
(WT) Shepherds and Angels ~ Computer Lab or Presentation Workshop Writing Team

Shepherds and Angels

Computer (or Presentation) Workshop

Summary of Activities

Fluffy-SmileStudents will hear and see the Luke 2 story from the FREE "Fluffy and God's Amazing Christmas Adventure" software, take the onscreen Shepherds' Quiz about the story, and then complete a special "Manger Reflection." They can also conclude by playing a fun game with the hymn "Angels We Have Heard on High."

The software can be explored by a group at one screen (aka "presentation" style use), or used semi-independently by small groups at multiple computer workstations.

*The "Fluffy" software is free-of-charge to'sSupporting Members. Download it here! Runs on Windows XP, 7, 8, and 10.

Scripture for the Lesson

Luke 2:1-20 (NRSV, with an emphasis on 8-18, Shepherds and Angels.)

Key/Memory Verse: “Do not be afraid; for see—I am bringing you good news of great joy for all the people: to you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is the Messiah, the Lord." Luke 2:10-11 (NRSV)

Lesson Objectives

See the Bible Background at for this set's complete list of objectives.

Preparation and Materials

  • Read the scripture and Bible Background.
  • Download and install the free Fluffy and God's Amazing Christmas Adventure software. (See notes and download link at the end of this lesson plan.) Be sure to spend some time getting to know the software so you can guide the students.
  • Print the attached "Fluffy at the Manger" PDF for use in the Reflection discussion.

Lesson Plan

This plan can be used with single or multiple computers, "presentation" style to an entire group or in a lab setting with teachers guiding by the side.


Welcome your students and explain what they'll be doing and learning in today's lesson.

Tell them about the Fluffy software and what parts of it they will be using today.

If using stations, assign students to a computer workshop station and give them a copy of the handout to follow. Remind them to complete certain sections in preparation for follow-up discussion.

If "presenting" the software to your entire group, you may distribute the handout and use it as a guide.


Fluffy Time in Bethlehem (4) ~ the Luke 2 Theater

This video quickly summarizes Luke 2:1-20. Write the following keywords from the video's narration on the board and tell students you're going to ask them to explain them after viewing the video. View the video, then split into teams and award points to players/teams for giving the best explanation of what these words mean and why they are an important part of the Luke 2 story:

  • Quirinius, Syria, 4 BC, Caesar Augustus, Roman Empire
    (These first five are Luke's way of saying this was "real" -- where and when it really happened.)
  • Bethlehem, King David, Messiah
    (These three tell you what promise-story Jesus is part of and why his birth is important)
  • Swaddling Clothes, Guestroom
    (These next two remind us that Jesus was born as a human. Why is that important?)
  • Great Joy, Pondered
    (These last two describe people's reaction to these events. What's yours?)

If you have plenty of extra time, you can explore the Bethlehem House (3 minutes) and do the Super Jesus Fluffimation. Just keep in mind that they are not about the angels and shepherds and can be reserved for other years' lessons.

Fluffy Time in the Shepherds' Field (5) ~ Shepherds Story and Quiz

After the opening Shepherds narration and animation, you are invited to take the Shepherds Quiz --all about the Shepherds and Angels.


There are 15 questions, but you will be presented with only 10 of them each time you take the quiz (so if you take it a second time, you'll have slightly different questions asked). Get 8 or more correct and you can see the Baby Jesus. (Well, actually, at the end of the quiz you can see the Baby anyway. Jesus welcomes even sinners.) If you get a question wrong, you must try again to select its correct answer before a new question is presented. Some of those questions are VERY TRICKY.

Here's a hint about one of the trickier questions: The question about the angel appearing to the shepherds in the Gospel of Matthew is wrong because the angel only appears to them in Luke! That one trips up most people. 

Fluffy's Manger Reflection

After the Shepherds Quiz, you can click on "Go to the Manger" in the program. Use the attached "Fluffy-Manger" questions PDF as a "shepherd and angel" specific discussion replacement to the questions found in the program itself (which are general and not specific to this shepherds and angel lesson).

Teaching Comments for the Six Questions found on the PDF:

  1. Peace:  Tranquil, Harmony, No fighting, No fear.
  2. Jesus your brother: Play with him, eat with him, care for each other, stand up for him, etc.
  3. Show the Good News about God: be forgiving, merciful, kind, loving.
  4. Great, Joyful, Good Birth: It shows God "cares not to scare."
  5. Sheep Shepherds: Guide along right paths, be an example of a good follower.
  6. Life-changing gift:  Patience? More faith? Healing for someone?

Wrap Up with DJ Fluffy Jam song game: "Angels We Have Heard on High"

This is mostly for fun, though it will put a smile on their faces the next time they sing this traditional song.  Click on the DJ Fluffy Jam icon found on the main menu, select "Angels We Have Heard on High" and invite students to change the words and add sound effects, then playback their version for the class. Interject lesson reminders as desired.


For Younger Students:   

Assist them with the Shepherds Quiz by reading it to them, skipping one of the possible (wrong) answers, and providing hints if necessary.

In the Reflection, roll your mouse over the people at the manger but use the discussion questions found on the Fluffy-Manger PDF attached to this lesson.

For Older Students:

Have online access? Or just want to share some cool synonyms? Go to the Luke 2:13-14 entries at and look up the following words:

  • angel (g32 means "messenger, bringer of good news." How do you bring good news?)
  • host (g4756's the word for army. How are you part of God "army"?)
  • saying (g3004,'s the word "lego"! How are you laying forth, building the message and Kingdom?)
  • glory (g1391  brilliant, splendor. How are you a shining example of God's "good" news to others?)
  • peace (g1515 means tranquility, harmony, no war. What did some people otherwise expect God would do?)

    The *g-word links take you to the Strong's Concordance definitions of the words at  These words and their synonyms are part of the manger graphic attached to this lesson.

For those with more class time:

In the Reflection at the Manger, split into two group and see who can come up with the "best" answers to the questions found on the Fluffy-Manger PDF attached to this lesson. You can also explore other parts of the software -- especially considering area 2:  "Yo Mary and Joe" which describes the angel's announcement to Mary (in Matthew) and to Joseph (in Luke) -- skipping the section on Mary's Song of Joy. Or, use "Yo Mary and Jo" as another week's lesson.

For those who need a simpler, quicker approach:

Listen to and view the Luke 2 Theater (found in Bethlehem, area 3 on the menu), then go take the Shepherds Quiz.

Written by Neil MacQueen and the Writing Team

Copyright, Inc.


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  • mceclip0
  • mceclip0
  • mceclip1
  • Fluffy-shepherds-menu
  • Luke2
  • wakingupsheps
  • Fluffy-Smile
Files (1)
Last edited by Luanne Payne
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