Writing Team
Jesus and Nicodemus: How to See the Kingdom
Computer* Workshop
Summary of Activities
Students will view and create responses to a video clip of Jesus and Nicodemus. In particular, they will more closely examine Nicodemus' "seeker" point of view in the story as perhaps similar to their own, and what steps they can take to prepare and welcome God's life-changing, Kingdom-sight enabling Spirit.
*Presenting this Workshop
This lesson can be presented on one computer or in a computer lab. Notes have been provided for both approaches for using "Let's Talk" and "Kid Pix 4 or new 3D version," a drawing program, works better in a computer lab.
Key Verse: Jesus answered him, “Very truly, I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God without being GENNATHA ANOTHEN (born from above).” (John 3:4 NRSV)
Key Verse: ‘You must be born from above.’The wind (spirit) blows where it chooses..." (John 3:7-8 NRSV)
Scripture Notes:
Twice, Nicodemus asks Jesus saying, "How can...?" "How can a man be born a second time?" "How can this be?" Twice Jesus answers him, "(you must be) born of the Spirit."
No wonder Nicodemus was a bit confused! The passage is packed with words that have many synonyms, both literal and figurative meanings. "Born" can mean "birth" or "start" or "new" or "beginning" or created/recreated. The word in John's Greek is literally "genesis."
When Jesus says Nic must be "born from above" or "again" (lit. "from the top"), Nic is confused, so Jesus rephrases himself, saying, "born of water and Spirit," and then, simply, "born of the Spirit." (v8) This is not an easy concept to grasp, even for Nicodemus, a learned Pharisee. Perhaps that's why Jesus says it has to come from God above and isn't something we can "learn" our way into.
Lesson Objectives
See the Bible Background at for this set's complete list of objectives and discussion of the scripture.
Computer and Software Notes
The video clip comes from the "Gospel of John" video (Visual Bible). It can be viewed online by the teacher for the purposes of preview and shown in the classroom. If you don't have an internet connection in the classroom, you can purchase the DVD.
The lesson offers two software choices for students to respond with: Let's Talk and Kid Pix 4 for younger children. (See the ¹Tech Tips).
About the Video Clip
One of the good things about this video clip's production is they paraphrase some of the verses and concepts to make them more understandable. It shows Jesus in action, and not simply talking to Nicodemus. And it also presents a gentle Jesus and sympathetic Nicodemus -someone who was seeking to understand. This point of view is like our own.
About the Software
Let's Talk software provides an on-screen interface for the students to make their computer "talk out loud" to the rest of the class. It's a fun tool that rewards kids for responding to questions. Let's Talk software program is now available FREE OF CHARGE to download here at to the supporting members of Learn more!
Kid Pix 4 or the newer "3D" version software is more of an illustration program, which makes it better for non-literate students, however it does have "text to speech" capabilities of its own like Let's Talk. See the "options" section below in the lesson plan for tips on using these programs in a one-computer or multiple computer setting.
Preparation and Materials
- Read the Bible Background and scripture.
- Preview the Video Clip and Software (either Let's Talk or Kid Pix 4).
- See the Helpful Tech Article Links at the bottom of this lesson plan.
- Set up your computer(s). If you have a single computer, it is recommended that you plug it into a larger monitor or television for optimal viewing by 3 or more students.
Lesson Plan
Welcome your students and explain how today's lesson will unfold.
Place a stack of Bibles in front of your students, but don't let them touch them just yet. Go to the board and write the words "How to Read John 3:1-10 - A Bible Instruction Manual," ...then write "Step One." Ask your students to help you create an "instruction manual for reading the story of Jesus and Nicodemus in John 3. Write out the steps they provide, then test the instructions by following them. (For fun, if their instructions fail, fix it by adding a new instruction to the list and start over. For example, if they leave out "pick up a Bible" as the first step, don't let them pick up their Bibles!)
When you get to John 3, read the first 10 verses out loud.
Say: That passage sounds a bit complicated, doesn't it! What just happened? See what they come up with.
