
Cooking Workshop Lesson and Ideas for teaching the Creation Story from Genesis 1 and 2

Here's is our growing collection of Sunday School lessons and ideas that use food and cooking as the creative and memorable lesson activity to teach the Creation Story and its meaning. Genesis 1 and 2: Creation Story, 7 Days of Creation.

Add your Creation cooking lesson ideas below! And glean what you need.

This topic has a lot of "ingredient suggestions" that represent various ideas and "days" in the Story of Creation. Depending on your needs, you may find a better or alternative ingredient suggestion in several posts below.

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Last edited by Neil MacQueen
Original Post

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Here are several recipe ideas for Creation Story "creations"

Creation Pudding
Member Shirley Lotts posted the following suggestion:
I just bought a really neat book by Concordia Publishing House---"Unforgettable Edible Bible Crafts." The first recipe in it is for "Creation Pudding." Sounds yummy! Do an online search for a copy of this book.

A day-camp published the following recipe for their Creation Pudding:

  1. Day 1 Layer of Vanilla pudding and a layer of chocolate pudding (light and dark)
  2. Day 2 Cool Whip (sky) Sprinkle lightly with blue jello powder (water)
  3. Day 3 Crushed Oreo cookies (ground) flower shaped sprinkles or cake decorations (plants and trees)
  4. Day 4 Yellow cake sprinkles (sun, moon, stars)
  5. Day 5 M&M’s (sh) (Substitute sweet sh or bird shaped item)
  6. Day 6 Teddy grams or gummy bears (animals) Chocolate Syrup (draw the shape of a man and a woman on the top of the pudding)
  7. Day 7: Rest and Enjoy!

Edible Playdoh Creations

Member Laura Narney posted:

We did Creation as our first rotation story of the year and made edible playdoh (honey, peanut butter, and dry milk).

The kids mixed it in individual sandwich baggies and then used it to make one of "God's creations"--either their favorite animal, plant or person. Then they got to eat it!! They really enjoyed it. We also talked about the image of God as the Potter, and how creation "feeds" our souls (renews our spirit), nurtures our relationship with God.

A warning though--make sure none of your kids have a peanut allergy before doing this!

Seven Days of Creation Snack

Cklassen posted

We are doing Creation for our first workshop and found a really cool snack mix.

Oreo Cookies (Day 1)
Frosted Mini-Wheats (Day 2)
Green, Red M&M and Pretzels (Day 3)
Orange & Yellow M&M's (Day 4)
Goldfish Crackers (Day 5)
Animal & Gingerbread Man Cookies (Day 6)
and Marshmallow "pillows" (Day 7)

We are going to tell the story and make a snack at the same time.

Seven Days of Creation
posted by Sarah

I found a neat Creation Snack idea for in an old Children's Ministry magazine.
Start with a big bowl and have the children add the following ingredients as you read Genesis 1:1-2:2.

Day 1- separation of light and dark (mini oreos)
Day 2- separation of sky from ground (frosted mini wheats cereal for the clouds and the ground)

Day 3- green grass, trees, flowers, fruits and berries (green M&M's, stick pretzels, raisins and red and blue M&M's)
Day 4- sun and moon and stars (orange and yellow M&M's)
Day 5- birds and fish (goldfish crackers)
Day 6- man, woman, animals (animal crackers)

Day 7- God rested (marshmallow "pillows").
Everyone can then enjoy God's creation by eating the snack!

Moderator adds: see this video lesson by member Hilary S,. that includes a Seven Days of Creation Snack activity using this idea from the Children's Ministry magazine noted above.

Fruit and Whipped Cream Parfaits
cherylbp posted

We did a great cooking workshop for creation last year. I should warn you, however, the thrust of all the workshops did not revolve around what happened each day. Instead, it focused on God being the creator of all.

We made fruit and whipped cream parfait's.
I had blueberries, strawberries and raspberries. After the children were finished washing them, they got the opportunity to "create" on their own. We emphasized that everyone does things differently and there is no "correct" way to do it. We also discussed the idea that God created thing for a reason and that we can not always understand what that reason is. Plus it is not important for us to always understand these creations. But we do need to be thankful to God for the variety and diversity that we see in our world.

