
(WT) Pentecost: Wind, Fire, Faith! ~ Video Workshop Writing Team

Pentecost: Wind, Fire, Faith!

Video Workshop

Summary of Activitiesdvd11

Students will view and discuss several chapters from Episode 1 in the "What's in the Bible? DVD #11: Spread the News",  and finish with a reflection activity that gives them an easy way to begin sharing the good news with someone.

Scripture for the Lessons

Acts 2:1-8, 12-18, 36-47 ~ the story of Pentecost
(Teachers should read the entire story Acts 1:1-2:41)

Key/Memory Verse
"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” -- Acts 1:8 (NRSV)

Lesson Objectives

See the Bible Background at for this set's complete list of objectives, and lots of great "ways to explain this story" to your kids.

Preparation and Materials

  • Read Bible Background and scripture.
  • Print the Outline to the DVD.
  • Preview Episode 1 from DVD #11 in the "What's in the Bible?" series.
  • Set up your DVD player and projector or tv.
  • Get index cards and pens for each student.
  • Check your popcorn supplies!

Lesson Plan


Welcome your students and introduce today's lesson activities.

Write the following three questions on the board.

  1. Witness to what?
  2. Witness to whom?
  3. Witness how?

    Ask them what a "witness" is and then tell them that you will ask them for the answers to these questions after they view the video.

Munch & View

Munch on some popcorn while you view Episode 1, DVD #11 "Spread the News" from the "What's in the Bible?" DVD series. (Approx 25 minutes). Use the outline attached to this lesson at for details of what you might want to skip in Episode 1 for certain age groups or if short on time.

Discuss & Reflect

Have students answer the 3 questions you wrote on the board at the beginning of the lesson.

Q: Witness to what?
A: There are several possible answers. "The Good News" is a great answer, but what is "good" about the news we share?  In Chapter 2, Sunday School Lady explains that we are to "testify" to the way God reveals himself to us and how he has changed our lives. How has God appeared/felt real to you?  How has your faith changed you?

Q: Witness to whom?
A: The whole world. In Chapter 6, we see the story of God changing Peter's mind about who deserves to hear the message. Originally, the message was for Jews, but God wanted non-Jews ("Gentiles") to hear it too.  it's easy to talk about Jesus with other Christians. Who are the "gentiles" today around you who need to hear about Jesus?

Q: Witness how?
A: "Fearlessly," according to Chapter 6. "By the power of the Holy Spirit" says Chapter 4 .  Would you be embarrassed to talk about the Good News with a friend?  What would you say?  

Card Closing:  

Give each student an index card and a pen. Invite them to say aloud "something great about Jesus, or something great that Jesus has done," and then pick one of those "great" things and have them write it on one side of their card. On the other side of the card, have them write the name of a friend or family member who needs to hear this news about Jesus. Encourage them to pick someone who is not already involved in a church, or doesn't like to go. Now hold a closing prayer over the cards —having everyone lay their hands on the cards as you pray. Tell your students to "give that card to the person who's name they wrote on it."  Scary?  Yeah, a little bit. But like the disciples at Pentecost, we need to be fearless!

(The card is a simple way to perhaps initiate conversation or serve as a reminder. Will your students actually give it to the person named on it?  Encourage them to do it!)

Younger Student Adaptations

Explain the opening questions.
Video: Skip chapters 2 and 3. This will shorten Episode 1 to about 15 minutes total.
Card: Have them draw simple words with your help, and symbols.

Conclude with a game of "Simon Says," that you have re-named "Holy Spirit Says!"

Holy Spirit says:  "look forgiving," "pretend you have a flame on your head," "move with the wind," "look interested in class," "bend down to help someone," "hold the door for someone," "say something grateful,"  "look fearless," "stand tall like Peter did," "Read the Bible," "Say a prayer."

Here's a Simon Says example of how to 'catch' your students:  Say: Holy Spirit says say something nice to the person next to you."  Now make a mean face. Oh-oh...Holy Spirit didn't say to look mean!

Point: what we do and how we appear to others is another way to show others that Jesus has made a difference in our lives.

Instead of an elimination game, when you catch a player doing what the Holy Spirit didn't say, give them a piece of red paper "flame" and say, "The Holy Spirit is here to help you, not punish you." You might give yellow flames to those who play correctly.


What's in the Bible DVD #11: Spread the Good News, Copyright Jellyfish Labs. Available from numerous online retailers. Image of DVD #11 copyright Jellyfish Labs.

Written by the Writing Team
Copyright 2016, Inc.


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Last edited by Luanne Payne
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