Paul's Journeys
Video Workshop Sketch
Summary of Lesson Activities:
Uses the video The Ministry of Paul and then making Paul's Journey passports
Scripture Reference:
Acts 17: 1-15
- Watch the video, The Ministry of Paul, ahead of time so you know the
general flow of the story. - Write the memory verse on the board.
- Make a 2-door Q&A book with the words WHAT IS IT? written across
the bottom, SYNAGOGUE on one door and CHURCH on the other.
Supplies List:
- Pre-copied sheets for passports
- Video: Nest Entertainment - The Ministry of Paul
- Stapler
- Stamp
During this rotation, kids will be getting their "Paul's Journey Passport" stamped in each workshop. These should be hung in the hall after each lesson.
The passports are stapled pages which the kids have constructed from pre-copied sheets that include a map of Paul, a simple bio about Paul, some memorable Paul quotes, and a coloring page for each lesson which will also have a "stamp" space.
For this workshop, stamp passports at "Thessolonica".
Lesson Plan
Introduce lesson to students: We have been learning the truth that prayer and praise keep us connected to God. We have been traveling with Paul on his many missionary journeys.
We are going to watch a movie today (The Ministry of Paul) that will give us a better idea of what kinds of things Paul went through. Listen for the memory verse. Does anyone remember what it is?
Begin the movie after the advertisements (have it set up before the students come. You will be stopping it at certain times to discuss things that happened.)
1st stop: Right after the soldier throws them into the prison.
Q?: If you were here last week, do you remember what happens next? (after answers are given, continue the
tape saying, lets find out.)
2nd stop: After Paul is sent out on the boat.
Read Acts 17: 1-15. Q?: Did you see some of these things happening in the video?
Tell the students to continue tolisten for the memory verse.
3rd stop: When you hear the memory verse - Philippians 4:13. Hopefully a student will hear it and tell you to stop. Play it back again to make sure everyone heard it. Continue tape to the end.
Passports: The first place Paul stopped after entering a new city was the synagogue.
Q?: What is a synagogue? (Have someone look it up in the Bible dictionary and read what it is. Write it in the Q&A book.) (They will see one in the movie).
*Add a drawing of a synagogue to the passport, reminding them that Paul preached to the Jewish people there, in all the cities he entered(Acts 17:1-3).
Q?: What is a church? (Have someone look it up in the Bible dictionary and read what it is. Write it in the Q&A book.)
*Add stickers to represent friends. Paul had many friends who helped him share the Good News of Jesus Christ, and who helped him escape the jealous Jewish leaders (Acts 17:5).
Prayer: Praise God for his strength and thank him that he gives it to us when we need it. Ask God to keep us strong this week as we share the love of Jesus with others.
A Video lesson "sketch" by member LB.
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