witness

  • The Easter Promise, Vision Video. This is on a two-video set with "The Witness".
  • Beanbag
  • Popcorn

Lesson Plan


Greet the children and introduce yourself.

Open with a prayer.


Distribute Bibles to each child or every two children.

We are in the season of Lent. Who knows what Lent is?

At Christmas, as we get ready for Christmas, we celebrate the season of Advent. Advent prepares us for Christmas.

Lent is the 40 days before Easter and prepares us for Easter.

Where in the Bible would we find stories to help us prepare for Easter? (New Testament, Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John)

Help children find Mark 14:32-50.  Even though we are not reading the scripture, it is a good exercise to locate the story.

View The Easter Promise
Today we are going to watch a video that is Historical Fiction. Much of the video is a made up story, but it is based on real facts. The facts that it is based on are found in the Bible. They are the events that take place from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday.

Our video is about a little boy named Jerem, short for Jeremiah. Although he is a main character, Jesus is the most important character in the video.

Play the video from the beginning (skip the title and lead in)
Pause at 3:12 where the priests decide they must get rid of Jesus.

At this point, the priests have decided that they must get rid of Jesus. Too many people are following Jesus and not listening to the priests any more. This threatens the priests and their authority.

We’re going to skip a little bit of the video so we can see the main part of the story. Let me tell you what happens in the part we skip.

Jerem dreams of being a soldier for a king. He is thrilled to hear about the upcoming arrival of a true king – the Messiah – Jesus of Nazareth.

Also, a Roman soldier has asked an evil merchant to find some children to be his slaves.
We’re going to pick up the story just before Jesus arrives in Jerusalem. Jerem is dressed in the armor he has made and is ready to serve the king.

Skip to 14:00 where the Roman soldier is laughing at Jerem.
Watch the remainder of the video. Feel free to pause at points to discuss what happened.

How do you think it would have felt to be a child when Jesus came in on the donkey?
Why do you think Jerem decided to follow Jesus instead of the priests and the soldiers?
How can you follow Jesus today?

Filler Time: Beanbag Toss
If you have time, use the following to help the children learn the Bible verse.
As you toss a bean bag to each team member, the team member holding the bean bag must say the next word in the key verse.

Close in prayer

MacQueen, Neil. “A MANUAL for the "VIDEO ~ A-V" WORKSHOP” here at

A lesson written by Ann Wright from: Saint Andrews Presbyterian Church
Raleigh, NC, USA

A representative of reformatted this post to improve readability.


Images (1)
  • The Easter Promise & The Witness
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