Writing Team
Jesus the Boy in the Temple
Video Workshop
Rather than posting a lesson plan for this workshop, we are posting several video options and ideas. There is no one "go to" video --but there are several interesting choices. We have also posted a "Make a Video" lesson concept that is appropriate for your older students.
Your thoughts and suggestions are welcome. Click reply below!
Video Options
(1) For younger children, "Jesus at 12 in the Temple," --a 3 minute clip called "Where is Jesus (Jesus with the Temple Teachers)" found on the "Read and Share Bible DVD Volume 4", from Tommy Nelson. A full preview clip can be viewed on Youtube at -from the Tommy Nelson Read & Share videos.
(2) For Ages 5-11, "The Young Jesus," aka, "Boy Jesus in the Temple." See source notes below.
See outline below. There's a 24 minute lower resolution version posted for preview on YouTube at
The video depicts Jesus the boy interacting with a friend and his parents, and interacting/visiting the Temple during Passover. It includes much that's not in the scripture, but deserves credit for trying to portray what the full story might have been. The last four minutes of the video is a "Bible Lesson" explaining more about Jesus as a boy, with some interesting animation and graphics about the Temple. These last few minutes may be suitable for some older children and lesson needs.
This is a 1990's era animated movie, originally made by an Italian production company for world-wide distribution. It will appeal to many. In America, it was also published in the video series, "A Kingdom without Frontiers." It was later retitled/repackaged on DVD as, The Young Jesus in the "New Testament Bible Stories Series" distributed by Under God's Rainbow, 9781587105296. (We're providing this info so you can find it/purchase it online. Christian Book Distributors had it in 2016.)
Outline to the Video: "Boy Jesus In The Temple"
(aka "The Young Jesus," 30 minutes)
Land of Egypt
Angel Tells Joseph it is safe to go home
Traveling Home
Jesus In School
Jesus tames a wild donkey
Jesus finds his friend Simon
Jesus Helps His Father
Trip to Jerusalem to Temple
Bath in the pool
In the temple
Jesus Is Missing
Jesus if Found with the teachers
Jesus teaches the teachers
Concludes with a 3-4 minute tutorial that summarizes & frames the program within its scriptural & historical context (discusses Temple for one thing).
(3) For ages 4-11, "Jesus, The Son of God" from Nest Videos.
Only the first approx. fourteen minutes covers the story of Jesus the boy in the Temple. The second half of the video covers his temptation in the wilderness.
Outline: Jesus, Son of God DVD.
The following are the DVD's chapters pertaining to the Boy Jesus story.
- The Passover Trip
Jesus Helps His Father
Trip to Jerusalem to Temple
Marketplace - Wise Words Spoken at the Temple
In the temple
Offers lamb as sacrifice
Jesus shows his wisdom - Lost for Three Days
Jesus Is Missing
Jesus if Found with the teachers - Jesus Teaches the Elders
Jesus teaches the teachers
Jesus helps his father - The Light of Heaven (Optional) Time 11:07 to 13:45
Song: The Light of Heaven plays and during the song you see Jesus growing from a child to an adult, ending after a glimpse of his baptism.
There is a 64-page activity book for this DVD, free download at Nest's website.
Quizzes on DVD (suggest skip Clip questions)
Quiz 1 – Temptation Story (Samuel Child Clip).
Quiz 2 – mostly Jesus is Missing Story (Other Joseph Clip). Do this quiz only for Jesus the Boy in the Temple story.
Quiz 3 – Temptation Story (Greatest is The Least Video Clip).
DVD Outlines provided by member Luanne Payne. Thanks Luanne!
After reading the story of Jesus the Boy in the Temple...
1. Project: Make Videos of "Jesus at Your Church"
Students create and videotape Jesus in several scenarios. None of the characters read from a script, but rather, act. An off-camera voice says what needs to be said. What the off-camera voice says is discussed/decided upon ahead of time by the students. The Jesus character is always dressed in a robe, and can be older-bearded Jesus, or young Jesus.
Possible Scenarios to Discuss, Stage, and then Record:
a. I'm on my phone in worship. Jesus is paying attention and concerned about me. (Why does Jesus WANT to pay attention? The voiceover will tell us why. What does Jesus think is important?)
b. I'm rolling my eyes at my parents when they try to control me. Jesus is happy to be with his mother Mary and Joseph. (Why is Jesus comfortable worshiping in front of his parents? The voiceover will tell us why.)
c. Jesus tries to introduce himself to me, but I'm only hanging with my friends. (The voiceover will tell us what Jesus is probably thinking about us.)
d. Jesus doesn't want to get out of bed and ready for worship, but then thinks about all the reasons he should, and gets up. Cut to another kid who doesn't want to get up for church, and comes up with lame reasons why worshiping is no big deal. (The off-camera voice says what Jesus and the other person are thinking while they sit there in bed looking like they are thinking.)
e. We see the back of Jesus as he enters a Sunday School classroom out of control (and some asleep). We hear a voiceover about what Jesus is probably thinking, and then Jesus turns to the camera with a tear and sad face (a la the famous "Iron Eyes Cody" crying Indian commercial).
f. We see a student explaining to his dad WHY he needs a ride to get to church. As the student gets in the car, she sees Jesus giving her the thumbs-up. (The voiceover does the talking for the student and dad.)
2. Project: "Why Am I in My Father's House Today?"
Split into groups, giving each group a cellphone that takes video. Send each group to a different location with these instructions: "You have 10 minutes to make a 2 minute video of people telling you "Why they are in their Father's House today."
Ahead of time: Arrange for the locations/people to videotape ahead of time. For example, tell an adult Bible study that the students will be coming. Have the students walk up with the camera to each adult and ask them the question. Tell the adults that their answers have to be ONE sentence. Suggested people to ask: Adult Group. Pastor, Someone in the Kitchen, A Teacher, etc. Suggest that the adults stand in the background rather than lead this video excursion.
Return, view what they videotaped, and discuss.
Other possible questions to videotape:
What do you do when you don't feel like coming to church?
How many years have you been getting up on Sunday morning to go to church?