The following short YouTube clip comes from the Son of God (2014) movie. What makes it special is how it shows through Peter's eyes the "danger" present at Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem.
The following is an excerpt from's Detailed Outline to the Son of God movie (available to Supporting Members of Join today!).
This excerpt from the outline lists the scenes immediately before and after the one shown in the video above. Those scenes deal with similar subject matter: who is Jesus, what kind of messiah is he going to be, what people think about him, what the dangers are, and who opposes him.
Scene 14: (approx. 3 minutes)
1. Jesus visits Nazareth, comes home to his mother Mary (remind kids who this is and where)
2. Jesus reads from Isaiah in his hometown synagogue, “today, this scripture is fulfilled”
3. Pharisee confronts Jesus and accuse him or healing by demons
4. Jesus says to Peter, “Turn the other cheek” Question: Jesus declares that he fulfills the prophecy of the One who would come to save. Why did the Pharisee argue with Jesus? Why can’t they see that Jesus is the One? What is Jesus’ response to those who hate him?
Scene 15: (approx. 1 minute)
1. Jesus and the disciples remember John the Baptist (who has been killed) Question: What does Jesus say about John the Baptist?
Scene 16: (approx. 3 minutes)
1. Triumphal Entry in Jerusalem (Remind kids that this is the “Palm Sunday” scene)
2. Barabbas the zealot appeals to Jesus to “save us” Question: Jesus is riding a donkey, which is the sign of a King (from Zechariah). What question does Barabbas ask Jesus? And what answer is he given? (“we come in peace”) (Note: this encounter is not in scripture.)
Scene 17: (approx. 1 minute)
1. Nicodemus and Caiaphas speak again about Jesus.
2. Pilate hears about Jesus 3. Judas visits a Roman soldier. He’s worried things are getting out of control. Question: What do you think Nicodemus meant when he said, “There is something unusual about him”?
Scene 18: (approx. 4 minutes)
1. Jesus cleanses the Temple
2. Jesus is challenged by Nicodemus, “Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s”
3. Caiaphas sends Malchus to speak to Judas Question: What in the Temple was Jesus upset about