
FORUM: Jesus Calls the Disciples, including: Jesus Calls Peter, Fishers of Men (People), Jesus calls Matthew, Us, etc

In addition to these public lessons and ideas posted below, our Writing Team has created an extra creative set of lessons on this story for our supporting members: Jesus Calls the Disciples ...and You!  The set's lesson summaries and Bible background are open to all.

Twelve Apostles

Summary of all workshops in this Rotation:

  • Art: Explore the twelve articles of the Apostles' Creed through participation in an architecture/art project, and to incorporate rubbings into a year-long prayer calendar.
  • Media (Art): To review information about Jesus' thirteen disciples - the original twelve, plus Matthias - and to create newspapers containing examples of their experiences of prayer.
  • Video: View portions of the video, Children's Heroes Of The Bible: New Testament. Specifically the segment entitled: "Jesus teaches and calls his disciples."

Scripture Reference:

1 Corinthians 11:23-32 and Luke 22:7-20

Rotation Theme Verse:

"I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14:6

Note to our Shepherds:

As Shepherd of your class, you make a big difference in reaching them for Jesus. You are not just communicating your love for them; you are an extension of His love.

"If you are planting for a year, plant grain; if you are planting for a decade, plant trees; if you are planting for a century, plant people." -- Old Chinese proverb

Apostles' Creed

Art Workshop

Rotation Objective:

  • Learn who the 12 Apostles were and their Creed.

Summary of Lesson Activities:

To explore the twelve articles of the Apostles' Creed through participation in an architecture/art project, and to incorporate rubbings into a year-long prayer calendar.

Leader Preparation:

  • Read the scripture ahead of time.
  • Gather the materials.

Supplies List:

  • Poster board for each child
  • Apostles' Creed sheets
  • Blank Calendars
  • Glue
  • Markers and other arts supplies.


Opening- Welcome and Lesson Introduction:

Greet the children and introduce yourself. (Ask children questions/take attendance)

  • Can anyone tell me what we are learning about in this rotation?
  • And can you name the Bible verse you are learning during opening worship?
  • How about the Apostles?
  • Can you tell me anything special about them?

Today we are going to learn about the Apostles' Creed. Does anyone know what it is or what it represents?

Answer: Since the Bible is so important to our faith, many people try to memorize parts of scripture. To help in this practice, early Christians wrote statements based on the truths in God's Word that people could memorize. These statements were called "creeds", short declarations of belief. One often-used creed is the Apostles' Creed, 12 articles that summarize the most important scriptural teachings of the Apostles, Jesus' first disciples.

Dig-Main Content and Reflection:

Lesson & Activities: Challenge the students to learn Apostles' Creed.

1. Give each student one posterboard with an article of the Apostles' Creed written on it. (You most likely will NOT have 12 students, so you may need to have each student take 2 articles). Have the students either line up or put the posterboards in the correct order. In other words, the student with the words "I believe in God, the father almighty..." should be either first in line or have their card placed first.

2. Give a "ready, set, go" signal and guide the players as they complete the sequence. Once the students have it arranged, ask them to read their cards. You may want to do this more than once, depending on their accuracy. (For the younger children you may need to read them the words and ask them what order makes sense to them.)

3. Suggest to them that one way to remember the words of each article of the Apostles' Creed is to associate it with a symbol. Instruct each student to reread the words they are holding and have them think of a symbol that could represent the phrase. Encourage them to help each other come up with suggestions.

Some Ideas..........

  • I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth... an Alpha and an Omega, a world
  • I believe in Jesus Christ, God's only Son, our Lord... IHS, the first letters of Jesus' name in Greek capitals, XP, the first two letters of the Greek word for Christ.
  • Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary...lily, manger
  • Suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried. He descended to the of thorns, lamb
  • On the third day he rose again...butterfly, open tomb
  • He ascended into heaven, he is seated at the right hand of the, crown
  • And he will come again to judge the living and the, trumpet
  • I believe in the Holy Spirit...dove, triangle
  • The holy catholic church, the communion of, ship
  • The forgiveness of sins...chalice, cross
  • The resurrection of the body...phoenix, wheat
  • And the life, olive tree

4. Explain that each student will make a calendar (starting with March 2000 and ending with February 2001) using a symbol (or the Apostles' shields) for each phrase of the creed.

