
(WT) Abraham & Isaac: God Will Provide - Resources Writing Team

Abraham & Isaac: God Will Provide

Additional Resources


The following resources can be used to enhance the lessons in the Rotation set "Abraham & Isaac: God Will Provide".


Passage: Genesis 22:1-18

Key/Memory Verse: Genesis 22:8a


Objectives for Rotation

See Bible Background.

Additional Resources for Abraham & Isaac: God Will Provide


  • Abraham & Sarah – This software program by Sunday Software is now free to Supporting Members of!  Learn more here.


What is a Diorama Workshop - look in "Workshop Design & Resources" - under "OTHER Workshop Concepts" link.  
  • “The Three Wise Men” Set (Little People Series) by Fisher Price, #W6147. Seven-piece playset includes three king figures, tent, camel, hay and connectable palm tree fence post. Tales of Glory bible figures and Playmobil characters are sized well to work with the Little People sets.


  • Children’s Pop-up Play tent for younger children for three day journey to Mount Moriah
  • White beard - purchase at Party/Costume Store


Resource Books

  • Any Baby Name Book that includes name meanings, to look up children’s name meanings.

Story Bibles

  • "The Children’s Bible in 365 Stories", by Mary Batchelor, 9780745930688.  Pages 42-43 - The Sacrifice of Isaac.
  • "My First Study Bible", by Paul Loth, 2011, 9781400316908 Pages 25-31.  God Kept His Promise (name changes and sacrifice).


  • Abraham’s Big Test (Arch Books).  Concordia, 1997, 9780570075295, Ages 5-9.
  • The Binding of Isaac. Cohen, Barbara and Charles Mikolayak, Illustrator.  William Morrow & Co, May, 1978 (1st edition).  9780688418304.
    Book review by Anne Camp:  “The Binding of Isaac,” (the Akedah) is a traditional Jewish title for this story. There's a beautiful book (now out-of-print, but still available used on Amazon and in my local library) with the same title. As I mentioned in an earlier post, this version has Isaac himself as the storyteller - talking to his grandchildren. Remember that HIS grandchildren are the children of Israel. The book includes fictional comments from each one - including Dinah. That touch is a lovely way to skirt some of the drama of the "near sacrifice" aspect, since you know from the beginning that Isaac lives to tell the story.
  • A Ram for Isaac.  Merritt, Ginny.  BJU Press, 2009.  9781591669838. 32 pages.A Ram for Isaac - By: Ginny Merritt
    Review by Luanne Payne:  Nice Size – 7 ¼” x 9 ¼” Chapter Book for ages 6-9. It took me approximately eight minutes to read it straight through, out loud, no stops.  Lovely retelling of the story from Isaac’s perspective as a child of approximately twelve years of age. The two that accompanied them on the trip are his two friends. As we do not know what Sarah thought the author has them leaving before Sarah awakens that morning. I thought it was really well done how she handled the conversations between Abraham and Isaac once Isaac realizes they have nothing to sacrifice, it constantly stresses to TRUST God. I love how she ends it, “We looked at each other, and we laughed" and when you turn the page they are still laughing in the picture.  It has ten full-page lovely illustrations as well as the cover of the book. The book is only $8.89 US and since it is priced very reasonable, my thought is it would be a great plan to buy two books. Keep one for reading and the other separate it and laminate the photo pages. They will be great for a bulletin board of the story in pictures (using the cover for your header). This would also make a great Story Sequencing Game (laminated) for your younger children as all the illustrations have text on the back.  Oh, and yes ,the picture on page nine shows Isaac carrying the wood across his shoulders holding onto the ropes in front of his chest in case anyone is looking for that specific picture.

Storytelling Ideas (God’s Covenant with Abraham and near sacrifice)

  • Electric Camp Fire – by Group Publishing, #646847124730. Just add: darkened room, sitting around the campfire, glow in the dark stars on your ceiling, and night sounds playing quietly on a CD player - then retell the story!
  • Glow in the Dark Stars – look in Dollar stores, Party Stores, and Educational Stores. Note: we have drop ceilings so I put a magnet on the back of each star and then haphazardly put them around the ceiling cross bars, bunching them where the crossbars met and putting the odd one here and there along the bars and it looked great. The nice thing with the magnets they were a snap to put up and take down! If you don’t have a drop ceiling use putty to hang the stars.
  • Night Sounds – use sound effects CD track #24 (crickets, wind, owl, and wolf) used for the Christmas Story from the book “The Humongous Book of Bible Skits for Children’s Ministry” by Group, 2005, 9780764430831.
  • Story Bag Suggestions:
    • Boy doll
    • Family Tree
    • Picture of stars or glow in the dark stars
    • Sticks (for altar)
    • Toy Donkey
    • Toy Ram
    • Toy Tent


Videos BASED specifically on the Abraham Isaac near sacrifice storyline:

Videos that include SEVERAL stories on Abraham:

  • “Abraham” (Testament Series), 1996, B0000AYL2Y. Clay animation. 30 minutes.
  • TNT's "Abraham" (Bible Collection), 1994, Word Entertainment, 053939689228. Stars Richard Harrison and Neil says “Is excellent. And they made a big attempt at being historically accurate to the times.” 187 minutes.
  • “Abraham & Isaac” – (Nest Series) free downloadable Activity Book when you buy the DVD (Nest Family Website), approx. 1995.  (Abraham, Sarah, Ishmael and Hagar, Birth and Near Sacrifice of Isaac).
  • “Big Bible Stories in ASL: Abraham,” by Deaf Missions, 35 minutes. FREE on Deaf Missions.
  • (if link goes dead search Deaf Missions Videos - look in archives)
  • Abraham tells his story in American Sign Language (ASL) and in the telling interacts with animated characters from the story.
  • “Sodom and Gomorrah” (Greatest Legends & Heroes), Gaiam Americas, 1997, 018713814708.  (Abraham, Sarah, Ishmael and Hagar, Birth and Near Sacrifice of Issac – this actually showed Abraham traveling – the Nest video above did not. It also includes Lot’s story.).
  • “What’s In the Bible? #2 – Let My People Go!” By Phil Vischer, 2011, EMI-CMG, 853026002332.  Part 1- Chapter 5 – God’s Rescue Plan (approximately 8 minutes).  Does a quick run through of the following topics:  Patriarchal History (Books of the Bible); Abraham called from UR - three promises; Abraham name change; Birth of Issac; What is Faith?; Near sacrifice of Isaac; Abraham’s Lineage; Jacob; Joseph.

PowerPoint / Slideshow

Compiled by:  Luanne Payne

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Last edited by Luanne Payne
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