Say: In the story, Nicodemus, a very learned man and Pharisee, was just given a set of INSTRUCTIONS BY JESUS. What were Jesus' instructions for? (They were "how to" see and enter the Kingdom of God. Note that Nic twice asked "how to?" and that Jesus refined his answer three times, coming up with "you must be born of the Spirit." Remind them what the Kingdom is, and not to confuse it with the concept of "heaven.")
Ask: Why do you think Nicodemus was confused? (Interestingly, Jesus acted surprised that Nic didn't know, but then explains why he didn't know --because Nic was not yet born of the Spirit -empowered to see the Kingdom, to see from God's point of view.
Say: it's easier to SEE his confusion and understand Jesus if we watch a video clip of it.
Watch the Video Clip from the Gospel of John
Questions to Ask After the Clip:
Q1: What was Jesus' attitude towards Nicodemus? Was Jesus upset with the questions? Or that Nic didn't seem to know the answer? (Jesus isn't upset with us either.)
Q2: What was Nicodemus' attitude towards Jesus? Was he offended by Jesus? Or genuinely trying to understand? (No, Nic was being honest. He was trying. He was trying to seek answers.)
Q3: What do you think happened to Nicodemus afterward? (We know he joined Joseph of Arimathea in asking for Christ's body and brought spices to embalm it, so obviously, Nicodemus had begun to have an awakening, a birth.)
Respond with Software
If Using Kid Pix 4:
Set up: Kid Pix 4 is more of an illustration program, which makes it better for non-literate students and a multi-computer lab, however it does have "text to speech" capabilities of its own like Let's Talk.
Older Children using Kid Pix 4:
Create a set of instructions - "How to Prepare Yourself to be Born of the Spirit" - in Kid Pix 4.
Instruction #1 could be: "Want to be born of the Spirit!"
Instruction #2 could be: "Go ask Jesus and listen!"
Instruction #3: Things you can do to invite the Spirit into your life: a.b.c
*Re: "Prepare" ....Remind students that Jesus says the Spirit blows where it wants to, which means God decides to lift us up to see the Kingdom. It is "spiritual sight" that only God can give.
Tell them to draw Jesus and Nicodemus at night talking to each other, and to leave plenty of room for the "list" in the frame.
Have children go around and view each other's work. Click on the play button (green arrow) and the computer will read their text out loud.
Younger Children using Kid Pix 4:
Have non-readers illustrate one of two pictures: (1) Nicodemus talking to Jesus at night, or (2) The Spirit opening the student's eyes. Encourage them to think about using darkness and light, and the metaphors of sight and blindness. Print their creations for sharing, if you have a printer, or have the children go around and view each other's work.
Extra Time: After they have finished their picture and saved it, turn on the Small Kid's Mode for little ones, which will give them letters they can drag onto the screen and with assistance spell out word(s) such as Nicodemus, Jesus, Spirit, etc. Slightly older children can type their word(s) without assistance.
Note: you will need to turn off the Small Kid's Mode in order for the Save feature to work. Also, the read-aloud feature does not work on the Small Kid's Mode letters.
Tip: When using Kid Pix 4, have all students save their pictures at the beginning and give them a name. Then as they are adding to it, keep resaving it. There is an undo button, but it only goes back one step. This saves a student's disappointment if he accidentally hits delete or wishes to redo his steps since he last saved it.
About Using Let's Talk
Set up: If you have several computer stations, have the students use the "Talk Now" module. If you have ONE computer for the entire class, turn on the "Conversation Module."
Description: "Talk Now" and "Conversation Now" are two of Let's Talk's discussion templates. In "Talk Now," students design an onscreen character and type text in a field which their character can say out loud to the class when they are prompted by the teacher to press "talk." "Conversation Now" is similar but is set up like a "chat screen," where you can put Jesus on one side, and Nicodemus or another character on the right side of the screen -then take turns typing for a character and pressing "play" to make the character speak.
Screenshot of the Conversation Now Message Window in Let's Talk
Instructions/Question if Using the Conversation Now Module
Conversation Now works great when you are using Let's Talk on just one computer and a large screen with the entire class. In advance, open the Conversation Now module and create two characters, one named Nicodemus, and the other named Jesus. They will appear side by side in a "chat" message window. Assign students to come forward and type responses to the things you will type as Jesus or Nicodemus.
