Video Ideas:
Posted by member Cindy LB
For a creation science viewpoint, you might want to consider a video in the Newton's Workshop Series. There is one called:
Newton's Workshop: The Pollution Solution (Ecology) Video, Moody Publishers, 1998
(Moderator update: can be found on DVD #9781575672847).
Summary: When Dad reads about the "worst drought in years," and then is shocked by an outrageous water bill, he decides it's time for a change. A challenge from Mom sends Trisha and Tim straight to Grandpa Newton's door. Who knew Tim's innocent attempt to help clean paint brushes would stir up a lesson in habitats and the environment? A family landfill contest, proposed by Grandma Newton, is all it takes to spark awareness in both Trisha and Tim. But it's only after a ride in Grandpa's "spaceship" that they truly understand their important role as caretakers of the earth. For ages 4 and up. 28 minutes.
Moderator wishes to add the following suggestion from this series:
Newton's Workshop: World Building 101 (Days of Creation) Video, Moody Publishers, 1997
(Moderator update: can be found on DVD #9781575672816).
Summary: With the biggest concert of the year coming up, the "Summer Praise Jam", Megan and Trisha are desperate to make some extra money to buy tickets. So, when they hear about the $100 prize for the best science project, they can't wait to become their school's best team of World Builders. If only they didn't get assigned to work with the class clown, Wendell. With the guidance of Grandpa Newton they get to work with an encyclopedia in one hand and the Bible in the other. When Trisha loses her cool with Wendell, more than just the prize is on the line. Find out how they learn the true meaning and purpose of God love. 28 minutes. For ages 4 and up.
Formatting & update changes by volunteer moderators.