
(WT) Paul and the Bright Light ~ "Super Slo-Mo" Drama Workshop Writing Team

Paul and the Bright Light

A Slo-Mo and Fast-Mo Drama Workshop

Summary of Lesson Activities 

Students will videotape several short performances using a smartphone or tablet and then apply "slow or fast motion" to the clips using a free and easy to use Video App for smartphone or tablet. The performances include the Road to Damascus story, as well as, several brief skits that reflect on the life applying takeaway from the story. 

 This drama lesson takes "videotaping" your drama a step forward with some key benefits.  As you will see in the attached scripts (see attachment at end of lesson) we've created for this lesson, the onscreen actors are script free –which removes one of the preparation difficulties of doing drama in the workshop.  This lesson also introduces a "post-production" step to enhance the fun and meaning of the videos and scripts. Using the free Tempo Video App, you will quickly apply "slow" and "fast" motion effects that transform what would otherwise be a modest script and acting into something really fun and very memorable. 

 Why bother?
The Drama Workshop is one of the most important and challenging workshops in the Workshop Rotation Model. In the past, "drama" has meant "scripts" --and that's a problem for actors of any age, but especially early and non-readers. The following "off camera" reading removes that problem. Scripts also require a "clever" source of material and rehearsal time to make them interesting. But the "Slo & Fast Mo" techniques in this lesson (applied both to the video and the actors) takes the pressure off the actors because the "effects" make the content attractive and memorable.  Lastly, the techniques in this lesson can be used in MANY OTHER drama lessons. 


Acts 9:1-22, Saul/Paul on the Road to Damascus

Key Memory Verse: "So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: everything old has passed away; see, everything has become new!" 2 Corinthians 5:17 (NRSV)

Lesson Objectives

See the Bible Background at for this set's complete list of objectives. 

This "Slo Mo" Drama lesson also has the objective of creating videos your kids can SHARE with friends and family (sharing the message is also what Paul did). See suggestions below.

The Videos

Using a smartphone or tablet, you and your students will perform and record 3 short videos of the Acts 9 story of Saul's Conversion, and then also perform and record one or more "life application" skits. The details for all these videos, and how to "shoot them" are found in the Paul-Scripts-Doc attached to this lesson.

The fun twist on the videos is that you will apply special effects to them after you have videotaped them.

  1. You shoot a video on your smartphone or tablet like you always do at normal speed.

  2. Then as you play it back in the app, you press buttons labeled "Slowest, Slow, Normal, Fast, or Fastest" in Tempo, or use the speed slider in InstaEdit to adjust the speed of the video (and it's sound speed).

  3.  Save, View, Laugh, and Discuss!

About Slo Mo Video Apps

Apps come and go. When we first did this lesson we used one app, but it soon went out of date and was removed from the App Store. But no worries!  More free apps are always coming out, especially for applying special effects to video such as "Slo Mo." 

Just type "Slo Motion" or "slow motion" in the Search field of iPhone's App Store or the Google Play Store. Most are totally free and easy to use.

We recently download Slo Motion Video FX (available at Apple and Google). Like many of these apps you simply open up a video clip and move a slider to make it go slower or faster, then save it. Quite easy and fun.

Videotaping Tip  

It would be a really great idea to have at least TWO smartphones or tablets for this lesson so that you can have two groups working independently at the same time on the various videos. 

Don't feel "proficient" in videotaping or using apps on a smartphone or tablet? Ask a young parent or teenager for help!

Preparation and Materials

  • Read the Bible Background and lesson plan.
  • Print copies of the Paul Scripts (attached .docx file).
  • Smartphones or tablets with a free "Slow Motion" (and maybe a fast motion) Video App installed. (Having at least two cellphones with the apps installed will be really helpful and speed up the process -giving you more time to comment.)
  • Extra helpers. An extroverted teenager or two would be a blessing, especially in manipulating the app and helping the kids act in the skits.
  • Practice making videos with the app, and getting used to applying slow and fast to a single video then saving it. (See the tech notes in the attached "app-tips" doc.)
  • Have a screen you can connect your phone or tablet to for class viewing.
  • Something to represent the "bright light" in your skits, such as, a bright flashlight.
  • Something to represent scales over eyes.

Lesson Plan

This lesson plan does not have a traditional "Now Read the Bible" step because the first three videos ARE the Acts 9 story both heard and acted out.

It does not have a traditional "Reflection" step because the skit videos take you into life application. The teacher should comment and provide insights during and after the videotaping process. (The Bible Background is a great source of "what you might say.")

Watch your time, and if at all possible, assign script and skits to different groups.

Here are this lesson's four steps:

  1. Make all 3 of the short scripture clips depicting the Acts 9 story.

  2. Make 1 or more of the "life application" skit video clips.

  3. Viewing and Discussion Party!

  4. Share your best videos with the congregation (see notes about "how")

During, between, and after making the videos is prime teaching time. The "skits" themselves will make their own strong point that doesn't need a speech, especailly when they are shared and remembered.

This lesson plan purposely does not prescribe what to "now say...." or "now ask..."   Instead, it recognizes that the creative process of this lesson presents many teaching opportunities, and that not all teaching is "Q & A" based!  

In a Rotation Sunday School, you will do this lesson plan more than one time. You will get to do it several weeks in a row with different grades or groups each week. This lesson will really bloom in the Rotation Model. I recommend starting with the YOUNGER grades so the Drama Workshop teacher can practice on them!  Extra helpers will come in handy too. 


Because the scripture and skit videos don't require on-camera actors to speak lines, you can have "reader-helpers" read all the parts from the scripts off-camera. Add costumes for the younger ones to help them enjoy playing a bit more.

Larger groups can work independent from each other IF you have several smaartphones or tablets available with the installed free Tempo app.  Be sure people bring their charging cords!

A Non-App Slo-Mo and Fast Mo Option:  Have actors "simulate" moving slow or fast, speaking slow/fast in low/high voices without the app. Not as fun as the video app, but do-able.

Uploading = Sharing = What Paul did after he believed !

One of the neatest thing about making videos like these on your smartphone or tablet is that they can be uploaded to the church's website, or Youtube, or the teacher's Facebook page.  Once posted, other members can link to them, and students can access them from home to show their friends and family. This really isn't just a suggestion, SHARING is part of the lesson (Step 4 above). Sharing is the first thing Paul did when he believed: he shared with the disciples, and then went to the synagogue to share the good news. By videotaping with a smartphone or tablet, you are a short step away from uploading what the kids have created for many others to see.

Important Note About the Tempo Video App

As mentioned, the Tempo app by Fly Labs has been acquired by Google and the slo mo features will be appearing in Google Photo in the future. 

In the meantime, use the InstaEditHD app by CREATELEX LLC, and available on your iTunes store. It works pretty much the same way as Tempo.

Smartphones and tablets have become the defacto "video camera" for today's generation. Many of your students will be quite familiar with making videos on their devices, and how to "share" them via Youtube and Facebook. These video apps simply allow you to apply "slow and fast" speeds to your videos "on the fly" ... and that's where the learning magic is.

Written for the Writing Team by Neil MacQueen
Copyright 2016, Inc.

 If you have questions about the tech or content in this lesson, please REPLY below.


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Last edited by CathyWalz
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