Writing Team
The Beatitudes
Drama ~ Game Show Workshop
Summary of Activities
Students will perform and videotape the game show, "What Makes You Really Happy?" starring, Ivana B. Walthy, Marsha Mello, Saul Mine, and Jesus T. Christ. They will also perform two short commercials. The performances point out the stark contrast between Jesus' values and the world's values. See the adaptation notes for a fun way to do the drama with non-readers.
Matthew 5:1-12, The Beatitudes
Lesson Objectives
See the Bible Background at for this set's complete list of objectives.
Preparation and Materials
- Read the Bible Background and scripture.
- Make copies of the game show script found below in the lesson plan.
- Collect props for the game show set.
- Make a fun sign for the game show.
- Make a 1-800-Beatitudes Sign.
- Set up a video camera and monitor to view the show afterwards.
Lesson Plan
Welcome your students and explain how today's lesson will unfold. Invite students to walk up to the drawing board and write down their responses under the heading, "things that make me really happy." Affirm those good things. Now make a second column under the heading of, "Things we can do and think that make God really happy." Invite them to answer aloud as you write their responses on the board. (Later in the rotation they'll have caught on to possible answers.) Notice that it's not all "do." God wants us to have a humble spirit, and not just be a "helper." God wants us to mourn what's lost and needs to be found, and not just go around saying, "I'm sorry." Point out the depth we're looking for.
“What’s Really Going to Make You Happy?”
Game Show & Commercials Script
Overview and Preparation:
Below is a script for the game show with four speaking parts. After the script are two "commercials" the same group or a second group can perform. Depending on the size of your group, you could split into two groups and have one prepare the game show script, while the other prepares both commercials.
There are four speaking parts. Other students can be the crowd noise and camera person, or take part in the commercials (which don't require reading ability, just posing). See "adaptations" for younger children.
Read through script together in advance. Work on timing and getting into character. Marsha is self-centered and kind of out of it. Saul is greedy. Ivana is a typical cheerful game show host and a bit over the top. Jesus is the normal guy.
Each character pretends to press their buzzer, but makes their own buzzer noise.
The set can be as simple as a table with a fun sign behind it. Videotape the performance so you can watch it again (and reflect on what Jesus had to say).
What's Really Going to Make You Happy? Game Show Script
3 contestants at a table (Marsha Mello, Saul Mine, Jesus the Christ)
1 game show host (Ivana B. Walthy)
Ivana: Hello and Welcome to our show. I’m you’re host, Ivana B. Walthy, and this, this is “What’s Going to Make You Happy” !! (Applause)
Ivana: Our first contestant is a famous fashion model. She’s made the covers of Vogue, I Hate My Body Daily, and Shoppers Anonymous, let’s give it up for Marsha Mello.
Marsha: Hi everybody. Is it cold in here? I’m cold.
Ivana: And our second contestant, has traveled all the way from Nazareth Israel, the Pride of Bethlehem, the Risen One himself, ….let’s give a warm welcome to Jesus The Christ!
Jesus: It’s a pleasure to be here, Ivana.
Ivana: And our third contestant, born and raised right here in ______, hardest working person in our town and mentions it every chance they get, Saul Mine!
Saul: You’re all going to lose, even you, Robe Boy. Nobody beats Saul Mine.
Ivana: Contestants, hands on your buzzers, here comes Round 1 in “What’s Going to Make You Happy.”
Saul: (Buzzing in loudly) Uh, what is Money, Ivana. Lots of money, and hard work too.
Ivana: I’m sorry Sal, but I haven’t asked a question yet.
Marsha: (Dinga ling, dinga ling) Really nice new clothes? You know, something that will make me look beautiful, that will make me happy.
Ivana: I’m sorry Marsha, but I still haven’t asked a question yet.
Ivana: Our first question is, What….
Jesus: (Bing Bong) The Gospel of Matthew, Chapter 5.
Ivana: I haven’t asked the question yet, but…you’re absolutely correct.
Ivana: How in the world did you know the question before I asked it, Jesus?
Jesus: Lucky guess? or maybe I'm the Son of God?
Ivana: Our next question, and please don’t answer until I ask it, is this: What do most people say will make them happy? Is it: a. Money b. Fame or c. Love and friendships?
Saul: (Buzzing loudly) Money.
Ivana: I’m sorry.... that’s right.
Saul: (Buzz) Told you! Why are you sorry? Money is always the answer to happiness, isn't it?
Ivana: Hmmmmm. Well our next question is a follow-up. Though money is what most people think will make them happy, what does the Bible say really makes people happy?
Marsha: (Dingaling) Really Nice Clothes.
Ivana: wrong answer.
Marsha: (Dingaling) Well then, shopping, it always makes me happy.
Ivana: I’m sorry, shopping isn’t correct either.
Jesus: (Bing bong) Being poor in spirit.
Saul: (Buzz, Buzz) Haha, good one preacher boy.
Ivana: I’m sorry Jesus, but you’re wrong. And please don’t do anything to me for saying you’re wrong.
Jesus: Blessed are the merciful, Ivana.
Marsha: (Dingaling) Ordering on
Saul: (Buzzing in loudly) Working hard, that’s what God is all about. Working, Following the Rules.
Ivana: I’m sorry Saul, that is incorrect.
Jesus: (Bing bong) Being meek makes you happy, Ivana. The meek's honest hearts will allow them to see the presence of God all around them, and it will be like the whole world is theirs because they’ll see God everywhere. That's what makes you really happy, seeing God with you.
Saul: (Buzz) Meek? You mean the wimps are going to get everything?
