
Reply to "VIDEO/A-V Workshop Lessons & Ideas for Good Samaritan"

Good Sam Outline using the movie "Pay it Forward."

From Neil MacQueen for

We originally used this movie on a Wednesday Night to complement our Good Sam Rotation. We didn't show the entire movie, and at the time, most of our older children and youth had already seen this movie.  The following clips should take about 30 minutes.

Note: The ending of this movie is very sad. The boy dies. You may want to stop the movie before that scene for children younger than 10.  That said, it's a powerful movie, and his death makes a powerful statement, ...not unlike somebody else's death we remember.

This movie starred young Haley Joel Osment as Trevor the 11 year old boy, Helen Hunt as the single mother, and Kevin Spacey as the disfigured teacher who falls in love with the boy's mother. It is the story of a boy who is given a school assignment to come up with a way to change the world. He decides to spread good deeds. He does it by doing good deeds for 3 people, who each in turn must help 3 other people. It becomes a phenomenon. Later, the boy is killed by bullies, but the results of his short life's work become apparent in the ending of the movie. The boy's mother and teacher are outcasts. It's the boy's belief that "picks them up off the road" -so to speak, and restores their humanity and hope.

Trevor's pay it forward experiment is acting out Jesus' words: "go and do likewise."

The movie and one violent scene in it are OK for grades 3 and up. For younger children, you should fast forward through the short scene where Trevor is killed.

This outline for the movie uses the CHAPTERS found on the DVD.

Using just these scenes will run about 30 minutes.

Preface the movie by telling the story of the Good Samaritan.

With older students, ask "how far would you be willing to risk your time, wealth, reputation, and even your life to help someone?"  Now show the movie.

1. Show Chapters 1-4
Opening scenes. End at the dialog "What are you going to do to change the world." Question: Is it possible to change the world?

2. Show Chapter 9
It begins with the drug addict in the garage. Then the boy describes his "pay it forward" concept to his class. End at the dialog "would you like a cup of coffee?" Question: Does everyone understand Trevor's concept? (draw it out on the board just like Trevor did)

3. Show Part of Chapter 25
Show only the RESCUE of the woman at the bridge. End at the dialog, "Do me a favor lady, save MY life." (This is a very powerful scene).
PREFACE this scene by telling them we've skipped ahead in the movie and will now see the man who fixed the truck in Trevor's garage out doing one of his good deeds for someone else.

4. Show Chapters 31-33 -the ending.
The boy explains his pay it forward concept to a reporter who's been tracking the story of random acts of kindness. The boy is stabbed at school and dies. People stream to his house to offer condolences to his mom and the teacher who have fallen in love.

Questions to Ponder:

  • How is Trevor (the boy) like Jesus?
  • Compare Trevor's death with Jesus'.
  • In what way is Pay It Forward like the parable of the Good Samaritan? -Who are the Priest and Levite in the story?
  • How does the CHURCH "pay it forward" ?
  • Is "doing good" enough? Is Trevor's theory 'do-able' or not?
  • Write a new ending to Trevor's story. What could happen AFTER the crowds have gone home. What could the mother and teacher now do?'s a great movie.

Luanne adds here's a music video I found on YouTube that has that Pay It Forward theme.

by Life Vest Inside called - Kindness Boomerang - "One Day"

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