The Magi
"Selfie Story" Drama ~ Photography Workshop Lesson
from the Writing Team
Lesson Summary
Students will work together to create "Selfie" photos to accompany their reading of the Magi. They will then reflect in a "Selfie Booth" to express their thoughts to a series of prompts about the Magi and those who seek Jesus.
Kids love to take pictures of themselves ("selfies") and today's cellphones and tablets make it super easy to do and provide instant results. We're combining that fun fact with some "old school" drama techniques that call upon the kids to "pose" and create facial expressions to retell the story in main story activity, and express more personal reactions in the reflection activity.
Connecting a cellphone or tablet to a TV to show photos is really easy, and you'll soon find other uses for your new found skill in lessons where you want to take or show photos or connect to content over your phone. See our notes below!
Matthew 2:1-12
they saw the star
they were overjoyed
they saw the child
they bowed down and worshiped
they opened their treasures
they returned to their country
Supplies and Advanced Preparation
- Read the Bible Background and Lesson Objectives for this lesson set.
- Read our Selfie Story article for techniques and tech tips.
- Cellphones (or tablets) with cameras. Ideally, you will have several for the lesson. Remember to bring the charging/connecting cable for each phone. (6 ft charging cables are best and inexpensive to have on hand for this and many other uses.)
- A TV that has a media connection or HDMI plug to connect to your cellphone(s) or tablet.
An HDMI adapter so you can connect your cellphone or tablet cable to the TV's HDMI cable and show photos on the TV from your phone. Get an adapter for both iPhone and Android-style cables. For easy how-to instructions, see the notes at the end of this lesson and read our article.
- Create a "Reflection Selfie Booth" for the reflection activity (see image below). You can do this by placing a dividing "wall" (a blanket, for example) separting the TV viewing area from a chair facing a cellphone camera. The chair must be close enough to the TV so that the cord between the TV and cellphone/tablet can reach. For more details, see the Reflection description below.
- Make copies of the 12 Magi Story "Selfie Moments" for students (attached).
- Print The Magi Selfie-Booth Drama "Reflection Cards" (attached).
- A Magi crown for the Selfie Story activity, and other "Magi" props (robes, treasures, star).
- A camera/cellphone tripod will come in very handy for this and other lessons.
Lesson Plan
There are two "selfie" activities in this lesson. The first is a group activity creating selfies for the Bible story. The second is the "Selfie Reflection" booth where individuals respond.
Welcome your students and explain how today's lesson will unfold.
Creating the "Selfie" Stories
In this activity, students work together to create "selfie" group photos to go with the 12 verses from Magi story. Then they show the class their photos on the TV as they read the story out loud. In effect, they are creating the visuals for today's scripture reading.
- Have a helper with their cellphone (or tablet) assist each group.
- Give each student a copy of the 12 Selfie Moments list seen below and also attached to this lesson as a printable PDF.
- If desired, you may have a bunch of props, such as crowns, robes, treasures, a star, but the focus should be on the facial and hand expressions of the students as a selfie only captures the person(s) in the photo from the shoulders and up.
- If you have less time, or many students, you can divide up the list between groups.
The 12 Selfie Moments (Verses) to Capture
Matthew 2:1-12 (NIV) (PDF of the list.)
- Magi from the east came to Jerusalem and asked, Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews?
- We saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.
When King Herod heard this he was disturbed, and all Jerusalem with him.
- When Herod had called together all the chief priests and teachers of the law, he asked them where the Messiah was to be born.
- They replied, “In Bethlehem in Judea, for this is what the prophet has written: ‘...for out of you will come a ruler who will shepherd my people Israel.’”
- Herod called the Magi secretly and found out from them the exact time the star had appeared.
- Then Herod sent the Magi to Bethlehem and said, “Go and search carefully for the child. As soon as you find him, report to me, so that I too may go and worship him.”
- They went on their way, and the star went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was.
- When they saw the star, they were overjoyed.
- On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him.
- Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.
- And having been warned in a dream not to go back to Herod, they returned to their country by another route.
As each photo is taken, the group should review it and decide if they want to "trash" it and take another. Don't save photos you don't want to display to the class.
Selfie Stories Playback
When it is time for playback, connect the cellphone to a TV so that everyone can enjoy the "selfie" photos as each group reads aloud the scripture.
Following the playbacks, use the "questions and insights" below to explore the meaning of the story.
