
Reply to "VIDEO, A-V Workshop Lessons and Ideas for Pentecost"


Video Workshop

Summary of Lesson Activities:

Children will watch a clip from the "Visual Bible; Acts" DVD.  Then will all participate in a newsroom skit. 

Lesson Objective(s):

In this workshop, the learner will view an interpretation of the Pentecost event and respond to questions about it.


  • DVD “Visual Bible: Acts”
  • Copies of script
  • Props for WWRM newsroom set (sign, microphone, etc.)
  • A fan
  • Recording of people reading in other languages
  • Nametags for characters of “Peter,” “anchor,” and “reporter"
  • The memory verse on poster board

Teacher preparation:

  • Read the Bible passages.
  • Read over the background material included in your teacher packet and the entire lesson plan. 
  • Write memory verse on poster board. 
  • Find recording of people reading in other languages (check your local library). 
  • Gather supplies.

Lesson Plan


Greet the children and introduce yourself. Remember that you are interacting with a different group of students each week—some may not know you. Wear your nametag and make sure that the children are wearing theirs.


1. Tell the children they will be watching a video showing our story of the day of Pentecost. The dramatization on the video comes directly from the book of Acts in the Bible. Refer to the poster board with the memory verse. Read it to the class and have them repeat it together. They should watch the video for the kind of power received by the people as the Holy Spirit came upon them.

2. View the video—see instructions for watching the portion of the DVD desired. It should take 10-15 minutes, and you should stop after Acts 2:41 when the ship appears on the screen. Following the video, ask the children to sit quietly for a couple of minutes and imagine they were in the crowd that day. 

Instructions for finding the Pentecost story in “The Visual Bible: Acts”

1. Insert disk 1.
2. On the menu screen, choose “Search by Event” (3rd choice).
3. On the menu screen, choose “The Early Church and Peter” (1st choice).
4. On the menu screen, choose “Receiving the Promised Gift” (1st choice).
5. On the menu screen, choose “5 The Holy Spirit Comes at Pentecost” (5th choice).

The selected scene will play. View the story through verse 2:41 (see the notation at the bottom right corner of the screen) when the boat appears.


3. Ask for volunteers, or assign parts,  for Peter, the anchor, and the reporter. Give them their nametags and the appropriate props. The rest of the class will be people in the crowd. Hand out scripts to everyone. Explain that this will be an on-the-spot interview portion of a live newscast from WWRM-TV. Tell the crowd members that they can follow along on their script, but their responses to the questions should be their own thoughts and feelings about the events of the day.

4. Begin the interview process, having the anchor read his or her part while the reporter reads his or hers. (The reporter can ad lib if he or she desires.) When appropriate, the reporter will approach each crowd member in turn to ask them a question and get their response. They should interview Peter last.


Gather the children together following the newscast. 

Play the recording of people reading in other languages and as a class try to figure out what languages they are hearing. (Do this if the named recording is available.) 

Discuss how it must feel to live in a place whose language you can not speak or understand. Remind them that we, too, have the gift of the Holy Spirit that gives us the power to understand the needs of another culture even when we don’t understand their language. The gift of the spirit also gives us the power to show God’s love for someone even if we don’t speak their language.

Close with a prayer of your own, or use the following:
Thank you, God, for loving us so much that you sent the gift of the Holy Spirit so that we might tell of your love to others. Continue to speak through us. Amen.

Journal Time:
Help the shepherd pass out the journals. Ask them to write or draw about things they have seen or experienced that show God’s power. (Some examples might be rainbows or sunshine.)

Adjustment for younger children:
If some of your Beginners don’t read yet, feel free to play the anchor and/or the reporter yourself and interview them. The responses to the event are the important elements.

Newscast Script

Anchor: Good day. I’m (name) and joining me on location is (name) for WWRM News. Our top news story comes from Jerusalem. Thousands of people have gathered there for the festival of Pentecost. It has been fifty days since the man called Jesus was crucified. There have been reports of sightings of him in and around Jerusalem. His disciples, although rarely seen, have confirmed these reports. They have gathered in a house in Jerusalem to celebrate Pentecost. Joining us live at this gathering is (name).
(The reporter should be standing in the midst of the crowd.)

Reporter: As you can see, I am surrounded by people from many countries. I can hear several different languages being spoken. Everyone seems to be waiting for Peter or one of the other disciples to speak to them.

Anchor: Can you tell us the mood of the crowd?

Reporter: People here seem to be excited; there is almost a party atmosphere. We are . . . wait . . . can you see this on the camera? (turn on the fan to the crowd; the reporter should move as if being blown by wind.) An incredible wind is blowing through this room, but the trees outside are not moving. This wind is just in this room. This is remarkable! Let’s talk to someone in the crowd. (reporter goes to some of the crowd.) Excuse me . . . do you have any idea what’s causing this wind? (let person answer; ask several members.) Wow, that was interesting. Let me ask someone about this. Excuse me . . . what did you feel as the wind gushed through here? (let person answer; ask several members; don’t forget to turn the fan off.)

Anchor: Well, that was exciting. Wait a minute . . . there appears to be light flickering in the room. Can you . . . (the reporter cuts the anchor off.)

Reporter: Whoa, you’re not going to believe this! Flames of fire are coming out of nowhere and touching everyone for just an instant! No one seems to be hurt, though. Let’s see what someone thinks about this. (reporter goes to some of the crowd.) Excuse me . . . how does it feel having fire hit you like that? (let person answer; ask several members.) Excuse me . . . where do you think this fire is coming from? (let person answer; ask several members.)

Anchor: Well, that was weird. Have you heard any of the disciples speak yet?

Reporter: No, not yet, but for some reason everyone is speaking at once. They all seem to understand each other! How can that be? There are people from all over the world here and they seem to understand at least part of what each other is saying. Let me talk to someone about this. (reporter goes to some of the crowd.) Excuse me . . . are you intoxicated? Since you speak English, how is it that you understand someone speaking German (or French or Spanish)? (let person answer; ask several members.)
Now that Peter has spoken, maybe I can get an interview with him. (goes to Peter.) Peter, (reporter’s name) from WWRM News. Can you tell us about what you saw as you were preaching?
How did you know what to say to cause such a reaction in the crowd? Do you think they have had too much wine?
How did you feel as the wind gushed and the fires burned?
What language do you speak? Then how do you think everyone in this crowd from around the world understood you?
What do you think will happen now?
Thank you, Peter, for your cooperation.
Well, (anchor’s name) this has been one extraordinary day here in Jerusalem. I’m going to sign off to you now and return to this excited crowd. Maybe some of their spirit can rub off on me. This is (name) reporting from Jerusalem.

Anchor: Thank you, (reporter’s name) for that unusual report. You know, whenever we cover a story about Jesus or his disciples, unusual things happen. But we here at WWRM News will keep you posted on this breaking story from Jerusalem as we return you to your regular programming. Good day.


A lesson posted by  JanMarshall, Brenthaven Church,
Brentwood TN

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