Editor's Note:
We turned Chris' original question into advice for those with more than two kids per computer in Sunday School. In addition to Chris' question, you can also see her follow-up based on her experience, as well as other people's advice, and a short list of "practical advice" from Neil MacQueen (Sunday Software).
Chris' Original Question:
We're getting ready to add computers to our Rotation Model Sunday School this fall and I'm wondering about the best technique for grouping kids at the computers and getting them to work cooperatively.
What works for you, and doesn't work?
How well do boy/girl groupings work? Does it matter, or am I overthinking this?
Also, if you've got an odd number, would you suggest having more or less on the odd computer? (say 7 kids, 4 computers: you could have two groups of 2 and 1 computer with 3 kids and leave one computer unused, or put one kid alone on the 4th computer with 3 groups of two)
FYI: Our rotating classes typically have 7 to 11 kids each. We have 4 computers so that means 2 to 3 kids per computer.