
(WT) Psalm 8 ~ Memory (or Computer) Workshop Writing Team

Psalm 8: "When I look at your heavens"

Memory Game Workshop 
(and/or) Computer Workshop

Summary of Activities

Psalm8WTUsing games and/or software, students will memorize an age-appropriate portion of Psalm 8, and learn what its key words and phrases mean. 

This lesson can be used as a "memory game" workshop, or also in conjunction with free scripture memory software. 

If you have access to a computer(s), you can start by introducing the Psalm in a "scramble" game using Cal and Marty's Scripture Memory Game software ( FREE to supporting members). You can then follow it up with the insights and discussion questions found on the handout in Game 1 (skipping the first memory game on the handout). Following the software and the discussion. you'll move to Game 2 on the handout which reinforces the discussion.

If you DON'T have a computer(s) and the software, you will simply use both Games 1 and 2 from the handout.

Why memorize Psalm 8?

♥ Psalm 8  concisely and poetically speaks to a universal human experience and question: "When I look into the nighttime sky, I wonder about its vastness, its origin, and my place in it all."  

♥ Psalm 8 teaches us two powerful words that describe both God's essential nature and our own: "Majestic" and "honored." They summarize the two great commandments about God and neighbor.  "Honored" is the basis for our treatment of others.

♥ Psalm 8 answers the "existential" question children and star-gazers have asked for millennia: "Who am I?  ...I am made and honored by God."   Children especially need to hear this message, as they are sometimes overlooked and undervalued, or worse. The feeling of worthlessness and the devaluing of others is at the root of many problems they will encounter throughout their lives.

For more insights and information, read the Bible Background.

Scripture for the Lesson

Psalm 8 (all verses1-9 for readers)

The scripture for this lesson is found on the handout.

Key/Memory Verse:  "When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars that you have established; what are human beings that you are mindful of them, mortals that you care for them?" (NRSV)

Lesson Objectives

See the Bible Background at for this set's complete list of objectives. 

Preparation and Materials

Lesson Plan


Welcome your students and explain how today's lesson will unfold. 

Memorize & Discuss

If you have access to a computer(s)...

Turn on Cal and Marty's Scripture Memory Game software and go to Psalm 8 (which you had already edited into the game ahead of time).

Select Verse 8:1 - Have everyone read it out loud, then click "scramble" and let the students work at unscrambling.

After they have the verse in order then follow up with the insights and discussion questions for that verse found on the handout under Game 1 on page 2.

Continue with Verses 8:2 – 8:9, again followed by the discussion questions found on the handout under Game 1 on pages 2-3.  (Note: total 7 verses, as we recommended you combine 6,7,8 into one verse.)

Following the software and the discussion above. you'll move to Game 2 on the handout which reinforces all the above discussion. (Requires either an overhead or video projector OR a handout for each student, see handout for details.)

If you DON'T have a computer(s)...

Play Games 1 and 2 from the handout. (See handout for full details.)


Life application is found in the questions asked by the teacher during one of the games on the handout.

Conclude by slowly reciting Psalm 8 together.


For Younger Students: This "Memory" Workshop is designed for readers. To simplify for early readers, reduce the number of verses to work on. Say verses together out loud. Give lots of hints.

Editing Psalm 8 into Cal and Marty's Scripture Memory Game software

It will take about ten minutes to create the Psalm 8 verse set in Cal and Marty. Do so ahead of time. Once created, they will play the verse set as part of the lesson plan, and can come back to it in the future to refresh their memory.

1. To create your own new set, select Create New Verse Set from the menu. A file dialog box will open. Type the name of your set, such as, "Psalm 8," then click SAVE. (this creates a file into which the editor will save your set's verses) Now that you've created a set file, you need to add verses to the set file.
2. Click Add New Verse and fill in the verse editor form with your verse.  You'll be creating 6 or 7 "new verses" for Psalm 8, we recommend combining 6, 7 and 8 into one verse. 
3. When you're done editing in each new verse, Click Save Verse. You must always save your work after you have typed it.
4. Now you have the option to either Add another New Verse, or Add a Quiz to that verse you just created. (Quizzes are attached to specific verses, not verse sets, and can only be created for a verse after you have 'saved' the verse.)  

Written by the Writing Team, based on a lesson by Neil MacQueen.
Copyright 2017, Inc.
Images used with permission.


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  • Psalm8WT
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Last edited by Luanne Payne
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