
(WT) Kingdom Parables - Additional Resources and Media Writing Team

Kingdom Parables: Seed, Leaven, Treasure, Pearl

Additional Resources & Ideas

The following resources can be used to enhance the lessons in the Rotation set “Kingdom Parables."

Additional Resources for Teaching the Kingdom Parables

Adult Bible Study

  • For adult study: The Modern Parables: a DVD-based curriculum on 6 different parables with a study book and a leader's guide. Lessons 1 and 2 are about the "Hidden Treasure" and can be downloaded separately, search for Hidden Treasure on Compass Classroom's website
  • DVD "The Parables of Jesus", Vision Video, 9785558515954.   Lesson 3 is "The Treasure and the Pearl.  Just search for The Parables of Jesus DVD at  A free downloadable PDF study guide can be found under resources (beside description) which has questions to ask before viewing, questions for discussion after viewing, and notes from the director.
    Review:  It is appropriate for families and could be used in an intergenerational setting.  The Hidden Treasure and Pearl are told together; the segment lasted about 8 minutes.  The parable is introduced by a gentleman, then it goes into a dramatic presentation, with the action being narrated.
  • Devotional series "The Kingdom Is Like ..." from Link (Select "2014" "July" and each entry for July 21 through July 27.


  • Charlie Churchmouse #3 (Early Elementary Edition) - Pearl of Great Price (ages 5-9). Out of Print, but many rotation churches have it.
    The Pearl of Great Price-Learn about the merchant looking for pearls from Jesus' parable. Once you find the most beautiful pearl you've ever seen you sell all your possessions and have to buy objects to trade for it. This story teaches you about money and giving the right amount of change. As you adjust the difficulty level the amount of change needed to purchase items increases.


Mustard Seed

  • There are recipes to make your own mustard, either by soaking mustard seeds or using mustard powder and mixing or grinding into consistency.  Mortar and pestle, food processors...different styles of old and new technology in the kitchen?  Mustard tasting? Pretzels, little cocktail sausages? Birds nests made with chow mein noodles and honey?


  • There are many quick yeast recipes and ones including barley.  Monks baked brown barley bread (leaving out the authentic detail of including ale in their recipes!) There's a recipe including Grape Nuts cereal which includes barley.

    Making two recipes could be powerful, showing one mixture without yeast and comparing another mixture WITH yeast.  There's an awesome lesson on, on menu bar click on COLCM Blog, then select February 2012, Parable of the Leaven which teaches "I wonder how the kingdom of God could be like the yeast in the flour.  Yeast cannot be taken out.  Yet the yeast transformed.  The unstoppable expansion of the Kingdom of God - it's taking place!"


Creative Writing / Journaling

  • have children take each of the four parables and re-write their own "Kingdom Parables": using items (things) that would relate to kids, their age, today.
  • Kids CREATE their own "the Kingdom of God is like...."  parables.


What is a Diorama Workshop - look in "Workshop Design & Resources" - under "OTHER Workshop Concepts" link.  


Collect and Package "home supplies" and "safety supplies" for a local shelter as a response to the Kingdom of God being like a seed that grows into a tree that provides safe shelter to birds.


  • The Rend Collective's song "Build Your Kingdom Here" applies to this topic!  The whole song may be too much for elementary age, but the chorus could work!  Older elementary could read through the lyrics, even one verse,  and discuss the meaning on their level.
    Drums, boom whackers, etc kids love to play along to the beat.
  • Hymn - "Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God".  Chimes or hand bells for this song could be fun!
  • Hymn - "Open My Eyes".  Combine Music with Art - children could illustrate each verse, and connect it to one of the parables.
  • Donut Man - website link
       - Bible Parables CD: Includes songs:  "Parable"; "The Pearl: We Are God's Treasure"; and "The Yeast".
       - King of Kings CD:  Includes songs:  "We are the Children of the King"; and "He is the King of Kings".
  • YOUTUBE - Song - Parable of the Pearl - with cartoon graphics and lyrics on screen (1:53)


  • Beyond Words Vol. 2, by: Todd Liebenow, Dave Privett, Liz VonSeggen; One Way Street, 2003, 9781583022283.
    Contains 5 wordless puppet scripts, one of which is "The Pearl of Great Price".  I'm only including the following link as they have a short audio demo you can check out at just search for book.  Book includes CD with all sound effects and music.