Questions and Insights
- Where is the "East" that the passage talks about? The Magi were probably Persian astronomers who believed that stars signal events. What does this say that God chose "foreigners" to announce his Son?
- Why did the Magi want to travel all that way from "the East" --what were they looking for? Was the journey easy or hard? Safe or dangerous? What motivated them to take such a risk?
- Why would Herod be upset about a new king coming into the world, a Messiah?
- What kind of treasures does someone your age have to offer Jesus? (The three gifts: respect, wealth, and worship.)
- Have you had "that moment" yet when you feel like you are walking in the wonderful presence of the King of Kings? What part of the Christmas celebration makes you feel like you are in the presence of the King? What could help you feel that way or get you ready for that moment of discovery and awe this Christmas?
Selfie-Booth Reflections
Now it's time to get more personal about our own reactions to the story.
Explain the operation of the "Selfie Booth" to students before proceeding. Remind them that because the camera will be connected to the TV the whole time, it will be like a *live* broadcast to the students outside the booth. The teacher will 'snap' photos of student "poses" inside the booth for each reflection card they are shown, but they can move as part of their reaction (don't have to freeze). Everyone will get a turn. You may also give each person in the booth a "Magi Crown" to wear for their selfies.
After explaining how the selfie booth works, show everyone the "Reflection cards" and practice a couple of them as a group. This is a key teaching time during which you can suggest responses and add insights.
How the Selfie-Reflection Booth works:
One by one, students will take a seat in the "booth" to have their reactions to various Reflection cards "broadcast live" by the cellphone camera to the TV on the other side of the booth where the rest of the students are gathered.
When the student sits down in front of the camera (in selfie mode so they can see themselves), the teacher will show and read aloud the first Reflection Card. The student will then have a few seconds to gather his or her thoughts and begin to pose. The teacher will silently point at him to "strike a facial pose" in response to what they have just read on the card–and then tap the camera to capture a still photo of the pose. Remember that these expressions and poses (selfies) are seen 'live' by the audience of students outside the booth. The teacher will show additional cards to the student before his turn in the Selfie Booth is over. Choose as many cards as you like.
Why a booth? First, it's fun. It encourages student responses to important ideas. And it provides a bit of anonymity to students.
The Reflection Cards
Share and discuss them ahead of time before using them in the booth. Remind students that you will only show each student three or four of the cards while they are in the booth. (Printable PDF of the Cards)
That look on your face when...
- You are wondering if God really cares about the world or about you.
- You see Christ's star and are trying to get others to see it too.
- King Herod has just told you that he wants to find the baby, too.
- You are very humbly presenting your gifts to the Baby Jesus.
- You are looking at the Baby Jesus for the very first time.
- You realize and react to Baby Jesus who is reaching out his hand for yours.
- You realize that seeking, finding, and believing in Jesus is the best thing that could ever happen to you.
- Other people tell you that worshiping Jesus isn't real and is a waste of your time.
- Other people try to distract you from the real meaning of Christmas.
- You realize that one of the reasons Jesus was born was to eventually bring you to heaven.
Teacher Tips:
- As you present each Reflection Card inside the booth, say them loud enough so that everyone outside the "booth" can hear you and knows what "pose" they are about to see.
- If a student is stumped, you can silently pantomime some possible reactions.
- Mix up the cards so that students don't know which card is coming next. You can also pick easier cards for those who seem to be stumped about how to react.
- Snap photos of each student's time in the booth. These can be viewed later or printed to make a wall display.
- Three Reflection cards and poses will take about 2 minutes for each student. If you have a big class, reduce the number of Reflection cards per student, or have two students come in the booth at the same time.
- Be sure you have a full charge on your cellphone.
For younger children: Work with them to take photos for their selfie story. (Don't be surprised how many already know how to take cell photos!)
For those with shorter class times: Eliminate the Selfie-Reflection Booth and save it for another day or another story.
Options: Print your Selfie stories and Reflection photos to create a display.
Tech Notes:
Connecting a phone or tablet to a modern TV is easy if you have a simple HDMI adapter available at online retailers (like Amazon) and in many office supply stores. Get one that can accept BOTH iPhone and Android style phone cables. While you're there, pick up extra long cellphone cables for flexibility in the classroom. See our easy how-to instructions in our article.
Knowing how to make this simple connection and show photos on your TV is also a skill you'll find many other lesson uses for, including, using your cellphone's internet capabilities to stream internet content onto your classroom TV.
Written by Neil MacQueen for the Writing Team
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