Remember that God made us in his image, and that means WE are creators too!  And people who CARE for creation, and SHARE its wonders and comforts with others.

Sun Biscuits

Member Viajera posted

We have used refrigerated biscuit dough to make "sun" and "sunshine" biscuits to help with a discussion about God's light (both the created ones, and the creative light/presence of God shining through us.)

Give each child a biscuit and have them flatten it just a little bit.

Then give them plastic knives to score the dough from the center to the outside (just make a line in it - do not cut through the dough all the way. These lines become the rays of sunlight).

Each child should use their thumb to make a small indentation in the middle of the biscuit.

Put 1/2 teaspoon of Orange or Apricot Preserves (color of the sun) in the center of the biscuit, then bake according to directions on the package.

These are good for talking about the sun and the moon, or light in general. While they are baking is a good time to read a children's story about Creation with nice illustrations.


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Last edited by Luanne Payne

An "Edible" Creation Water Workshop

Water is life! It was there at the beginning of creation, and at our baptism. And taking care of GOD'S GIFT of water sources is one of the greatest eco-challenges humanity is facing today.  This lesson riffs off of the science demonstration of water filtration and clean water sources to also make a scriptural point about our stewardship of God's creation and waters.

Below is a YouTube video demonstrating how to make an "edible aquifer" (an ice cream soda with various edible ingredients). Aquifers are how nature both stores and filters water. The "science" of aquifers, and how they become contaminated" teach children about the STEWARDSHIP of one of God's most important Creation gifts: WATER

As you walk students through the assembly and science of their "edible aquifer" you can also draw many parallels to the waters of Creation mentioned in Genesis 1, including the water God hovered over in the beginning, the separation of water from dry land, and the water that watered Eden.

The water of creation is the gift that keeps on giving --and requires our management as good stewards of God's gifts.

Here's a great video on YouTube showing how to construct and discuss an Edible Aquifer.

Here's another good video that shows the "layers" of a natural aquifer as well as the edible aquifer assembly.

You'll need to make the metaphorical connection between how we use and steward creation's water every day, and how God's presence is like water SUSTAINING, CLEANING, REFRESHING and HELPING US GROW everyday. How is water used in baptism? What "waters" does your faith need to drink from?  How is the church like an aquifer?  What godly resources do you "store up" and draw from in your life? How have you planted yourself beside the waters?  (The Psalms have many such visual images. There is a stream that makes glad the city of God! Ps 46   The still waters that restore our souls. Ps 23)

The metaphor of "contamination" of an aquifer should open up discussion about what "contaminates" our lives and thoughts. Sin is a contaminant and can very easily be demonstrated by the use of red food coloring. In a separate experiment, you can use baking soda and bleach to "get the red out" of a glass of water -- but that's not edible

You'll want to teach water's literal and figurative meaning in connection to cleansing, cooling, refreshing, being sweet not bitter (all biblical metaphors!).

Don't forget to include the image of justice which can flow like a mighty stream and perhaps visually demonstrate it using a bucket of water and some pebbles (problems).

Note: "Sin" cannot be entirely filtered out of us. That's why we have the cross and its forgiveness.  You can demonstrate this by putting red food coloring in a glass of water, then mixing in baking soda and bleach which will remove the red (see video). There are variations of this experiment on YouTube.

Lots of different "water" connections to pull in here!

Here's a version of the Edible Aquifer Experiment from a secular lesson from the Univ of Georgia

"Always On the Move" is an interactive, hands-on program teaching elementary-age students to understand the geology of an aquifer, causes of groundwater contamination, and ways to prevent groundwater contamination. The program will consist of a exhibit provided by the University of Georgia, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Water Quality, on groundwater resources, along with a groundwater model display illustrating the movement of pollutants into groundwater. In addition, each student will construct an “edible” aquifer. Each “edible” aquifer will indicate: soil layers (confined layer), movement of water through a aquifer, presence of a water table, impacts of a drilled well for drinking water, and movement of contaminants through groundwater.

