
(WT) The Beatitudes ~ Video Workshop Writing Team

The Beatitudes

Video Workshop 

Summary of Activities

Jesus-beatitudesStudents will see and discuss two short videos.  The first video clip is a selection from the "The Life of Jesus Christ Bible Video," described in detail and previewed below. The second video clip contrasts the Beatitudes with what other people think is the way to true happiness. This contrast is the crux of your lesson. 

Scripture for the Lesson

Matthew 5: 1-12, The Beatitudes (note: Video #1 covers 5:1-16)

Lesson Objectives

See the Bible Background at for this set's complete list of objectives. 

This particular lesson in the Beatitudes Lesson Set focuses on the contrast between what Jesus says makes a person "wealthy" or happy, versus the world's opinion.

Preparation and Materials

  • Read the Bible Background and scripture.
  • Print this lesson plan.
  • Purchase, and/or download the two video clips. See notes below.
  • An easel or a chalkboard, and markers or chalk for everyone.

Previewing and Downloading the Two Videos

Clip #1 can be freely downloaded or purchased on a DVD. Clip #2 can only be downloaded. Ideally you would download the clips to a laptop or tablet, then connect them to an LCD projector or TV, whichever is your custom. Here's help if you need help downloading from YouTube or understanding how to show a downloaded video.

Clip #1, The Life of Jesus Christ video

Can be previewed here on YouTube and freely downloaded from either YouTube or  This clip is straight from scripture, covering verses 1-16. If you watch the entire video, it is a little over 2 minutes in length. If you use the Clip Converter website (as described here) and choose to download only to verse 10, you'll watch 54 seconds of video.

Note: Clip #1 was produced by the LDS Church, but has no LDS theological spin or denominational "branding." We previewed many other "Jesus" movies typically found in church libraries and found none better (and many less appealing) than The Life of Jesus Christ clip . Many of the older films depict Jesus yelling to the crowd or looking unapproachable. Some do not include all the beatitudes as most try to include famous parts of the Sermon on the Mount. In the Life of Jesus Christ video, Jesus is seated and teaching all the Beatitudes in a normal tone of voice.

Clip #1 Preview
Can be viewed at:

Clip #2
, the Beatitudes from ODB Films (previously called "Outside da Box")

Can be streamed for free when you register or purchased and downloaded for $10 from ODB films,   Produced for the Dioceses of Wheeling-Charleston WV (the Catholic Church), it is part of a series of short "catechism" videos. It is ecumenical and clearly contrasts what Jesus says makes a person blessed and wealthy, versus the world's opinion. A simple outline and discussion questions are provided below. This clip is 2 minutes, 26 seconds long and you will view it twice.

View their free online 30 second trailer here.

If this link goes dead, search for "Beatitudes" at

Lesson Plan


Welcome your students and tell them that today they will be viewing and discussing two video clips about the Beatitudes.

Create two areas on your chalkboard or writing area, write these questions in big letters, one on each half:  

What do people say will make you happy? 
What is real happiness according to Jesus?

(By dividing this, you not only visually show there are two sets of answers, your students will need the room to stand next to each half as they themselves will be writing the answers to the questions after viewing Clip #2.)

Now on a separate board or flip chart, record how much they already know about the Beatitudes. There are eight Beatitudes. Draw a box around each Beatitude they got right, and draw empty boxes  for those they couldn't remember. Then, tell them to listen carefully during the video for the Beatitudes they didn't remember.

View & Discuss

1. Say: Now let's see Jesus teaching the Beatitudes and find out how well we remembered them!  Watch Clip #1, The Beatitudes from The Life of Jesus Christ (either 54 seconds or 2 minutes long, as detailed above).

2. After watching clip #1, have students fill-out the missing Beatitudes. If they get them all, great, but they'll still probably miss one or two.

3. Have everyone open their Bibles to Matthew 5:1-12 and read the Beatitudes together. Finish filling any Beatitudes they didn't remember from the video.

