
VIDEO/A-V Workshop Lessons & Ideas for Lost Sheep, Coin, Son

Video, A-V Lessons, Ideas, Activities, and Resources for the Lost Coin, Lost Sheep

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Including: the 99 sheep, lost sheep, shepherd, woman, lost coin, rejoice, Matthew 18:12–14, Luke 15:3–7, Luke 15:8–10

Bible lessons and ideas about the Lost Coin, Lost Sheep -with video, audio-visual, movie, video-tape, animated Bible, etc.

Lost & Found

Video Workshop

Summary of Lesson Activities:
This workshop will use video clips from the Wizard of Oz and Finding Nemo.

Bible Passage:
Luke 15: 1-31

Memory Verse:
Luke 15:10

Workshop-specific Goals:

  • Realize that God loves us and never gives up on us
  • Know that God forgives us and welcomes us back when we go astray

Leader Preparation:

  • Review Bible Background notes.
  • Gather the materials.

Supplies List:

  • Bibles
  • VCR/DVD Player
  • “Finding Nemo” movie
  • “Wizard of Oz” movie
  • White paper
  • Lemon juice in small bowls or cups
  • Cotton swabs (like Q-tips)
  • Pencils or pens
  • Iron and large towel to do the ironing on
  • Index cards with one word from memory verse on each card: “In the same way, I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents” --Luke 15:10

Advance Preparation:

  • Refer to schedule and decide how you will make adjustments for the different ages.
  • View the parts of the videos that you will be showing so that you will able to quickly go to those parts during the lesson
  • Hide the index cards around the room before the students arrive
  • Have iron and towel set up in an out of the way part of the room—the guide would be a good person to help with ironing the pictures

Lesson Plan

Opening - Welcome and Lesson Introduction:

(Teacher lesson begins after guide time—the guides will review/ask questions about what happened last week)

Make sure you have your name tag on. Introduce yourself to the students.

Open with a prayer.

Dig - Main Content and Reflection:

Introduction & Bible Story:

Have the children open their Bible to Luke 15. We are going to be learning about the 3 parables in this chapter of Luke as we watch some video clips. Have the class read the memory verse together from Luke 15:10.

The telling of the 3 Bible stories will be woven in through the various activities and videos. You could ask the students what they remember about the 3 parables as they are getting started on the first activity—see below (do not do this on the first week of the month as they haven’t heard the stories yet).


Lemon Juice Drawings:

Give each child a piece of paper and a cotton swab. The lemon juice should be in bowls or cups. Instruct each child to draw a picture of themselves with Jesus (or a cross) using the cotton swabs dipped in lemon juice. (They will only have a minute or two for this activity.) Write each child’s name on the paper with a pencil or pen. Set these aside as you watch the video. Start heating the iron on high—AWAY FROM THE KIDS!

During the Oz movie clips, the guide can iron all but one or two of the pictures—just don’t let the students see what is happening with the pictures.

Wizard of Oz Clips:

Read Luke 15: 11-31 (Prodigal Son story). Watch and see how the movie clips from the Wizard of Oz are the same and different from the Bible story. In the Wizard of Oz, a girl named Dorothy and her dog Toto are running away from home to find a more exciting life. They end up in a tornado and land in Munchkinland. How is this like the Bible story? (younger son wants his money now and wastes it on wild living). Do you think this is how his father wanted him to use his inheritance? After the son ran out of money, then what did he do? (worked for a farmer and fed pigs—a very distasteful job since pigs were “unclean” animals).

Dorothy goes off to find the Wizard of Oz, who will tell her how to get home. She is joined in her journey by a scarecrow, tin man and cowardly lion. After many adventures, Dorothy is finally going to get to go home. Now start the scene near the end of the movie where Dorothy and the Wizard are in the hot air balloon, ready to leave, when Toto jumps out to chase a cat. Stop the scene where Dorothy is in her bed saying “There’s no place like home” and Auntie Em welcomes her back. Dorothy finally comes to her senses and realizes that everything she really needs is right at home. How is this like the Bible story? (son comes to his senses and decides to come home). How did the father treat the son when he returned—welcome him with open arms or chew him out for wasting all that money? How is God like that father in this story? (welcomes us and forgives us, no matter what we do).

Iron the Drawings:

When the prodigal son ran away from home, he thought he was going far away from his father. There are times when we might feel far away from God, especially when we do wrong things. (Start ironing the remaining 1 or 2 papers—the pictures should appear). But God is never far away—He is always with us and loving us and ready to forgive us.

Finding Nemo Clips: We’ve got a few more “Lost and Found” stories to hear and see. Let’s read Luke 15: 1-7 (Parable of Lost Sheep). Do you think the Pharisees would have gone and eaten with the sinners and tax collectors like Jesus did? (No). What does this story about lost sheep have to do with sinners? (sheep stand for the sinners). Do you think the Pharisees would have gone looking for that lost sheep? (No—didn’t seem to care for “sinners"). What do you think would happen to the lost sheep if the shepherd didn’t go out and look for him? (sheep are pretty helpless, so it could starve or break a leg or get eaten). What would happen to us if Jesus, our Shepherd, didn’t come looking for us when we sinned?

Now lets read Luke 15: 8-10 (Parable of the Lost Coin). This coin was probably worth an entire day’s salary, so it was a valuable coin. It would probably have been hard to find, since houses back then had dirt floors, few if any windows, and no electric lights. What did the woman do when she lost her coin? (swept and searched carefully until she found it) What was her reaction when she found it? (rejoiced and shared the news with her neighbors). Read the memory verse again with the students (Luke 15:10). The angels rejoice every time a sinner repents and is back with God.

Now we are going to see a few scenes from “Finding Nemo”. This movie is about the clownfish Marlin and his son Nemo. Marlin is very afraid of the wide-open ocean, but he and Nemo head out to school one day. Nemo disobeys orders and swims out into the deep.

Show Scene #6 (Nemo Lost) which starts with Nemo swimming out to the boat and touching it and ends with Marlin running into Dori. Then ask the class if they remember what Marlin has to go through to find Nemo (sharks, jellyfish, etc).

The next scene we are going to see tells us about all the scary things Marlin had to do in order to search for Nemo. Show Scene #17, which starts with Marlin telling his story to the baby sea turtles and continues with Nigel the pelican is telling Nemo and his tank friends and ending when Gil says that your dad is looking for you after all. Then ask the class: How is Marvin like the shepherd and the women looking for her coin? (kept looking until they found it) Was it easy or hard for these 3 people to find what they were looking for and why? It wasn’t very easy for Jesus to come to our rescue—what did He have to do? (come to earth as a human, die on cross and come to life again).

Memory Verse Treasure Hunt:

All of our stories have been about lost and found, so it is time for you to go on a search. Scattered around the room are index cards with parts of the memory verse written on them. I want you all to find the cards and put them in the right order.

All these stories talk about searching for lost items, no matter how difficult the search. Does God keep looking for us, even if we don’t want to be found? Why?

Journal Topic (last 5 minutes of class):
Help the guide to hand out pencils/pens and the student folders. Place the sticker with the journaling topic on a blank page. The children should find a place to sit quietly and think and write in their journals. You and the guide may need to help the younger children with their writing. Another option for younger children is to draw a picture about the topic.

Grade 1-2: What does God do to show His love for you?

Grade 3-5: What would happen if God gave up on us and didn’t try to save us?


End with a prayer


  • Movie Clips for Kids by Group Publishing
  • Movie Nights for Kids by Focus on the Family

St. John Lutheran Church

Last edited by Luanne Payne
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