Jesus Feeds the 5000 Writing Team
Computer Software Options
Options for This Computer Workshop:
This lesson has two software options to choose from. Your choice may depend on the amount of time you have, the age of your students, and software & computer availability:
Lesson Option1: Uses the "5 Loaves ~ 2 Fishes" software --a game-like retelling of the story with life application in it. (Seen below in this post.)
Lesson Option 2: Uses the "Cal and Marty's Scripture Memory Game" software with a follow-up discussion that focuses on the story's key scriptures. (Seen below in the second post , found directly below this one.)
Note: Both software are FREE to supporting members, Learn more here!
If you have more than one class-time for computer use, you can use both software options, or use the second scripture memory option as a scripture refresher at some later time.
In addition to software choices, the following lesson plans contain notes for using the software either in a "lab" option (more than 1 computer) or "single computer teacher-led" option.
Jesus Feeds the 5000 Writing Team
Computer Workshop ~ "5 Loaves - 2 Fishes" Software Option
Computer "Lab" or Presentation to a Group
Scripture for the Lesson
John 6:1-15 (NIV)
Here are the four key verses referenced in both software programs. Lesson 2 which uses the scripture memory software will focus on remembering all four:
- “Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many?” (John 6:9).
- "Jesus took the bread, gave thanks to God, and distributed it to the people who were sitting there. He did the same with the fish, and they all had as much as they wanted." (John 6:11 NIV)
- "Seeing this miracle that Jesus had performed, the people there said, “Surely this is the Prophet who was to come into the world!” (John 6:14 NIV)
- "I am the Bread of Life." (John 6:35 NIV)
Lesson Objectives
See the Bible Background at for this set's complete list of objectives and important insights into the story's content and meaning.
Preparation and Materials
- Read the Bible Background and scripture.
- Download the "5 Loves - 2 Fishes" software (Sunday Software).
- Print the teacher's software guide attached to this lessons for helps and hints. and play through the entire game ahead of time so you know how to help your students.
- A toaster.
- A loaf of Bread, (including a gluten-free bread option).
- Spreadable butter (optional).
- Honey (or pre-made honey butter).
- Spreading knives, plates.
- Hand-wipe (so you don't get honey on the keyboard).
- A table away from computers with toast supplies.
- Two baskets, one with a few scraps of bread, the other full of slices along with this large printable "I AM" graphic attached to this lesson. Cover both baskets with a towel.
Lesson Plan for the "5 Loaves" Software
Description of the "5 Loaves ~ 2 Fishes" story-game software:
The "5 Loaves ~ 2 Fishes" software has your students navigating through the story as if they were the small boy. They are introduced to the story by Peter, then they must find and convince their Uncle Reuben why he should go hear Jesus because he might be the One! After finding and bringing the loaves and fishes to Jesus, your players hear him teach then experience the miracle and help collect the baskets. Jesus blesses and commissions them, then they hear from Uncle Reuben whose heart has been changed by the experience. They can then go out on the boat to discover a story quiz and music video that reinforces the meaning of the story. The game is moderately challenging, so it is important that the teacher knows how to help the players advance.
Computer Presentation Options:
"5 Loaves ~ 2 Fishes" can be played by 2 or 3 students per computer workstation (with a helper by their side), or it can be "presented" using one computer by the teacher who invites students to step forward and navigate through each section (best for grades K-2). That computer can also be connected to a projector or larger monitor/tv.
The game has numerous places to pause and listen, then respond. It also contains some built-in discussion questions. It takes about 25-30 minutes to complete—but can be shortened to 20 minutes if you show them what to do (such as where to find Uncle Reuben and where the bread and fish are located).
Opening "Toast Time" (5 minutes)
Away from the computers have a table surrounded by chairs, set with toaster, supplies and hand wipes, as they will need to wipe their hands before moving to the computers.
As your students arrive, invite them to toast some bread and spread it with butter and/or drizzle a small amount of honey on it as they take their places.
Welcome your students and as they munch on their toast, explain what they'll be doing and learning in today's lesson.
Ask them how the church uses bread to symbolize our need for Jesus and the way Jesus "feeds" us (Communion, breaking bread together in fellowship). Note that "honey" is also a symbol for God's "sweet" word (Psalm 119:103) and the good life that God wants to give us ("land flowing with milk and honey" Exodus 3:8).
BIBLE STUDY: Reading and Discussing John 6:1-15
Options for the Bible Study
- If you have less than 40 minutes of class time, you need to get started into the "5 Loaves" software as soon as possible. Read through the story from your Bibles during the Opening Toast Time and jump to step 4 below before starting in the software.
- If you have 45+ minutes follow steps 1 - 4 below.
1. Start the study by setting the scene. Jesus is tired and seeking alone time.
- Does that surprise you to think of Jesus that way? Have you ever felt like that?
- What did Jesus do to try to rest and restore?
- What does it say about him that he didn't send the crowd away?
