Creation (Genesis 1)
Video Workshop (We call it “Mountaintop Movies")
Summary of Lesson Activity:
Children will watch The Lorax - (the original 1972 - 30 minute televised) - a Dr. Seuss, animated, video about a people whose poor stewardship of the earth results in the near extinction of a species, and a young boy who has the responsibility to save it.
Scripture Reference:
Genesis 1:26-31
Workshop Objectives
- Children will be able to define stewardship, particularly as it applies to the stewardship of the earth given us by God in Genesis 1.
- Children will watch and reflect on the movie “The Lorax” and the environmental issues it raises.
- Children will determine a project that they can do as a group, which will have a positive impact on the environment.
Materials List:
- Bibles
- Popcorn & supplies
- “The Lorax” DVD (or stream it from YouTube), 30 minutes (1972 animated TV Special)
- “50 Simple Things Kids Can Do to Save the Earth” by
book, 1990, 160 pp. Moderator adds: 50 Simple Things You Can Do to Save the Earth: All New! Updated for the 21st Century Paperback – April 1, 2008, by
Download this lesson as a PDF document.
Moderator adds: link to downloadable lesson is no longer active, you may want to check out this lesson that uses this same DVD in our Stewardship Forum here.
This material is copyright 2013, by Rev. Lisa K. Martin and Trinity Reformed UCC, Pottstown, PA. USA
Permission is granted for use within your local church setting. Further distribution is prohibited.