
(WT) Fruit of the Spirit ~ "Memory Workshop" or Software Lesson Writing Team

Fruit of the Spirit

A Memory Workshop Lesson
with options to use free scripture memory software
or sign language, or with a song video

Summary of Activities

This lesson plan features several scripture memory activities to choose from including using a fun and free software program. The activities can be used together in one lesson, separated into two lessons, or used with other lessons and teaching opportunities. The following lesson plan suggests beginning with Option 1—playing a scripture memory game on a computer, and then selecting either Option 2 or 3, "signing" the scripture, or singing the scripture with the aid of a video clip. (See the post below this one for a list of video/song clips.)

Option 1: Use the free Cal and Marty's Scripture Memory Game software (10-15 min).

Option 2: View a video to learn how to say and share the Fruit of the Spirit using American Sign Language. Video linked here at (10-15 minutes)

Option 3: View, learn, and sing a song about the fruit by selecting from one or more song video clips listed below here at Two of the videos would be especially good for rhythm instruments as well as singing along.  (10-15 minutes)

Scripture for the Lesson

Galatians 5:22-23a

"...the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity,* faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control." (NRSV)

* "generosity" or "goodness"  See the Bible Background for an explanation. You or your students can easily input your preferred translation in the software. Teach them Paul's meaning of "goodness."

Lesson Objectives

See the Bible Background at for insights and this lesson and set's complete list of objectives.

Preparation and Materials

  • Read the Bible Background and scripture.
  • Collect pieces of paper to use as bookmarks; one per student.
  • If you choose to use it, preview and prepare to show the scripture video in your classroom. Note: Other lessons in this set may also be using this scripture video, so be sure to check with other teachers. (Though watching a video multiple times is a good learning tool!)
  • Decide which of the three lesson options you will use. Depending on your choices...

** Because you're a Supporting Member, the free software Cal and Marty game can be downloaded and installed on as many Windows PCs as you may have available at your church. It can also be shared with your members for their use at home. Ideally, you will have enough computers/screens based on the size of your class, but the software and lesson can also be used by one teacher bringing in their Windows laptop and, if needed, connecting it to a larger screen or an LCD projector.

Lesson Plan


Welcome your students and explain what they'll be doing and learning today.

Tree of fruits screenshot from the LifeKids videoSay: When the Apostle Paul wrote to the Galatians about the Fruit of the Spirit, he was trying to correct a big problem they were having in their churches. The Galatians—who were mostly not Jews—thought that the right way to follow Jesus was by becoming Jewish. This meant worshiping in a certain way, eating special foods, celebrating Jewish Holy Days, and dressing in a traditional way. Instead, Paul told them that they were "free" from these old ways and that what following Jesus really meant was these nine things or "fruits" as he called them: Let's read Paul's nine fruits together from his letter to the Galatian churches, chapter 5:22-23. When we're done, BOOKMARK THE PAGE because we may need to look it up again during our activity.

Scripture Reading: If desired, you can show this short video introducing the scripture.
Note:  Our Bible passage is presented in both the software and ASL/song videos, so you can use the software or other videos for your "reading" if you prefer.

In addition, you will want to show your students how to find Galatians in their Bibles, explain why Paul wrote this very important letter, and why Paul taught them the nine fruits of the Spirit

Play the Cal and Marty Scripture Memory Game

Playing the verse scramble and quiz in the software will take between 10 and 15 minutes depending on whether you do the short or long version described below. Be sure to read the Guide to the software which was part of your download.

Cal and Marty is a funny Verse Scramble game that also lets you input your own 3 question quiz about the verse. Learn more here.

Cal & Marty scripture memory game
Yes, it's hosted by those funny fellows, John Calvin and Martin Luther. :)

The short version ~ for those with less time

Ahead of time, create the verse unscramble game and add your quiz questions using the Cal and Marty Verse Editor option on its main screen (see the guide that comes with the download). Have the kids play the unscramble and quiz game you created ahead of time using either the "one computer" or "multiple computer" approach described found below in the "longer version."

The longer version ~ for those with more time

At one computer:
Invite your students to help you input the memory verse into Cal and Marty's Verse Editor. If you're at one computer have them take turns (typing is a memory-enhancing activity) and have them help you create the three quiz questions about the verse.

Now play the verse unscramble game they've made and see how well (and how fast) they can complete it. If desired, split into teams to see which can unscramble and answer the questions the fastest (this is all memory enhancing work!). Play the verse game several times to see how well they can do.

At multiple computers:
Using Cal and Marty's Verse Editor, let students input the verse and create their own quiz questions (that will appear in the verse scramble game) at their computer stations. Have them "test" the verse and questions they've made by playing them. Then have them switch computers to play another group's verse unscramble and questions.

Memorize the Fruit Using a Song or Sign Language Video

This option will take between 10 and 20 minutes depending on the video you choose and how much time you choose to work on it.  See the list of recommended memory videos here in the next post at and pick one or two to use in this lesson. The list also has teaching suggestions for each video.

Note:  The recommended videos are all free from YouTube. If your classroom does not have wired or Wi-Fi Internet access, see the Tech Notes at the end of this lesson.

"Do That Fruit" Reflection

Following the memory activity, hand a marker to a student and ask them to go up to the board and write down one of the nine fruits. After writing it, they must give a real-life example of how they can DO THAT FRUIT in their life. Give them hints to help, such as, "Who in your life do you need to be more patient with?" "Who is the kindest person you know?" "Give us an example of how, when you are angry, you can use your self-control."

After everyone has gone at least once, play again if you have time. Otherwise, conclude with a prayer that has each student saying, "LORD, HELP ME TO HAVE MORE _________" letting each student fill in the blank using one of the fruit they wrote on the board.


For Younger Students:   

Early readers and even non-readers will enjoy playing the Cal and Marty software if you help read the text on the screen to them. When playing the unscramble game, don't worry about the counting clock, just say "which word comes next?" and then give them two or three options to choose from and have them drag and drop the word into place. If they get it wrong, let them try another word. Read the questions and answers too.

Younger students may have trouble following the fast pace of the music video without practicing it first with you.

For Older Students:

If you have the time, be sure to let them input the verse and questions into the Cal and Marty Verse Editor. Not only will this help with memorization, but it will also feel more "technical and grown-up" to them.

For those with more class time:

Use the "longer" option for the software. Or use the shorter option for the software and add the music memorization activity afterward!

For At-Home Use or Shorter/Simpler lesson plan:

Use the software and music memorization activity over two different lessons.

If you don't own a Windows PC at home, create a verse scramble game of your own and play it. For example, write the words on sheets of paper and scramble/unscramble them on the kitchen table. See the simple memorization activities in the Video Workshop lesson plan for this set of lessons on the Fruit of the Spirit.

Tech Notes

For the Cal and Marty software:  Be sure to read the documents here and also come with the download Teacher's Guide and Tech notes, to learn how you can make Cal and Marty fill more of your computer screen and to quickly fix an "animated talking head" issue you may encounter.

For the YouTube Music Videos: If your classroom doesn't have wired or Wi-Fi Internet access, you can use your cellphone's Internet connection to access YouTube (learn how here) and play videos on a larger screen (learn how to do that here). You may also download any of the recommended videos to your computer and play them in your classroom (learn how).

Written by Neil MacQueen and the Writing Team
Copyright Inc.


Images (1)
  • Screenshot from LifeKids video
Last edited by CreativeCarol
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