Story Bibles (that include the parables)

  • The Beginner's Bible, Zondervan, 1998, 9780310926108.
      - A Tiny Seed and a Big Tree (includes Yeast) - Page 349 - 353.
      - The Treasure and the Pearl - Page 358 -362.
    (Note:  this book was updated in 2005 (9780310709626) and they REMOVED  both of these stories so look for the 1998 version only)
  • The Children's Bible in 365 Stories, by Mary Batchelor, Lion Children's, 1995, 9780745930688.
      - Making Bread -Page 309 (Story #271).
      - Finding Treasure (includes Pearl) - Page 310-311.

Story BooksThe Lion First Book of Parables

  • The Lion First Book of Parables, by Lois Rock, Lion Children's, 9780745964096. Includes stories: "The Hidden Treasure"; "The Finest Pearl in the World"; and "The Mustard Seed."
  • The Lion Book of Two-Minute Parables, by Elena Pasquali, Lion Children's, 2012, 9780745962016. Includes story: "The Merchant and the Pearl"
  • Favorite Parables from the Bible: Stories Jesus Told, by Nick Butterworth, Zonderkidz, 2012, 978031074322.
    Includes story of: "The Precious Pearl"
  • The storybook "Once Upon a Parable - Timeless Stories about God's Kingdom" by Mack Thomas, Multnomah, 1995, 9780880707466.  Out of Print, check for used or new copies on-line.
    Is a wonderful book that puts the parables into a modern day context.  I used "The Sower"  (about a farmer planting seeds) for Rally Day; the "Good Neighbor" (Good Samaritan) took me by surprise.  It includes "Pearl Beyond Price" and "Hidden Treasure", which would go with this lesson set. [note provided by Julie Burton]
  • Seven Blind Mice by Ed Young. A retelling of the famous "7 Blind men and the Elephant" parable referenced in this lesson set's Drama Workshop. Award winning book.


  • Parables play an important role in the Christian education process called "Godly Play" by its developer, Jerome Berryman. Berryman's parable lessons appear in The Complete Guide to Godly Play, volume 3, Jerome W. Berryman, Morehouse Education Resources, 2002. 9781889108971
    Lessons 9, 10, 11 and 12 are the parables of the Great Pearl, the Sower, the Leaven, and the Mustard Seed. Berryman uses two-dimensional props stored in gold boxes to help tell the parables. (Godly Play props for Bible stories are all three-dimensional.) Enrichment Lessons: “Parable of Parables” uses nested boxes to explore “What is really inside a parable?” “Parable of the Deep Well” uses golden threads as another approach to a parable. More information, training and resources are available through
    You can watch a trained Godly Play leader present a parable at this link. (12:43)   Parable of the Pearl
  • Sonja Stewart, an early collaborator of Jerome Berryman, also created similar resources for a book they wrote together, Young Children and Worship, Westminster John Knox Press, 1988 9780664250409. Her resources also include the Great Pearl, the Sower, the Leaven, and the Mustard Seed. Rorys Story Cubes
  • "Rory's Story Cubes" available at Walmart (in store) or Have the kids make up their own saying:  "The Kingdom of God is like..." using the story cubes.  Their are 9 Story Cubes, each with 6 images.  Each student would draw one story cube (from the storage box), roll it, and then use the image facing up to create his/her parable.  If the class is large, groups may be formed and each group could create a parable.
  • Large White Pearl Beads - 4 to 6 year old's love treasure hunts - hide them around the room, or bury them in a sandbox to find.  Oriental Trading has 14 to 16mm white plastic pearls $8 for 50.  If you can find bigger that would be even better.  Check thrift stores for fake chunky pearl necklaces and simple cut string!
  • Malcolm Mackinnon - visual bible storytelling talks done by Malcolm at Trinity Bible Church, Felton.
    - Parable of the Pearl (7:12)
    - Hidden Treasure (8:09) -
    - Mustard Seed (7:26) -
    WOW - I LOVED these and was as surprised as the kids when his picture images revealed hidden things:  hidden pictures and facial expressions/etc.!  (What a great idea for creating your own visual storytelling idea - enlarge a picture onto paper and create different facial expressions as he did using "Turn-A-Wheel", etc..)

Video (Movies)

  • Surprisingly, there aren't any good videos about these four parables for kids. The only one that comes close is "Matthew" from the Visual Bible, but Jesus just sits there and speaks the parables.

Video (You Tube)


  • A wonderful resource for "Worshiping with Children" is Carolyn Brown's blog, organized by the liturgical calendar. Link (scroll down to portion regarding Matthew 13).

Compiled by Luanne Payne (with contributions from all members of the Writing Team)

Copyright © 2014 by Updated 2017.
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Images (2)
  • The book: 'First Book of Parables'
  • Rorys Story Cubes
Last edited by Luanne Payne
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