Trial and Crucifixion
Video Workshop
Faith Quest for Grades 1 & 2
Summary of Lesson Activities:
Uses the video- The Easter Story (from the Hanna Barbera series)
Yes, it's the old "Hanna Barbera" video series, but when we updated this lesson we watched the video and it is still pretty good! See it on YouTube here:
Scripture Reference:
Mark 11-16
- Even though he was accused of doing wrong Jesus was innocent.
- Jesus is obedient to God.
Lesson Objectives:
- Children will view the video “The Easter Story.”
- The children will learn the events of Holy Week according to the Gospel of Mark.
- The children will be able to put the events in order.
Leader Preparation:
- Review the scripture.
- Review the video on YouTube at
- Gather the Materials
- Copy the statements (without Bible references or numbers) onto poster board and then cut into individual statement cards on 3 colors to give clues as to beginning (blue), middle (green) and ending statements (red). The first color identifies events leading up to the last supper and Gethsemane (1-8). The next color is Judas’ betrayal, Jesus’ capture, trial and crucifixion (9-13). The third color represents events after Jesus’ death to ascension (14-17)
- Have the video ready to go.
- Pop the Popcorn
Materials List:
- Wooden cross necklaces – $1.95/dozen
- Posterboard/paper of individual statements (Without numbers and scripture references- see end of lesson.)
- Popcorn
- The Easter Story (from the Hanna Barbera series)
Note for workshop leader: The trial and crucifixion movie for grades 3-5 is based on the Gospel according to Luke. It presents the story in images that are too graphic for younger children. We are showing the younger children a video that is based on the Gospel according to Mark
Lesson Plan
Greet the children and introduce yourself. Wear your nametag.
Explain the purpose of this workshop. This unit is a study of the Trail and Crucifixion. The other workshops will focus on Jesus’ trial and what it means to us. We will look at the main events that took place during Holy Week when Jesus was put on trial and crucified.
Bible Story:
1. Set up the story for the children. In the interest of time, start the video a few minutes into the story. You should already have it cued to the segment as Mark begins to tell the story and the two disciples are sent to fetch a donkey. Explain that the story is about three kids who are sent back in time and they talk to Mark, one of the gospel writers. Mark is telling the story about the last week of Jesus’ life.
You may wish to define the words: blasphemy (making fun of God), “betray” (to help the enemy), “fall away” (run away from Jesus).
2. Start the video. It’s about 24 minutes long if cued as suggested.
3. Distribute the popcorn with help from the Shepherds or volunteer children. (Popcorn should already be made)
1. Story sequencing. Clear space in the middle of the room. The story sequence statements (see below) should be printed on large cards/paper (without numbers or Bible references) and handed out randomly to the children. Ask the children to put the statements in order according to the story. The 3 colors represent the beginning, middle and end of the story.
2. You can lead the discussion by asking what happened first in the video? Who has a statement they think was one of the first events of Holy Week? Continue until you have put all in order. Arrange the cards on the floor in proper sequence. When you are done, ask the children to read it.
If you wish, remove some of the statements to further simplify the activity. When you are finished sequencing, read the story from the cards.
- Say the memory verse together: “God loved the people of this world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who has faith in him will have eternal life and never really die.” (John 3:16, CEV)
- Show the children one of the wooden cross necklaces. Explain that the cross is a symbol of the Christian church. It is not just a reminder of the cruel way that Jesus died, but something much better. Jesus died and paid the price for all our sins. That means that when we do something bad, we can ask for forgiveness and know that God loves us and forgives us. Nothing can separate us from God’s love. Point out to the children that the cross is empty; Jesus is not on it. After he was crucified, Jesus arose from the dead. The empty cross is a sign that Jesus has been raised from death into everlasting life and that we, as followers of Jesus, share in his new life. Jesus lives forever in us and in the church.
- Give each child a wooden cross necklace. Put on the necklace and repeat the memory verse thinking about God’s love for us. Ask the shepherds to pass out the journal sheets and pencils/markers. Suggestion: Draw a cross as a reminder of this lesson.
Prayer: Thank you God for sending your son to us. Even though Jesus was innocent of crimes, he died on the cross so that our souls can live forever. Thank you for your amazing love.
Hanna Barbera – The Easter Story – The Greatest Adventure Stories From the Bible, distributed by Sparrow Communications Group.
- Two disciples go to look for a donkey. (Mark 11: 1-6)
- Jesus rides into Jerusalem as crowds shout “Hosanna”. (Mark 11: 7-10)
- Jesus goes to the temple and chases out the money changers and turns over tables. (Mark 11:15-17)
- The chief priests and temple leaders make a plan to get rid of Jesus. (Mark 14:1-2)
- Jesus sends two disciples to find a man carrying a pitcher of water. (Mark 14:12-16)
- Jesus and the disciples eat the Passover meal in an upstairs room. (Mark 14: 16-18)
- Jesus has the first communion service with bread and wine (Mark 14:22-25)
- Jesus tells the disciples that they will tell people they don’t know Jesus. The disciples say they would never deny Jesus (Mark 14:27-31)
- Jesus prays in the Garden of Gethsemane (Mark 14:32-34)
- Judas kisses Jesus to show the crowd whom to arrest. (Mark 14:43-46)
- Jesus is put on trial and sentenced to death. (Mark 14:53, Mark 14:60-64)
- Peter says he doesn’t know Jesus. The rooster crows. (Mark 14:66-71)
- Pilate lets the crowd decide whom to free from prison: Jesus or Barabbus. (Mark 15:6-15)
- Jesus is crucified on a cross (Mark 15:22-25)
- Jesus’ body is laid in a tomb (Mark 15:46)
- Three days after Jesus dies, the women find an empty tomb and an angel tells them that Jesus is risen. (Mark 16:5-8)
- Jesus appears to many people, including the disciples, after his death. He tells them to go and preach the good news to everyone in the world. (Mark 16:14-15)
A lesson written by Kirk from: Kildaire Presbyterian
Cary, NC
This lesson is copyrighted by the Kirk of Kildaire Presbyterian, Cary, North Carolina.
It may be used for non profit purposes only
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