5. Give each student one of the "calendars". Have them use the 12 top sections to mount their symbols. Tell the students to also write the words of the respective article of the Creed on the sheet. (Younger students can use the pre-printed words). The students should also glue on the calendar pages to the bottom section of their calendars. They can also design a cover which includes the words "The Apostles' Creed."

Extra Time: Play "Calling the 12 Disciples" game.


Tell the students to display their calendars in a place that will remind them the Apostles' Creed is our statement of what we believe about God's Word and God's promises. The Apostles' Creed, and the symbols associated with each article, help us to say easily and quickly what we believe as Christians.

The 12 Apostles and the Shields

Media Workshop

Rotation Objective:

  • Learn who the 12 Apostles were, their respective shields.

Summary of Lesson Activities:

To review information about Jesus' thirteen disciples-the original twelve, plus Matthias-and to create newspapers containing examples of their experiences of prayer.

Leader Preparation:

  • Read the scripture ahead of time.
  • Gather the materials.

Supplies List:

  • Flannel board
  • large sheet of paper.
  • paper,
  • markers,
  • scissors,
  • glue


Opening- Welcome and Lesson Introduction:

Greet the children and introduce yourself.

(Ask children questions/take attendance)

  • Can anyone tell me what we are learning about in this rotation?
  • And can you name the Bible verse you are learning during opening worship?
  • How about the Apostles?
  • Can you tell me anything special about them?

Today we are going to learn and review information of Jesus' disciples.

Dig-Main Content and Reflection:

Younger Students Lesson:

Use flannelboard to tell story of Jesus and the choosing of his disciples. Explain to the students that a disciple is a pupil or follower of a teacher or school. The disciples referred to in this activity were the early followers of Jesus, and were often called the Apostles. One of Jesus' most notable teachings to this group was on the topic of prayer. Prayer was an important part of Jesus' life. In fact, because the selection of the first disciples was such a significant consideration, Jesus spent the entire night praying to God the Father before coming to a decision.

Choose one or two of the following examples of prayer involving Jesus and the disciples.

Choices can include: Matthew 6:9-15, Jesus teaches the disciples to pray, Mark 14:22-26, Jesus prays at the last supper; Luke 22:39-46, Jesus prays in Gethsemane; John 17:20-26, Jesus prays for all his followers, Acts 1:12-26, the disciples pray before choosing a replacement. Read this to the children (or if they can read, have them read it) and then have them continue with the newspaper activity below and have younger children draw pictures and glue various pictures objects on their papers relating to the disciples and/or the story your just read.

Older Students Lesson:

1. "Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Special edition on Jesus' disciples!" Invite the students to become reporters and to create newspapers containing information about Jesus and his special followers. Begin by asking how many disciples Jesus had. Most likely, the students will answer "twelve". Twelve is a correct answer, since at any one time there were twelve disciples.

2. Actually, though, thirteen men were chosen to be the special helpers of Jesus. Ask the students to name them: Simon, Peter, Andrew, James, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James the Less, Jude Thaddaeus, Simon the Zealot, Judas Iscariot, and Matthias, Judas's replacement.

3. Remind the students that a disciple is a pupil or follower of a teacher or school. The thirteen disciples referred to in this activity were the early followers of Jesus, and were often called the Apostles. One of Jesus' most notable teachings to this group was on the topic of prayer. Prayer was an important part of Jesus' life. In fact, because the selection of the first disciples was such a significant consideration, Jesus spent the entire night praying to God the Father before coming to a decision.

4. Read or have a student read the passage about this incident (Luke 6:12-13) to the class.

5. Organize the students in to 5 groups (or have each student take one) to learn more about the theme of prayer. Provide each team or person with a Bible, paper, and pencils or pens and assign one of the Gospels and Acts to each group. Tell the students that these books record what Jesus teaches us about prayer-why we should pray, how to pray, and when to pray.

6. Direct the students to scan their assigned book to find examples of prayer involving Jesus and the disciples. Choices can include: Matthew 6:9-15, Jesus teaches the disciples to pray; Mark 14:22-26, Jesus prays at the last supper; Luke 22:39-46, Jesus prays in Gethsemane; John 17:20-26, Jesus prays for all his followers, Acts 1:12-26, the disciples pray before choosing a replacement.


