Writing Team
The Great Commission and Ascension of Jesus
"Disciple Road Signs" Art Workshop

Summary of Activities
Students will participate in a "Disciple Road Signs" guided discussion in which they think of and create "road signs" to guide disciples in the way they should go—just like Jesus did in the Great Commission and at his Ascension.
Go and....
Stop to do ...
Stop doing...
Yield to...
No U-turns here...
Caution: Rough road ahead...
Here are the Dead Ends and Do Not Enters
Slow down to...
Disiciples Under Construction
School Zone! What am I supposed to do here?
I break for Cross-walks
and more!
The "Road Sign" metaphor is fun memory hook designed to help students recall and refresh your lesson every time they hit the road and see these familiar signs.
The Road Signs "Packet" you'll print for each student is your lesson plan and has the scriptures in it. Print extra pages for "artistic do-overs."
Scripture for the Lesson
Matthew 28:16-20 and Acts 1:3-9
Matthew 28 Key/Memory Verse: 18 And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
Lesson Objectives
See the Bible Background at for this set's complete list of objectives.
Preparation and Materials
Read the Bible Background and scripture.
- Print copies of the Guided Discussion Road Signs Packet in color on sturdy 70# white paper for each student. Be sure to make extra copies of drawing pages for students who want to "do over."
- Staple the Sign pages together to form a booklet.
- Gather a wide assortment of wide-tip "fluorescent" highlighters (plenty of yellow, red, orange for road signs).
- Gather black sharpie pens (permanent) for sign lettering and borders. Have an assortment of regular and fine tips, enough for each student.
- Square Box covered in white paper or a Spinner (see game on page 7 of attachment for details.)
Important Drawing & Paper Tips:
- Always fill in the sign color FIRST with your highlighter, then write the sign's message on top using the sharpie.
- Do not use regular markers for sign lettering as they tend to bleed into the color and smear. You may use regular watercolor markers for the sign colors (yellow, red), but they won't be as bright as using highlighters will be.
- The packet reminds students that signs are intentionally simple, bright, of few words, and often have easily recognizable images.
- If possible, print your packet pages on heavy white paper, such as the 70# paper many churches use for their bulletins and newsletter, or card stock. Thin 20# copy paper tends to wrinkle up when too much marker is applied (and kids will do that).
Lesson Plan
Welcome your students and explain what they'll be doing today. Introduce the idea of "Disciple Road Signs"—what signs Jesus might put up for us on our journey.
The Disciple Road Sign Packet
The Disciple Road Signs Packet is a guided discussion and activity. It is also your lesson plan.
It provides an intro, scriptures, and sign drawing activities related each line of the Great Commission. It includes an optional "I Wonder" reflection for those with time and older students. It also includes a quick game that uses thoughts from the packet and discussion to play the game.
Obviously, you'll want to have students share the signs they make. Encourage them to work quickly and give them help with sign ideas if needed.
Adaptations and Additional Suggestions
For Younger Students: Most non-readers are learning what signs mean and the simple sign words, like "STOP" mean. Help them with the sign lettering by asking for their ideas, then having a helper write it on the sign for them (so that their message can later be read back to them by a parent).
See the attached "blank" signs that may be helpful to younger students.
For Older Students or for Creating a Display: Use the packet for discussion and then have them either create a Disciple Sign on posterboard that can be hung in a hallway, or create more signs using extra copies of the Jesus Blank Sign found in the packet.
Written by the Writing Team
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