Writing Team
The Great Commission and Ascension of Jesus
Commission to Mission! Workshop
Summary of Activities
In this unique workshop, students CONNECT with the LEADERS of your church's existing mission and ministry both in-class and through participation assignments afterward!
Scripture for the Lesson
Matthew 28:16-20 and Acts 1:8-11
Matthew 28 Great Commission Key/Memory Verse: 18 And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
Lesson Objectives
See the Bible Background at for this set's complete list of objectives.
Preparation and Materials
- Read the Bible Background and scripture.
- Invite mission and ministry leaders to the class and give them notes from this lesson about what they will be asked to say and do (and how little time they'll have to do it!).
- Arrange for food and drinks at a table.
Arrange the chairs in the room as follows: two circles of chairs. The inner circle of chairs is for the adult leaders to sit in. They are facing outwards. The second circle of chairs is for the students. These face the inner circle so that the students are knee to knee with the leaders. Strongly resist the temptation to turn this face2face opportunity into a "standing presentation by the leader."
- Promote this class to parents, alerting them to the "future participation" outcome. In some cases, parents may wish to join their student in the activity they are invited to participate in.
- Print the lesson plan and "speed discussion notes" for the leaders you are recruiting.
- A bell or sound effect to signal the end of each three-minute discussion.
Lesson Plan
Welcome students and introduce them to your guest leaders for the day.
Explain how the class will unfold (see below), then invite everyone to come forward and get something to drink and eat before getting started.
Explain that for fun, we're going to use an information gathering and discussion technique more popularly known today as "Speed Dating" (which we'll call "Speed Discussion." ) Kids will sit in an outer circle of chairs facing the inner circle. Adjust the number of chairs and size of your circle based on the number of kids and leaders you have. If necessary, two kids can sit in front of one adult leader. The teacher will signal with a bell when the leader has 30 seconds to "wrap it up" and then ring the bell again when it's time to "switch chairs." Alternate between having the kids and adults do the moving. The goal is for all your kids to spend time with each leader.
Explain that at the end of the discussion, students will place their names into an Offering Plate, from which the leaders will randomly draw names to determine assignments.
Speed Discussion
Have everyone take a seat, leaders in the inner circle, kids on the outside facing the leaders. Explain that each leader will have three minutes to tell you about what they do, and the opportunity they have for you the students to participate in the ministry or mission they lead. Remind them to introduce themselves to each other. Give them a 30 second "wrap it up" warning before signaling that it is time to "switch." Continue this speed discussion until every leader has met with every student. (If necessary, you can pair up students.)
Begin by reading aloud the Great Commission as a group, and leaders sharing Bibles. During each "speed discussion" leaders will be referencing part of the Great Commission and making the life application connection.
Leaders: What to do in the three minutes
1. Introduce yourself, giving your name, and the name of the ministry or mission you work with at the church.
2. Describe your ministry or mission with simple language and concrete examples of what you do, who you help, and what you like about it.
3. Describe the two or three "participation opportunities" students you are offering the students. Be sure to describe which part of the Great Commission (Matthew 28) your ministry/mission seems to fulfill.
4. Ask each student which opportunity sounds interesting to them, and "why." Accept any response.
Here are some suggested leaders to recruit and the kinds of "participation opportunities" they could offer the kids during the speed discussion. Adapt to your opportunities!
Leaders/Ministries to Recruit | Possible Participation Opportunities |
Worship | Ushering, reading, set up, clean up, acolyte, singing. Assist with a baptism or communion. |
Youth Group | Attend as their special guest. Help set up and explain a game. Bring snack. |
Facilities | Talk with leaders about building likes/dislikes. Help purchase or choose supplies for a classroom. Yard work. Plant flowers. |
Mission | Help with food collection. Make signs for upcoming event or posters promoting mission. Attend upcoming mission event. |
Nursery | Sign up to assist. Clean toys. Restock supplies. (You can go there right after class to help do some of these things.) |
Pastoral Care | Bring cookies to an older member who has been ill. Visit a nursing home with pastor and parent. Select and bring a video/book to a sick child. Sign a card for a sick student. |
Greeting, Welcoming Visitors | The "Greeter" shows kids how to greet others coming to their church, and how to spot and help new people trying to find a classroom or coming into their class for the very first time. |
Game (if time)
Split into two teams, one with all the leaders, the other with all the kids. Conduct this quick quiz game with the "WINNER" getting to clean up the food and drink table as an act of service.
- Have a student step forward and ask the leaders "what is this person's name?"
- Have a leader step forward and ask the students "what is this person's name?"
- Have a leader step forward and see if the kids can remember "what ministry or mission they work with."
- Have a student step forward and see if the leaders can remember someone unique which that student told them.
Ask the above four questions for most of your students and leaders (as many as you wish) and award 1 POINT for each correct answer.
Assignment Drawing
Have each student write their name on a card and place it in an OFFERING PLATE. (Note the significance of the plate to the students.)
One by one, have the leaders go to the bowl and draw out the name of a student, announcing their selection and then going to stand next to their student.
Assignment Meetings
Give each leader 2 to 3 minutes to talk with the students they drew about the various assignments they can offer the students. The leaders are to take notes, getting the names and phone numbers of the students, plus the students' participation preferences and availability. Have each leader give a card to their assigned students with their name and ministry/mission.
It is the responsibility of the leader to contact their students for follow through.
Remind all the leaders and students that they are to complete their service within the next week or two.
Teacher: Be sure to go get a copy of "who's assigned to who" and follow up with each leader the following week to see if they have followed through on their assignment.
Close with a group reading of Acts 1:8-11a, the Ascension.
State that "we are Christ's witnesses, the disciples Jesus has called to 'go' share his message of salvation, and to baptize, teach, and serve others. And like the angels told the disciples, we are not supposed to hear this call and just stand around looking in the sky. With the power of the Holy Spirit, we are supposed to get involved. And that's exactly what we're doing today. In the next few days, each leader will contact their student to make arrangements so that they can get involved in our church's ministry and mission. May God bless each one of us with as we enjoy our new friendships and serve our Lord."
Encourage leaders to stay or walk with their assigned student to meet parents.
Adaptation for Younger Children
Instead of the "Speed Discussion," recruit several leaders to come "get the class" and take them to a location(s) in the church where the kids can immediately help perform an act of service. Perhaps it is in the kitchen to help set up fellowship snacks, or go wipe down toys in the nursery, or set the table for Communion, or places flyers in the pews, or help sort the food pantry, etc etc.
Written by the Writing Team
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