Offer several quick questions/observations:

a) Each Beatitude begins with the same word. What is it? And what does it mean?
(Use your Bible background to explain its full meaning. Video 2 will get into this as well.)  

b) Each Beatitudes has a first half and second half. Pick out several of the Beatitudes and ask students to tell everyone which is the first half of the Beatitude, and which is the second. Note that the first half is what Jesus says makes a person blessed/happy. The second half is the reward or benefit of that blessing.

c) Point out that in each Beatitude, Jesus' ideas about "Being Happy" are kind of crazy by today's standards.  "Since when is being poor or meek or mournful make a person happy?"

Now make a quick list of "things people think will make them happy" and record them on the board. Some possibilities: money, luxury, good job, friends, winning the Stanley Cup, sports, good grades, popularity, strength, fun things, lots of toys, etc

Say: After this next clip, I'm going to ask you "what makes Jesus happy. "

Show Clip #2, "The Beatitudes" from (You will watch it a total of 2 times.)

Return to the Two Opening Questions

What do people say will make you happy? and What is real happiness according to Jesus?

Split into two teams, one for each question that was previously written out, and give everyone a marker or piece of chalk.

Say: I'm going to play the video again, and this time, when you hear the answer to your question, write it down as fast as you can. They come quick! So if you see someone writing down one of the answers, don't copy them, instead, listen for the next answer and write that down.

Here is a brief version of the script. It will come in handy for the follow-up activity.

Do you want to be happy?
Do you know how to be happy?

  • Some people think the way to happiness is to get rich and not need anybody.
  • That you should live for the moment.
  • That you should be proud and think you are the best.
  • That you shouldn't care for those who suffer.
  • That you should take revenge on those who hurt you.
  • That might makes right.
  • Don't stand up for what you believe in.

There is another way.
Jesus said the way to true happiness is:

  • To know that we need God and need each other.
  • That when one suffers, we should mourn together and we should care about others.
  • Be humble not arrogant.
  • That mercy/forgiveness is better than revenge.
  • That peace is better than fighting.
  • And that we should stand up for what we believe in.

Happy?  Living the Beatitudes = living like Jesus did.
It's the happiness your heart was made for!


Is being happy easy?  No. If you follow Jesus' way to happiness, it can be hard. It's hard to show mercy, be a peacemaker, and stand up for our faith. It's hard to put others first, and not be caught up in the world's quest for money and "fun." It's hard to resist things that look popular, and do what can make you unpopular.  But Jesus promises us a reward.

So what's our reward?

The Beatitudes have the clues.  Look at the SECOND HALF of each Beatitude and shout them out.  We are rewarded with.... the kingdom, comforting, inheriting the world, spiritual fulfillment, mercy, being called God's children. These are heavy ideas, but let me suggest they are all part of the same thing:  

They are all things a person gets when they realize they are part of a FAMILY: a permanent home with God, where we are always fed, protected, taken care of, and included.  No loneliness.  No abandonment. No fear. No worrying.  In other words, Unbelievable Love. Sounds like a pretty good reward now, doesn't it?

And everything on the world's list of "happiness," ....well, that stuff doesn't last, and doesn't please God.

(Note: Our reward is not "getting into heaven." Eternal life is a gift to sinners for whom Christ died.) 

Closing Prayer:

Say: In a moment, we're going to go around our circle, and I want you to pick a word from any of our lists or Beatitudes, and when it's your turn, say, "Thank you God for ......" and say your word. Be prepared to go around twice!


Younger students will enjoy the video but not be able to write the two lists of what they hear. Instead, they can shout it out and you and/or an assistant can write it down (as a way of visually confirming they got it right).  

Written by the Writing Team
Copyright 2016, Inc.




Images (2)
  • Jesus-beatitudes
  • mceclip0
Last edited by Luanne Payne
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