2. Introduce these next two questions saying that you will ask for answers after they read the story. Write them on the board for all to see.
1. Why did the crowds seek Jesus? and Why do YOU seek him?
2. After Jesus had spent time teaching the people, what did he want them to know about him? (What do you know and believe about him?)
3. Read John 6:1-15. Depending on reader ability, assign sections or read together.
4. After the Reading:
Ask the two questions you began the Bible study with. (Why did the crowds seek? And ask why do you (the student) seek Jesus? -- What do you want to know about him?
Ask: Have you ever sought Jesus like the crowds did that day? (How do we seek Jesus out today?)
Let's vote: What part of the crowd are you in? ----are you "curious" about Jesus --- or are actively seeking to know him? Or do you feel like you're just being dragged into the wilderness by a parent? (Discuss: What are you curious about? What are you actively doing or not doing to seek Jesus? Why do you think your parent "drags" you to meet Jesus?)
Voting Tip: Have students write-out their votes on slips of paper to avoid some simply "voting like their friends did."
Computer Time
Using "5 Loaves - 2 Fish" software
Before moving to the computers from your Opening Toast and Study, pass around some hand wipes.
Keep in mind that "5 Loaves" software will take upwards of 25 minutes to complete and includes its own scriptural elements, discussion questions, and quiz questions. If needed, you can speed up the game time by helping students quickly complete certain tasks, or by taking over the navigation at challenging parts of the game. See the software guide for help.
- Have students play the "5 Loaves" software. It begins with Peter and you (the player) on a boat headed to Bethsaida where the Feeding of the 5000 takes place. You'll soon dock and Peter will give you instructions. "What to do next" instructions are spoken by the characters or by onscreen prompts.
Watch your time and help students with "directional challenges" in the game to keep them moving along. Consult the printable Guide attached to this lesson for helps and hints.
- Listen carefully to what Jesus is teaching the crowd, and then what he says after the miracles. Then listen to how the experience changes Reuben before you take the boat out again where you will encounter a story-quiz and music reflection video.
- At the end of the program, there's an optional discussion panel with questions. Those questions are printed in the Teacher's Guide as well.
Closing: "Basket Visualization"
The following props and demonstration are designed to help you visually illustrate several key takeaways. A "miracle" literally means "a sign" in the Bible, and the visible miracle Jesus performed with the baskets was his way of revealing his true identity to the crowd he had been teaching. They are also a visible sign to us of an invisible truth. (For more about this point, be sure to read the Bible Background.)
Basket Prep: In one basket, place only two scraps of bread. In the other, place several full slices of bread along with the printed graphic "I AM" sign. Cover both with a towel so the students can't yet see what's in them. (You can assign these speaking parts to students if you wish.)
First, lift the first basket of bread scraps into the air and slowly lower it as you say, "Some people think that spending time with Jesus is just a long morning in the wilderness, ...not very exciting, blah blah blah, see some friends, do a lot of sitting around, and can't wait to go home and start your Sunday. Is that what your Sunday with Jesus is like? Does it feel like just some scraps of bread to you?” (SHOW THE BREAD SCRAPS)
Then, lift the second basket into the air and slowly lower it until you finally reveal the SIGN you have placed in the basket. As you lower it slowly, say: "To other people, spending time with Jesus is like sitting at a feast—a place where they know they will be filled up with his Spirit, comfort, and guidance. An eye-opening miracle that tells them Jesus is with them and is ready to FEED and LEAD them.
“So my question to you today is which basket do you see today? One full of scraps, or one full of bread telling you that Jesus is the One sent TO YOU from God to save your life, and LEAD and FEED you?”
(You may at this point ask each student this question, then close with a prayer that Jesus would open our eyes and hearts to his presence and purpose.)
For Younger Students:
Early readers will need navigational help and hints with the 5 Loaves software. Show them how to get up the bales of straw to find the fish and loaves (to speed up their game time).
For those with less class time:
In the 5 Loaves software tell them where to find Reuben and the bread and fish. You can skip the music-video on the boat and discuss only one or two questions on the discussion panel seen at the end of the game.
For those with more class time:
In the 5 Loaves software, at the end of the game, be sure to first take the story quiz out on the boat and then lastly look at the discussion panel.
Be sure to make the connection which John makes in 6:35 after the Feeding story—that Jesus called himself "the Bread of Life." Discuss the implications of understanding Jesus as the One who nourishes us. How are we fed? What does it mean to "keep being hungry" for the things of God? What happens when we don't feast on the things of God? Moving forward beyond the crowd, how do we share the sign and message of Christ with others?
Sending the "I AM" sign home with your students:
Print additional copies of the "I AM" sign graphic so students can take it home. You might even use spray glue or modge-podge to fix it to foamboard then attach a hanger so that it can continue to be seen and thought about in the student's home.
Written by Neil MacQueen and the Writing Team
Copyright 2019, Inc.