Short Video Clip of Creation & Fall
There's a dramatic and well-done 4 minute presentation of Genesis 1, the Seven Days of Creation, buried in the movie "Noah" (2014, Paramount). It's narrated by Noah (Russell Crowe). The scene begins with Noah telling the story while gathered around a campfire aboard the Ark.
Here a preview version of it on YouTube:
One of the neat things about this Creation video clip is that they present the birth of the cosmos and imply evolution through clever morphing animation. At the end of it is another quick dramatic sequence of silhouetted soldiers from different historical periods in attack poses (mirror Cain and Abel shown earlier in the movie) ---with Noah adding his commentary about the "Fall" of Creation. With older kids and youth, it's definitely worth playing again to discuss and emphasize the theological point.
I don't recommend the rest of the movie for Sunday School. Personally, I liked it, but it is definitely a re-imagined version 'based' on the Biblical story. Aside: If you were shocked by the "rock giants" in the movie, then you have probably never read the Book of Enoch's flood story in the Apocrypha. Here's an article in Biblical Archaeology mag about them.