We painted a filmstrip in our video workshop, called HolyWord Theatre.
My husband (a very helpful handyman) took a large dowel and drilled holes (just big enough for a pencil to fit in) at both ends of the dowel. The pencils were about 20 inches apart which is how wide we wanted our filmstrip to be. Then I just inserted two pencils, held them to the wall and drew the filmstrip. We have concrete block walls, so it was a little bumpy, but worked really well. I did have to stop and sharpen the pencils several times.
Then we divided the entire strip so that we could fit in all the names of the books of the Bible in each frame. (each frame is not the same size because some books are so much longer than others .... I Thessalonians vs. Micah for ex.) My daughter and I painted pictures that corresponded with the Bible books in some of the frames. It turned out really cute! This is probably my favorite of our workshops as far as decorations go.
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