Trial and Crucifixion
Video Workshop
Children will view the video,The Story Behind The Cross. And make a wood cross necklace like the one featured in the video.
This 25 minute video uses footage from the Visual Bible's MATTHEW video interspersed with scenes/storyline of a teacher (actor Judge Reinhold) and his school kids on an outing having a discussion about Jesus' death. The kids in the video ask questions. The video itself is out of print, but available on YOUTUBE. Originally published by Tommy Nelson, A division of Thomas Nelson, Inc. Running Time – 25 minutes.
Alternatively, you could show the trial and crucifixion scenes from Matthew (Visual Bible) or Son of God (2014). Preview first to make sure the depiction of the story's violence in these scenes is appropriate for your audience.
Scripture Reference:
Matthew 26:47-60
Leader Preparation:
- Review the Bible Background
- Preview the video.
- Have the DVD or YouTube video ready to go (you'll need internet access to play the YouTube video).
- Pop the popcorn
Lesson Plan
Tell the children that today we will be learning about Jesus’ trial and crucifixion using our Bibles and by watching a video. We will learn that he loved us so much that he was willing to sacrifice himself on the cross as a symbolic "payment" for our sins, and to let us know that God was not against us, but for us!
Bible Study ~ Matthew 26:47-60
The video shares the scriptural story. The Visual Bible's "Matthew" follows the scripture word for word and the teacher reads scripture at various points in the video.
View the Video: The Story Behind The Cross
Distribute the popcorn once children are seated and begin the video.
After the video is finished use the background information and some of the following questions for classroom discussion:
- Why do you think those kids were throwing rocks at the cross in the park?
- What did the teacher say to the girl who was wearing the cross but didn't know anything about it? What would YOU have told her?
- How can coming to worship and Sunday School be like "wearing a cross but not knowing its meaning"?
- What did the teacher say he had to "let go of"? (his doubts).
- What doubts about Jesus do YOU have? How can you let go of them? ("Just ask him")
- What do you think the girl with the cross is thinking to herself at the end of the video? (We aren't sure but perhaps she is quietly praying/asking as she turns to look at the cross).
- Have YOU asked Jesus to get rid of your doubts about him? To make following him a priority in your life?
- We are not alone -- if Jesus was resurrected that means we believe he is with us still -- through the Holy Spirit, ready to teach, guide, comfort, and help us believe.
Make a cross like the one seen in the video. Attach it to a leather string to make a necklace or keep it in your pocket.
There are several VERY inexpensive wood cross necklace kits on Amazon. You can also look on Oriental Trading Co. Colorful beads can also be added to the necklace.
Close with prayer.
A lesson written by Jaymie Derden and updated by the Content Team.