Here at, we don't just post "any" video, especially about Genesis 1. We view them and make sure they have integrity. Here are another three good options for various grades and uses to introduce your kids to the Story of Creation.
For Younger Children and Preschool:
When God Made The World -- a video read-aloud of the popular children's book, When God Created the World set to illustrations from the book. A great reflection piece and intro to the God's Creation story.
Saddleback Kids' Creation Story video
Video and illustrations narrated with scripture
God's Story: Creation from Crossroads Kids
Quickly tells the story with life meaning.
For older children and pre-teens:
Here's an excellent explanation of the themes, meaning, and importance of Genesis 1's story of Creation, our place and "rule" or role in Creation, and "The Image of God." Use it for an alternative discussion with older kids.