Member "Journey-er" posted the following suggestions from her experience...
Giant Jeopardy with Dart Board Points
At the end of the Sunday School year, we often play Giant Jeopardy. I make up questions from each of the rotation stories we have done throughout the year. Some are simple, some are hard. To keep it from being a "who's the smartest kid" game, we alter the way we compose teams and play.
- Each team is made up of a variety of ages from Kindergarten to 6th grade.
- I write "point values" in rows and columns on a bulletin board (1 pt, 3 pts, 5 pts) and then cover each point value with a balloon that I tape over it. When a team answers the question correctly they get 2 tries to pop a balloon with a dart (youngest children go first). If they pop the ballon then their team gets the points for the question. If they don't pop a balloon they are simply awarded 1 point. (Throwing darts for points "evens" the playing field so to speak, not letting certain players with good memories automatically propel their team to victory.)
- On another board or wall, tape the questions like a Jeopardy game with the Stories listed at the top of the columns and questions taped below them face down. (The questions don't have point values. That's determined by the dart throwing.)
- Each team has a Bible to use for help.
- Each time an answer is correct, let different children on the team throw the darts so each child gets a few chances.
- If the team doesn't get the answer to the question it goes to the next team to answer.
- Create a couple of "daily double" questions that must be ACTED OUT or DRAWN.
Tip: If you have an exceptionally smart kid or one with an excellent memory, invite them to be your co-host, rather than have them dominate a team or the entire game.
- One year we did "water-themed" games because we had taught several rotations that featured water in their storylines.
- Another year we re-played some of our favorite games from that year's Bible Games Workshops.
- I've also created a GIANT RELAY GAME where each station or activity in the game was based on a story that we covered.
The children have really enjoyed these. I have also asked individual families to plan the games for us. I help with the theme and the family comes up with games and helps to set up and lead us in the games.