At first, the teacher assumes the role of Jesus. Later, the teacher will assume the role of Nicodemus to ask Jesus (kids) the questions!Questions to stoke the Conversation Now discussion:
Teacher-as-Jesus: Start off by typing as Jesus, asking Nicodemus why he's come to visit you at night. Mention you've been available every day in public, at the Temple. Ask him why he hasn't wanted to talk to him then!
When Nic responds, push him on his answer. Nic should answer "to see the Kingdom" or "to see if you really are the Messiah." If he doesn't, suggest some answers.
Teacher-as-Jesus: Remembering what Jesus said in John, you need to quote Jesus. Tell Nic he can't "see" unless he is born from above. Then ASK Nic if he knows what "born from above" means.
When Nic responds, push him on that answer. Let different students take a crack at answering Jesus' question.
Teacher-as-Nicodemus: "Jesus, what do you mean I must be born of water and spirit?" Have the kids take turns responding as Jesus. Nic can stay "confused" and ask follow up questions. (The point is to draw your kids into conversation.)
Teacher-as-Nicodemus: What can I do to get ready for the Spirit? Let various students respond with ideas.
Instructions/Questions if Using the "Talk Now" Module
The teacher will use a technique described as "Stand and Deliver" in the Let's Talk teaching materials (from Sunday Software). With students grouped at workstations, the teacher stands in the middle of the room and delivers a question, then gives students 2 to 3 minute to create a response in Talk Now module. Then, one by one, the students playback their response, the teacher makes observations and then delivers the next question.
Questions for Talk Now:
1. Nicodemus? Why are you coming to me at night? During the day I have been in public and in the Temple? What are you afraid of?
2. Describe the Jesus' Kingdom. What's it like? And why would someone want to be part of it?
3. How can Nicodemus "see" the Kingdom he is trying to find? What does Jesus tell him?
4. What are some things YOU and your friends here are doing to prepare yourselves to be part of God's Kingdom and be lifted up by God's Spirit?
Final Sharing
Remind students that God's Spirit isn't something they can earn. Nicodemus the Pharisee thought he could "see" the King and his Kingdom by learning everything he could about scripture and worshipping what he thought was "the right way." Even though we've made "instruction manuals," we are only using them to keep our minds and hearts open to the presence of God which Jesus says comes and goes. What we know is that we need to put ourselves in PLACES and an ATTITUDE that the Spirit loves to be: worship, prayer, serving others, being humble, not being selfish, being hungry for righteousness, being peacemakers (in other words, all those Beatitudes!).
Primarily, having our heart's eyes open is a gift we can ask for! We ask with our words, and our humility, and our worship, and by God seeing us in service to others.
Finish with one of these motivational music videos on your computer:
A young blind boy sings, "Open the Eyes of My Heart, Lord."
The juxtaposition of his actual blindness with what he's singing about will help SEAR IN the lesson point that "seeing Jesus and his Kingdom" is not merely something we see with our eyeballs.
And if you love that song, be sure to watch Paul Baloche's "Open the Eyes of My Heart, Lord" with lyrics as sung by DeAngelo Gardner. Prepare to love it.
These are both online on YouTube. if you don't have online access in the classroom, see the links below for how to download them and put them on your computer.
For Younger Students: see notes under Younger Children using Kid Pix 4 above.
¹Tech Tips
Kid Pix 4 (now out of print) has been a very popular software program in many Bible computer labs because of its usefulness with a wide range of subjects. If you don't already have Kid Pix 4, and have Windows 8 and 10 computers, you will need to buy Kid Pix 3D see here for details where to purchase.
When using Let's Talk, be sure to consult its teaching guide found here to be sure you have all the "voices" installed, and understand how to work the character building buttons.
Helpful Video Tech Articles at
- How to download a YouTube video for viewing offline
- How to connect your iPhone, Tablet, Laptop, or DVD Player to a TV or LCD Projector
- How to connect your laptop or tablet to the internet using your cellphone's "hotspot" capabilities
- How to "cast" your browser's content wirelessly to your SmartTV
Written by the Writing Team
From a lesson concept by Neil MacQueen
Graphics from Sunday Software used with permission.
Kid Pix 4 graphics used for educational purposes only.
Copyright 2017, Inc.