
(WT) Prodigal Son ~ Computer & Tech Workshop Writing Team

Parable of the Prodigal Son

Prodigal Son Software Workshop

Summary of Activities

Students and teachers will go through the Prodigal Son software together. They'll hear and see the story; explore various animated study notes about words and concepts in the parable; enjoy a music video that helps them remember the story; reflect in the onscreen letter-writing activity about how to talk with our prodigals,  God, and our older "brothers;" and then play the Prodigal Fun game to close.

The Writing Team has created a video clip overview of the software. It suggests the lesson path through the program for elementary-age students.

The FREE for Supporting Members software runs on Windows 7, 8, 10, and 11(!) and can be used in small or large groups on as many computers as you would like to muster. It can also be projected onto the wall or viewed on a large screen for group exploration if you do not have a computer room. Be sure to see its tech notes for making it appear larger on the screen and making sure the videos run.

Scripture for the Lesson

Luke 15:11-32 (NIV)  (The software uses the NRSV translation which is very similar.)

Memory Verse:
"But we had to celebrate and be glad, because this brother of yours was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found." Luke 15:32 (NIV)

Lesson Objectives

See the Bible Background at for insights on this story and this set's complete list of objectives.

Software & Lesson Plan Overview

The following video overview of the software (also posted on YouTube) can be used as your "lesson plan guide."  Additional lesson ideas can be found below in this post.

Is this your first time using computers in Sunday school? Check out our guide to help you get started!

Preparation and Materials

  • Read the Bible Background and Luke 15:11-32 (you might want to include verses 1-10 in your study).
  • Print the guide to the software and its important tech notes, found at
  • Download and install the FREE software -- making sure to increase your Windows "Display" scale to 125% (to make the program fill more of your screen), and making sure that the animations and videos work (if not, see the tech notes). As a Supporting Member, you may install this software on multiple computers in your church and share it with families in your congregation for at-home use.
  • Get a mask to wear for the opening.

Lesson Plan


Welcome students and explain what they'll be doing and learning about today.  For fun, do this wearing a mask and pretend to hide your identity.

Ask them how much they know about the Parable of the Prodigal Son.

Ask them if they know the "secret identity" of the Prodigal's FATHER. (It's God.)

Ask them if they know the secret identity of the two sons in the parable? (One possible answer: The younger son represents all those who sin and desire to return to God. The older son represents all those who think God won't accept someone who has been lost to sin and run away from God.)

Ask them why they think Jesus "hid" the identity of God in his parable?  (Jesus didn't hide it very well! By describing God as a father, he made God more "relatable" -- like a father, and this helped the people understand God's heart and true identity.)

Explore the Story Using the Prodigal Son Software

Go through the various areas of the program as suggested in the video overview. You can do this as a group with the software projected on the wall or a large tv, or work in small groups at more than one PC (a guide should always be at their side to keep them on track).

  1. Start with Luke 15 on the main menu to hear and see the scripture. Click the first verse section to start the narration and video associated with that part of the story.

    TIP: Play through the entire story and THEN GO BACK to explore some of the "HUH" and "BILDAD" study notes. Some of these notes ask questions. You don't have to visit all the study notes or ask all the questions. View the Outline to Prodigal Son for a list of what's in each study note.

  2. View the SamTV "Ballad of the Prodigal Son" channel then switch to the "What's the Story Really About?" channel for discussion.

The "Letters" Reflection Activity

This interactive part of the Prodigal Son software allows your students to compose letters onscreen from one of the characters in the story to another character in the story -- and share their letters with their classmates for reflection. Suggested letter "prompts" are seen onscreen for each letter. Help students create their letters. Use student letters as a springboard for further reflection. You can select a letter, such as "Dear Family," for the entire class to verbally discuss.

If desired, print them and make a display of them. If you don't have a printer, you can select "save as a PDF" from your printer menu and later move them to a PC that does have a printer.  An alternative to this letter-writing activity is to give students writing paper or notecards on which to write and illustrate their letters.

There are eight "to/from" options to choose from, including:

  • "Dear Son" from the father to older son.
  • "Dear Father" from the younger son to the father asking to come home.
  • "Dear Family" from the father to the family now that everyone is back together.

We've posted a quick video overview of the letter section and the eight options on YouTube at . The outline to the software has a list of all the letters and their prompts.


Share the Letters to close the formal lesson, then play the Prodigal Fun game.


For Younger Students:

Be sure you are their "guide by the side." As needed, point on the screen where they should click. Preview the HUH and BILDAD study notes to decide which to view and which to skip.

For Older Students and/or Those with More Class Time:

SamTV's second channel looks at Jesus' other parable about sons and workers, and how God treats them.

For Simpler and/or Shorter Lesson Plan:

Focus on the Luke 15 section and finish with Prodigal Fun.


This lesson was written by the person who created the software!  He writes,

"I produced this program a number of years ago for my "Sunday Software" company with friends and family members taking key roles in its creation. The father, son, and family seen in the videos are a real farm family and relatives of mine. The music was written by my daughter and me, and was performed and recorded by my brother Colin in his studio. Barry Weaver, our singer and story narrator, was a local performer who was also a teacher at my daughter's elementary school. The software was programmed by my friend Mike Gale who also programmed our Good Sam, Ten Commandments, and Cal and Marty software programs. Like the family in Luke 15, it takes a village!" -- Neil

Written by Neil MacQueen and the Writing Team
Copyright Inc.


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  • mask
Last edited by Amy Crane
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