Writing Team
Shepherds and Angels
"Dipping Into Scripture" Cooking Workshop
Summary of Activities
After quickly baking shepherd's crooks and angel wings, then preparing the table, students will participate in a guided scripture reading (what we call "The Dip Script") in which they will pause to dip their shepherd's crooks and angel wings in a series of "tasty dips" that represent key parts the story and their meaning.
Scripture for the Lesson
Luke 2:1-20 (NRSV. With an emphasis on 8-18, Shepherds and Angels)
Key/Memory Verse: “Do not be afraid; for see — I am bringing you good news of great joy for all the people: to you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is the Messiah, the Lord." Luke 2:10-11 (NRSV)
Lesson Objectives
See the Bible Background at for this set's complete list of objectives.
Preparation and Materials
Read the scripture and Bible Background.
- Print the "Dip Script" for use by the teacher.
- Baking sheets, spatulas.
- Cans of Pillsbury "Crescent" Dough "sheets" - enough to produce 5 "shepherd's crooks" and 2 "wings" per student. (Bake ahead of time if short on class time.) Each roll makes between twelve and fifteen 3" crooks. Get the "sheet" style, not the pre-cut triangular style.
- Plastic knives for students to cut the shepherd crook shapes in the dough.
- "Dip" ingredients (see details below).
- Can of whipped cream.
- Margarine (melted).
- Cinnamon sugar.
- Ranch dressing.
- Grated cheddar cheese.
- Powdered sugar
- Sprinkles.
- Cups or plates to hold the dips.
- Spoons to make/mix the dips.
- Powdered sugar to cover the angel's wing to go home.
- Snack bags to send angel wings home.
- Hand sanitizer.
Important Food Preparation Details
Each student will make and bake four or five shepherd crooks for their own dipping use and at least two angel wings (one for themselves and one to share outside of class).
- For the dough, use "crescent" sheet-style dough (not the triangular pre-cut style). Place dough on a flat surface and cut shapes with knife, then transfer to an ungreased baking sheet.
- Cut the crooks in this shape ╔ and then round into a crook with fingers. The wings are made by twice twisting a rectangle of dough. Get the crooks in the oven as quickly as possible. Baking time: 9 minutes (Pillsbury crescent instructions say "10" but test and do 9.) If needed, bake ahead of time.
- Take note of any food allergies, such as gluten.
- You can come up with your own dips. The ones described in this lesson are easy to make, inexpensive, and fit the story.
The Dips ~ Ingredients and Instructions
If you have the time, let students help assemble these dips and plates in front of them while the crooks and wings bake in the oven. Mention some "table rules," such as "no double-dipping." Use the set of "quick questions" provided below while preparing the table.
- Luke 2:8-9, Shepherd & Sheep Whip Dip ~ A can of whipped cream. Squirt "sheep" dollops on plate. See script for more details.
- Luke 2:10-12, Messiah, Anointed One Dip~ Melted margarine, cinnamon sugar. Spoon the melted margarine onto the crook and then roll crook in cinnamon sugar.
- Luke 2:13-15, Jesus Peaces Cheeses Dip ~ Ranch dressing squirted onto plates in symbols related to the story (see script). Dip crooks in dressing and then into finely shredded cheddar cheese. (This makes your crook taste like a salad crouton). Tip: Put ranch dressing in a bag to squeeze it onto the plates in shapes.
- Luke 2:17-20, Jesus’ Birthday Party ~ Angel Wing Icing Dip. A simple white icing made with powdered sugar and water which will harden after spreading. Add a few drops of water to soften for spreading. Add sprinkles if desired.
- Reflection Activity: “Giving wings” to the story by sharing an iced wing with someone outside of class. Sprinkle powdered sugar on a crescent dough "wing" and place in a baggie.
Lesson Plan
Time Considerations: Shepherd's crook and angel wing cutting and baking will take approximately 20 minutes. The "Dipping Into Scripture" activity will take about 10 minutes. The "Angel's wing" reflection activity will take about 3 minutes. Adjust your advanced preparation and in-class preparation to maximize time spent focusing on the actual scripture-dip-through.
- Welcome your students and explain what they'll be doing and learning in today's lesson.
- Quickly guide students through the baking preparation of four shepherd's crooks and two angel wings per student.
- Survey your students, as they cut the crooks and make the wings, about what they remember of the Luke 2 Shepherds and Angels story. =See the "Quick Questions" below=
- While the crooks and wings are baking, wash hands and then begin setting the table and distributing some of the dip ingredients to plates (or cups).
Quick Questions & Points to Make During Baking Time:
- Are the "star and Magi" part of Luke's story or Matthew's? (They are in Matthew, not Luke. The two Gospels have very different Christmas stories.)
- What do shepherds do? (Do not depict them as lowly or outcast. They were the blue-collar workers of the day engaged in very important business. Today we might call them "ranch hands." King David was a "shepherd" as were other famous Bible persons, such as Abraham and Joseph. God is often described as a shepherd and his people like a flock. Jesus called himself the Good Shepherd.)
- What is an angel and what do they do? ("Angel" in the Old and New Testament languages literally means "messenger" or "announcer of good news." The angels in this story are sent from heaven, but we know that Jesus told US to become his messengers, i.e. "angels" -- which is the main point of this lesson. Many children may think of angels as having wings but this is not biblical. Rather cherubim and seraphim are described with wings -- but in the Bible, they are not angels. This is an example of how much popular art and myth affects our thinking. It important because it reminds us that just because you don't have wings doesn't mean you can't be an angel sent from God!)
- What "prepared ritual meal" do we celebrate regularly in our church?
Dipping Into Scripture
Use the attached "Dip Script" to guide your students through this activity. Here are the first three steps in the script:
- Begin with each student standing behind their chair. Explain that we will be reading then dipping in a special order as we go through scripture.
- Have students put their Bibles in front of their seats at the table. (You may also use a copy of Luke 2 if you think they will drip dip in their Bibles.)
- Once all things are prepared, invite them to join you in an opening prayer, then take their seats, and open their Bibles to Luke 2.
- Begin using the Dip Script.
Angel Wings Reflection
Using the second set of wings each student has baked, invite them to dip and decorate those wings in preparation for giving them to someone in their family. You may either simply sprinkle powdered sugar on the crescent-dough-shaped wing or ice it, and either add sprinkles or powdered sugar to keep the icing from sticking to the bag.
Discuss and practice "what you will say" to the person you will give the wings to -- about the importance of becoming God's messenger (angel) to others about the Birth of Jesus. If desired, have them write this message on a slip of paper and place it in the bag.
For Younger Students:
- Pre-cut the dough and let the children shape them into crook and wing shapes.
- Print and place story illustrations on the table.
For Older Students or those with More Class Time:
Provide more ingredients for dipping, such as hot sauce, and require them to explain what that ingredient makes them think of related to the story. Invite them to share their "sauce." Make additional wings to share.
For those with less class time:
Pre-cut and bake the crooks and wings ahead of time. Prepare the dips ahead of time.
Intergenerational or Special Event:
If you have older participants and more time, change the "Angel Wings" Reflection into an additional baking project that uses cookie dough for the wings and creates more "wings" to share with others. Include a special message about being "messengers" this Christmas.
Written by Neil MacQueen, Pam Bryson, and the Writing Team
Copyright 2019, Inc.