
(WT) Parables of the Lost Sheep and Lost Coin ~ Lesson Summaries Writing Team

Parables of the Lost Sheep and Lost Coin

Lesson Summaries

All seven lessons feature a wide variety of creative teaching media, including art, songs, motion, games, fun demonstrations, and video.

All seven lessons have adaptations for younger and older students and shorter or longer class times.

Designed with the Rotation Model in mind, all seven lessons can easily be used by those taking a more traditional approach to Sunday school programming, too.

Writing Team Lesson Summaries and Bible Backgrounds are open to the public. The lesson plans themselves are accessible only by our amazing Supporting Members who make this website and ministry possible. Join today.

Scripture for this Lesson Set

Lost Sheep: Luke 15: 1-7
Lost Coin: Luke 15: 8-10

Key Verse: "Which one of you, having a hundred sheep and losing one of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness and go after the one that is lost until he finds it? When he has found it, he lays it on his shoulders and rejoices." Luke 15:4-5 (NRSVue)

Bible Background and Lesson Objectives

Read the Lost Sheep ~ Lost Coin Bible Background for teaching and personal insights into these stories that you can directly apply in the classroom.

Lessons & Resources in This Set

Coin Making Art Workshop

coin-smallStudents find and sort a set of "lost scripture coins," then emboss a special two-sided coin that doubles as a tool for praying!

Treasure Hunt Bible Skills and Games Workshop

After finding, assembling, and studying a set of Bible illustrations (specially modified and improved for this lesson), students go on a treasure hunt for the pieces of a "what separates us from God" Coins in a Cup demonstration that they will learn and be able to demonstrate at home.

Cal & Marty Scripture Software Workshop

Using the free Cal & Marty Scripture Memory software downloaded and then installed on one or multiple PCs, students will first study the parables and then create their own scripture scramble game and quiz.

Cup Games Memory Workshop

cup-smallStudents will see a lost & found ball and cup sleight-of-hand trick that illustrates the parables (with an option to learn how to perform the trick). Then they will play several scripture memory "cup stacking" games. The lesson plan includes options for early and non-readers!

Script-less Puppet Workshop

Sheep-sock-puppetStudents make their own sheep puppets, then learn and express the meaning of the parables through a set of fun puppet exercises that don't use a story script!

Movement and Song Workshop

LEAVESThis lesson uses a special motions & lyrics version of the popular contemporary song about Lost Sheep, "Reckless Love of God." Students then make and perform their own "Lost Coin" version of the song. The motions and lyrics are onscreen in the video for all to easily follow.

You Will Be Found - Video Workshop

Students begin with a lost & found game, enjoy a video of the two parables, view and discuss a superb music video of children singing "You Will Be Found," and conclude with a Lost Sheep version of "You've Got a Friend in Me" from Toy Story created by!

Additional Resources & Ideas

Our Writing Team always comes up with more great resources and ideas than they can fit in their lesson plans. These "additional resources" include more song options, graphics, children's books, and video clips we heartily recommend.

Lost Sheep ~ Lost Coin Writing Team Members:

Catherine Curtis, 1st Cong UCC, Glen Ellyn IL
Dena Kitchens, Brookhaven UMC, Atlanta GA
Dawn Parr, Liberty Pres, Powell OH
Neil MacQueen, (Lead Writer) 1st Pres, Westerville OH

Robin Stewart, FUMC, Athens GA

Carol Hulbert, 1st UMC, Ann Arbor MI
Amy Crane, Faith Presbyterian, Covington LA

We are contractually restrained from telling you how many years of Sunday School teaching and staff experience we have between us, but it's "a lot." Overseen by the Board and led by our lead writer Neil MacQueen, the Team strives to go the extra mile when it comes to creativity, level of detail, and theological integrity. Learn more about's Writing Team and check out the rest of its lesson sets.


Images (7)
  • Lost Sheep Writing Team Photo
  • Lost Sheep and Coin Video Workshop Graphic
  • Sock puppet
  • Embossed coin
  • Cup stacking
  • Leaves
  • Sheep sock puppet
Last edited by CreativeCarol
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