Some movie selections:
- Son of God (the 2014 movie) has a very good dramatic 5 minute scene of this story -including Peter attempting to walk out to Jesus.
- Miracles of Jesus (Nest Entertainment)
- Matthew (Visual Bible) of course, has this scene, as does "Jesus" (the ubiquitous film), and other Jesus films.
- Life of Christ (the free mini series produced by the LDS church), has this scene.
- Scene from "The Chosen" (2022- series)
Note: some of the videos have poor production quality which doesn't serve the story well to today's movie goers. Son of God has the best dramatic portrayal. At the end of it, Peter seems to come startlingly to life. At first, I thought it meant he dreamed it, but then I realized it was him coming back to life on the boat, with the double meaning of him realizing who Christ was (this time for sure!).
Scene from The Chosen (the excellent tv series)