Using a newspaper format, instruct each group to create and complete projects for their own edition of The Galilee Gazette. Give each team or person a large sheet of paper. Have other supplies available (paper, markers, scissors, and glue). Challenge them to compose articles and create illustrations describing prayer experiences contained in their assigned book.

Suggest they include an editorial on the importance of prayer, a classified ad containing the job description of a disciple as a person of prayer, a map of the area in which Jesus and the disciples ministered, or a pictorial essay on one of Jesus' teachings on prayer.

Extra Time: Play "Calling the 12 Disciples" game.


(Younger classes) When the students are completed, have them show the others their work. End with a "round robin" prayer. This is done by the teacher beginning with "Thank you God...." and then each student adds to the prayer. The teacher ends it with "Amen".


(Older classes) After each of the students or teams is completed, the class should review their newspapers by either reading their articles to the class, showing the graphics and pictures. When all the newspapers have been displayed to the group, have a discussion about the differences and similarities in each.

The 12 Apostles

Video Workshop

Summary of Lesson Activities:

Uses the Video: "Jesus teaches and calls his discithe video Children's Heroes of the Bibleples" (A segment found in the video Children's Heroes Of The Bible: New Testament. Search at Vision Video to see what other segments are included in this video.

Watch video about Jesus calling his disciples. Receive pamphlet on 12 Apostles and have discussion.

[Exchange Volunteer notes: it is not known what these "pamphlets" included.]

Rotation Objective:

Learn who the 12 Apostles were, and their respective shields.

Leader Preparation:

  • Read the scripture ahead of time.
  • Gather the materials.
  • Preview the video.

Supplies List:

  • Above video.
  • Popcorn supplies.


Opening-Welcome and Lesson Introduction:

Greet the children and introduce yourself.

(Ask children questions/take attendance)

  • Can anyone tell me what we are learning about in this rotation?
  • And can you name the Bible verse you are learning during opening worship?
  • How about the Apostles?
  • Can you tell me anything special about them?
  • Today we are going to learn and review information of Jesus' disciples.

Dig-Main Content and Reflection:

Lesson & Activities: Watch video (25 mins.) Hand out "Apostles" pamphlet.

Younger Classes:

Play memory game with shields. They can match up the pictures in the pamphlet if they need help.

Older Classes:

Play memory game with shields, however, they must give characteristics/traits of the apostle to whom the shield belongs. (Example: If the student has Peter's shield, they could use clues such as, fisherman, called from the seashore to follow Christ, etc.) Players should use their pamphlets for help.

Extra Time: Use worksheets.

Closing: End with a "round robin" prayer. This is done by the teacher beginning with "Thank you God...." and then each student adds to the prayer. The teacher ends it with "Amen".

More Activities:

Be A Reporter For The Galilee Gazette!
(Note: the newspaper could be done in the computer lab)

"Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Special edition on Jesus' disciples!" Invite the students to become reporters and to create newspapers containing information about Jesus and his special followers. Choose one or two of the following examples of prayer involving Jesus and the disciples. Choices can include: Matthew 6:9-15, Jesus teaches the disciples to pray, Mark 14:22-26, Jesus prays at the last supper; Luke 22:39-46, Jesus prays in Gethsemane; John 17:20-26, Jesus prays for all his followers, Acts 1:12-26, the disciples pray before choosing a replacement. Tell the students that these books of gospels and Acts record what Jesus teaches us about prayer-why we should pray, how to pray, and when to pray. Read this to the children (or if they can read, have them read it) and then have them come up with a "newspaper article" ( Suggest they include an editorial on the importance of prayer, a classified ad containing the job description of a disciple as a person of prayer, a map of the area in which Jesus and the disciples ministered, or a pictorial essay on one of Jesus' teachings on prayer.)

  • Draw a picture of the animal in Luke 22:60.
  • Make a sign like the one in Matthew 27:37.
  • Find something the color of the things people carried in John 12:13.
  • Write the number of coins in Matthew 26:15.
  • What did the soldier use in John 19:34?
  • Draw a picture of the body part in Luke 22:50.
  • What did the soldiers make for Jesus in John 19:2?
  • What was the man carrying in Mark 14:13?

A lesson set written by Lynda Hassick, DCE
Bethany UCC, Bethlehem PA

Copyright 2000, Lynda Hassick, may only be used for non-commercial purposes.

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