
(WT) Fruit of the Spirit ~ Lesson Summaries Writing Team

Fruit of the Spirit ~ Galatians 5:22-23

Lesson Summaries

Fruit of the Spirit Writing Team Logo

This summary page of the Fruit of the Spirit Sunday School lessons is open to everyone.
The broadly graded lesson plans are viewable and printable by Supporting Members.
Become a Supporting Member to see the lessons!

Summary of the Set

Paul's "Fruit of the Spirit" in Galatians 5 is one of the most beloved and memorized passages in the New Testament. The six creative lessons in this set emphasize understanding and remembering each of Paul's nine fruits, as well as following them in our daily lives.

Though written in the innovative Rotation Model style, where classes will use many of the lessons in the set over the course of a month, traditional Sunday Schools will find lots of creative inspiration in these lessons and we would encourage you to use two or three of them to really teach the depth, breadth, and memory of these important verses.

Each lesson also features adaptations for different grades and class sizes, as well as suggestions for using the lesson at home, and those with shorter class times.

Scripture for the Lessons

Galatians 5:22-23a*

"...the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity,** faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control." (NRSV)

* Galatians 5 is a complex chapter. For the sake of teaching children and the goal of remembering Paul's words, the lessons in this set focus on the nine fruits.

** "generosity" or "goodness." Many translations use "goodness." As you will read in the Bible Background and several lessons, Paul's word for goodness emphasizes goodness that gives to others.

Lesson Summaries and Set Resources

Bible Background and Lesson Objectives for Teachers (open to all)

  • Who was Paul writing to and why did share his Fruit of the Spirit with them?
  • What does each fruit mean in Paul's language and in ours today?

    The Bible Background has a printable "Fruit Definitions" Chart that is used in several of the lessons.

Art Workshop LessonUsing bubbles to create art

What do bubbles, rainbows, prisms, and the Fruit of the Spirit have in common? This appealing art lesson pulls it all together and creates an interactive display for the entire congregation!

Bible Skills and Games Workshop Lesson

Colorful game boardWe've created a fun and easy-to-set-up, Fruit of the Spirit board game that emphasizes remembering the fruit and applying them to our lives.

Memory Workshop or Software Workshop Lesson

Use free scripture memory software, or a great sing-along video, or learn the fruits in American Sign Language, in a lesson designed not to forget Paul's amazing fruits.

Cooking Workshop Lesson

Mashing strawberries to create jamYum! Fruit Refrigerator Jam to taste and to share the fruit with others. We found the perfect recipe and an approach for lesson time that concludes with a great fruit spread of goodness.

Drama Workshop Lesson

3 fruits make a smiley faceAfter a neat fruit-seed demonstration, students learn the meaning of each Fruit of the Spirit and solve life situations using the Fruit in an engaging improv drama activity.

Video Workshop Lesson

We've found the BEST Fruit of the Spirit video for kids! And it also teaches them who Paul was and why he wrote letters. Our detailed teaching guide to the video is included, as is a special reflection video project you and your students can make to grow even more fruit.

A screenshot from the video

dancing smiley faceAll lessons are broadly graded and come with adaptations for younger and older students, plus those with more or with less class time, or who want to use the lessons at home.

Meet the Writing Team for This Set!

Top row: Chris Epstein (Philadelphia, PA), Neil MacQueen, Lead Writer (Westerville, OH)
Amy Crane, Team Brainstormer (Mandeville, LA)

Middle row: Sharon Hamilton (Regina, Saskatchewan)  Cathy Walz (Chicago, IL),
Carol Hulbert, Team Editor (Ann Arbor, MI)

Bottom row: Joe Bruce (Spokane, WA)

Writing Team for the Fruit of the Spirit

Each Team member is a Christian educator and a member of

Learn more about our Writing Teams and see a menu of all the lessons!
(39 different Bible story sets so far!)


Images (7)
  • Fruit of the Spirit WT Logo
  • Bubble blowing
  • Colorful game board
  • Mashing strawberries for jam
  • Three fruits form a smiley face
  • A clip from the video
  • Fruit of the Spirit Writing Team
Last edited by CreativeCarol
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