...By Managing Your Profile at Rotation.org
LIKES --Go to your Profile and see a list of all the posts and resources you "liked." Liking certain posts creates a list of favorites on your Profile page. It's a great way to mark future lesson materials.
- UPDATE your Profile Info, including your email address and displayed name.
- ADD a Pic (Avatar) of yourself. (Makes the place more friendly.)
- MANAGE your membership renewal and email notifications
- FOLLOW certain forums/lessons so you get notification of new posts in topics you are watching. The option to select forums to "follow" is a link at the bottom of your Profile page. It's also a link next to each topic you are viewing.
- UPGRADE your Registered Membership to a Supporting Membership.
Click the "GEAR" icon at the top of any page. (see graphic below)
Certain Profile features are open to Registered Members.
Others features are for Supporting Members only.
Why do I see "Friend of the Worm" or "Worm-Zilla" next to my displayname??
Every member receives an "activity level label" next to their display name. The labels change as you use the site more and are just for fun.
See a lesson or resource you want to share with a teacher? Click "SHARE" at the top of any topic and type in their email address. It will send them a LINK to the page.
If you do Facebook or Pintrest you can quickly post your favorite rotation.org links to those services too.
5. Many Churches Make An Annual Donation to Rotation.org
For many years, Rotation.org was primarily funded by checks from churches who knew we were saving them hundreds of dollars a year in curriculum costs, and who believed in our revolutionary new way of doing Sunday School and sharing lessons online.
In addition to becoming Supporting Members, many churches continue to make "over and above" donations in the $50 to $100 range. Donations can be mailed (see address at end of this email), or they can be made through our Networkforgood.org Online Donation Service.
Rotation.org is a 501(c)3 non-profit entirely funded by individual and church donations. Thank you for participating in this Christian Education mission.
6. Recently Revised & Reorganized Lesson Forums
The Teachings of Jesus Lesson Forum and The OT PROPHETS Lesson Forum were recently edited and reorganized.
NEEDED: More ideas for the Lord's Prayer and Fiery Furnace lessons!
In 2014 we'd like to ask our members to do the following:
- Post your great lesson ideas! Even if you just have a short inspiration, it's often the thing another teacher can expand on.
- Post photos of your creative rooms and lessons in action. (Everybody loves photos.)
- Continue your support of our site. (Members are our only source of income.)
- Volunteer to be on the Writing Team, or help moderate/improve existing content. Go to our Rotation.org Forum Moderator's Profile and click the "Start a Dialog" link and let her know you want to volunteer.
Thank you in advance for sharing in this unique ministry!
Questions? Comments? Unsubscribe?
Do not reply to this email. If you need help, go to the Support Forum or Member Lounge.
Rotation.org Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit Christian education ministry. We are run by volunteers and entirely funded by our members.
Become a Supporting Member
Rotation.org Inc.
c/o Rotation Treasurer
940 Field Club Road
Pittsburgh PA 15238