Jesus: The meek, Saul, …aren't wimps. They are people who don’t go around thinking about themselves all the time. People who look for God.
Marsha: (Dingaling) I’m sorry, what was the question?
Ivana: The question was, according to God, what actually makes for happiness.
Marsha: (Dingaling) Oh, shopping, definitely shopping then. Right after church.
Ivanna: I’m sorry, that’s still not right.
Marsha: You’re sorry? I thought your name was Ivana?
Saul: (Buzzing loudly) Making lots of money and giving lots of money away, that’s what you gotta do.
Ivana: Uh….No, not quite.
Marsha: (dingaling) Shopping online for Bibles with friends?
Ivana: Uh….no, not even close.
Saul: (Buzz) Having a great job and everybody respecting you ‘cause you look sharp at church and feel like a million bucks. King of the World!
Ivana: No, Saul, thankfully that is also incorrect.
Marsha: (Dingaling) What was the question again? I keep forgetting it.
Ivana: Most people do, Marsha. The question is, “according to God, what WILL really make people happy.”
Jesus: (Bing bong) Doing right, even when it’s unpopular or hurts. Being honest and faithful, even though others may ridicule you for it. It’s all about having a good heart and seeking to follow God. You know: Love God, love your neighbor.
Saul: (Buzzing in real loud) I gotta question for you Ivana. Who is this guy?
Ivana: His name is Jesus and he created the world, forgave our sins.
Jesus: (Bing bong) ...and I was also the first person to speak the Beatitudes.
Saul: Oh, so what Ivana? I’m supposed to be impressed and listen to him just because he made some trees and cows and said some stuff nobody agrees with? Come on!
Ivana: That is the idea, Saul.
Marsha: (Ding) Shopping with my Bible, after church, in a really nice outfit with a nice pair of shoes, and giving that poor man on the sidewalk a quarter before I meet my friends for lunch.
Saul: (Buzz) Blessed are the weak of mind, huh, Jesus? She’s a day late and a dollar short.
Jesus: (Bing bong) Blessed are the peacemakers, Saul, and people who don’t go around thinking they are better than everyone else, …people who try to help.
Saul: (Buzz) Yeah, good luck with THAT attitude Jesus. It ain’t gonna get you nuthin nowhere.
Jesus: (Bing bong) Except with God.
Saul: (Buzz buzz) It’s okay, Jesus, I’m baptized. Me and the man upstairs are okay.
Jesus: Ok? If you follow me, Saul, you'll be great, maybe even awesome in God's eyes.
Saul: (looks confused and a bit challenged)
Ivana: And that’s all the time we have for “What’s Going to Make You Happy.” Tune in next week when our contestants include: 7 foot NBA superstar, Neil Down, country recording star, Faith Lame, and a special appearance by the Norwegian church’s leading voice for change, Tolle Spirit.
(Cue the music. Contestants shake hands)
=begin optional commercials=
Do these commercials if you have a large group or plenty of time, splitting your class into game show and commercial groups. The commercials are especially good for those who can't read or don't like to read in front of others.
Commercial One: "Call Now!"
Suggested blocking:
Off camera, a narrator reads a script in a rapid TV-sales voice. On camera in front we see someone shaking their head “yes” or "no" and eagerly listening. If you have additional students, they can join them.
Suggested Narration: (add and expand)
Do you want to be happy? (yes)
Really really happy? (yes)
Like deep down in your soul happy no matter if you're rich or poor, young or old, in good times and bad -happy? (yes, yes!)
Then call now and we’ll send you ______________________ (students decide which of the Beatitudes Jesus would send them). (Person looks perplexed. Hand the person a box marked "Beatitudes")
Follow them, and you will know what true happiness is.
And if you call within the next 10 minutes we’ll double your offer. (Person looks excited)
And if you promise to share what we send, we’ll even throw in _______________ to help you see God in your life. (students decide what to fill-in) (Person acts really excited)
...Show a 1-800-Beatitudes Sign.
Commercial Two: "Be Like Matthew"
Suggested blocking:
Off camera a narrator reads the script in a slow, dignified deep voice. On camera, two people are side by side. Each acts out or reacts to what the narrator is saying. You can add a third person as a prop for Matthew and Linda to react to.
Suggested Narration:
This is Matthew, Matthew is meek and humble. Linda is not.
Matthew is merciful to those who have done wrong. Linda is not. She's angry.
Matthew is a peacemaker. Linda is not. She likes to make trouble and take sides.
Matthew stands up for what he believes in. Linda doesn’t really care what she believes in.
This is Matthew (shiny). This is Linda (sad and disinterested)
Jesus says: "Be like Matthew."
Enjoy viewing the videotape and reinforce what Jesus had to say.
Ask them "what was wrong with Marsha and Saul?"
Ask them if they remember how Jesus summed up the Beatitudes (poor in spirit, meek, righteous, etc., = Love God, Love Neighbor). If they don't remember, ask Jesus to repeat his key line.
Close in prayer that we would be more like Jesus, and Matthew (if you used that commercial).
For Younger Students: Invite some teenagers to join your class and play the parts in the game show. Have them practice ahead of time so that you don't have to spend time in rehearsal. Have each teen invite a non-reader to sit with them and "be their buzzer." When the teen presses their head, the younger student makes the buzzer or ding-a-ling sound. Other non-readers can be in the crowd which can be placed behind the contestants so that everyone gets in the video.
Note: The scripts make the points that the teacher would typically do in a discussion, so you don't need to say much more, just reinforce. Feel free to alter the scripts to add your emphasis.
Written by the Writing Team
Copyright 2016, Inc.