
Reply to "WoRM in Shared Space, Large Space, Rented Space"

Problems Between Programs That Share Space

Throughout the 10 years that we had an open forum about Shared Space, one constant theme was expressed: the tension between the Church's needs and the Preschool program's needs and personnel.

Permission and territory once given are difficult to take back. Personalities are involved. Turf issues rear their ugly heads. And then there are those competing visions and needs.  If your church has not experienced those things, count yourself lucky. They are real, and often painful.

Some churches have simply had to re-assert control from their "renters" over their facilities by establishing policies. Others, feeling the preschool was "a mission," had to tread more lightly. What's interesting is that the leaders and teachers of these two (often) competing organizations often have the same needs: to creatively organize their space to excite children.

Some Rotation churches have found that the creative design of some workshops, and possible transformations (such as the tent concept) are WELCOMED by some preschool teachers who are also looking for ways to transform their space. 

We also know from years of experience, that churches with spaced DEDICATED to a particular workshop, such as, art or computer, are often approached by the preschool program who would love to "get in there" and use that space as a break from their classrooms. Indeed, many Rotation churches get to "borrow" the computer workshop which the preschool was able to find a grant for. A lot of preschool curriculum is CENTERS-BASED, which is not terribly far from the Rotation concept.

Which is to say.... TALK TO EACH OTHER. They may be ready for some changes too.  Or in lieu of that, seek CREATIVE ACCOMMODATION of each other's efforts to shape children's lives. In many Rotation churches, the groups that "also use the building" often experience appreciation for the newly creative spaces that Rotation can bring. Not a bad advertisement either!

That said... It's not always easy to settle Shared Space issues.

After much discussion and frustration, one of's earliest and most respected lesson contributors weighed in on the subject. HER Workshop Rotation Model battled the shared space issue. This came as a surprise to many of us, because her church was held up as a model for the Model!  Below is her contribution to the discussion.

Catherine's Lament and Advice

Dear Rotation Friends and Churches,

Avoid shared space like the plague of Egypt!

I have spent months trying to assert the needs of the children of our faith with the needs of the preschool, adult day care, boy and girl scouts, women's league, AA, even TOPS (weight loss group).

It is especially difficult to share with groups that are in there 5 days a week. Some of our Sunday School classes feel like God is temporary. God just "borrows" the room from "Miss Cathy" and all the children whose names are plastered all over the walls. What does this tell our kids? 

We eventually reclaimed rooms for our Workshops. Our workshop rooms make a tremendous contrast. These rooms belong to us. The children feel it and are proud. These theme workshop rooms say "this is an exciting place to be".

We still share these workshop rooms with the Adult day care, but it is on our terms. They remove furniture on Friday evening. They put up their stuff in designated areas only.

I often felt like the bad guy. BUT, if the church puts a higher priority on being a community center than its responsibility to the children as a mission of the church, then don't be surprised if in the future there are no grownup children in the churches that have become the community centers. That's my little sermon.

I looked at our Preschool program's stats and only 10% of the preschool families are church members. We are underwriting a "service" for our community - a very well-off community. But at what cost to our own programs and children?

Let me quote from Melissa Armstrong-Hansche & Neil MacQueen's book, "Workshop Rotation":

"The issue really isn't space, it's mission. Space issues need to be tackled within an understanding of the congregation's primary mission: evangelism. Preschool programs and Scout troops do not evangelize. They are wonderful groups, but they do not carry the church into the next generation.

Thus, in cases where co-existence is difficult or impossible, the Sunday school must be the church's top priority.

The irony is that if the Sunday school isn't the church's priority, many church buildings may indeed become community centers in the next generation or two."

I highlighted this passage and carried the book around with me for months (still do). I whip it out and read it to anyone who tries to debate the issue of whose program is more important. (Even when comparing a 5-day program to your Sunday-only program)

Shared space is an ongoing struggle but we must continue to assert the need to evangelize children as a most important mission of the church. Don't let anyone bully you into believing otherwise.



Finally, here's a quote from a "shared space" post by Neil MacQueen, founder...

We are only limited by our conventional thinking.

"Workshop" is not a room. It is a concept about teaching, learning, and how our surroundings affect our students and support our teachers.

"Rotation" is not about moving from one room to another. It's about moving from one medium and teacher to another. Yes, it's easier if you have dedicated workshop rooms, but only easier, not essential!

I do not believe there is any church space that cannot be used for Rotation.

I've seen computer labs in hallways, and drama workshops behind the curtain in fellowship hall. I've seen a one-room Sunday School transform each week into a different workshop. They did it by creatively solving their furniture and decoration concept, and coming up with QUICK TRANSFORMATIONS.

I've tweaked Rotation schedules to fit into space "as it became available", and often transformed one workshop into another half way through the rotation. That's what I love about Rotation. It gives you an adaptable format that also makes you think outside the box (and in this case, box can equal "dedicated room").

The only truly DIFFICULT SPACE I've encountered (both personally and vicariously) was when several workshops/classes were trying to use the same big space. NOISE is difficult to work around. Kids are noisy. Good learning is often noisy.

So learn to look at "other" spaces differently. What about the church office, for example, the kitchen. The kids' parents ARE PAYING FOR that space afterall. I've even held the occasional workshop in the pastor's office (led by the pastor!) And look at going outside.

Yes, you might have to modify the art workshop, or spread sheets over the secretary's desk so the kids don't mess the paper. You might have to conduct the first half of your workshop in the sanctuary, -until the choir comes in, then move to fellowship hall to finish. But kids love to move around! Supplies can be put on wheels. "Tents" and fabric are cheaper than building campaigns.

Ultimately, having to think outside the box of rooms might just also get you thinking outside the box on your lessons and OTHER programs as well. 

Necessity is often the mother of invention. That's how the Rotation Model got started in the first place.

<>< Neil

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