Leader Preparation:

  • Gather the materials.
  • Try the project

Supplies List:

  • Marshmellow cream or ice cream
  • Clear soda
  • Drinking Straws
  • Clear plastic cups (2oz. - 4 oz.)
  • Crushed ice
  • Food coloring
  • Decorative sprinkles and/ or crushed cookies

Lesson Plan

A. Review the definition and uses of groundwater.

B. Show the video from YouTube or an illustration of an aquifer and describe what it is (it's an underground reservoir of water (do an internet search for images). Does our city live above an aquifer? What do people use aquifers for?  What is the CHURCH'S "aquifer"?  What is your LIFE'S aquifer?

C. As layers of an aquifer are discussed, guide students through the construction of an edible aquifer.

1. Fill cup 1/3 full with crushed ice. (represents soil and bedrock)
2. Add soda to cover the ice. (representing water present at/below the water table)
3. Add a layer of marshmallow cream or ice cream (This works if you have a freezer to keep the ice cream cold.) (represents confining layer consisting of clay)
4. Add more crushed ice (represents soil and gravel)
5. Add colored sugar and sprinkles (representing types of contamination, such as oil, gasoline, excessive pesticides/fertilizer, etc.) (I have used red sprinkles to represent oil or gasoline, green sprinkles to represent excessive fertilizer, and brown sprinkles to represent animal waste.)
6. Add soda. (representing rain hitting the ground’s surface and moving through the soil to the groundwater)

D. Discuss examples of contamination. Ask the students to watch the soda move through the cup, ask them to describe what is happening.

E. Using a straw (representing a drilled well), ask the students to place it through the aquifer and begin sucking on the straw.

F. Ask the students to describe what is happening to the contaminates.

G. Finally, ask the students to give three ways to prevent contamination of groundwater.

A lesson idea provided by Terri K and UGA-Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.


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Last edited by Luanne Payne

Seven Days Creation Fruit Salad
Kitchen/Cooking Workshop Idea

Why - a fun way to remember what happened on each of 7 days.

Here's a suggested list of fruit that 'kind' of represent the 7 days. Feel free to brainstorm and come up with your own list of fruits.

Day 1. Let there be light/light in the darkness -- Blackberries.

Day 2. Seas and water -- Watermelon

Day 3. Fruit and trees -- Apple

Day 4. Stars and sun -- Star fruit

Day 5. Creatures, birds and fish -- Kiwi fruit

Day 6. Humans -- Mango. (For those like me whose feminist side bristles a little at this, have fun with the kids by creating new names for the fruit like, Hu-mango, or Man-go and Wo-mango, Boy-go and Girl-go, Baby-go.)

Day 7. Rest. How about strawberries. They seem to be resting under a shady canopy of leaves when you go out to pick them in the field!

Describe and taste each fruit and draw a connection to the Day of Creation and something fun and important to remember about it.

For example, an Apple has seeds. God's design is for things to grow and replace themselves. People do that too! What good things can you grow and share about God?

You can add a topping to each student's bowl of fruit. What is the "topping" in the Creation Story? It's not in one of the days, but rather, it's God's loving presence throughout Creation and continuing in our lives.

You can also add or substitute candies, like "gummy bears and fish" in the Day 5 layer.

Post your question
in our Teachers Help Lounge!


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Last edited by Wormy the Helpful Worm

Rice Krispie Treat Creations

Lois from Alberta originally posted a lesson idea molding Rice Krispie Treats into objects and symbols having to do with the Creation story.

We did this and it was a BIG HIT.

We made various colored "batches" of marshmallow Rice Krispie treats, adding various food colorings, and then let the kids create a "Creation Story" picture using the various colors of treats like "modeling clay."

Tip: Have the kids wear food-grade plastic gloves and lightly grease them to best handle and shape the treats. Take photos!

Tip: You can add a tiny bit of vegetable shortening to the Krispy mix to make it more pliable and keep it from hardening too fast.

Tip: Give students a shoebox lid or something like that to make their Krispy picture in so that it can be transported. Place parchment paper over the cardboard.

Tip: If you have a large group, assign various Days of Creation so that together their creations form a pictorial of Genesis 1.

Tip: Have kids use thin amounts of treats so that you don't use up all that you made.

Tip: Use candy hearts and press them into each "day" or scene to represent God's love expressed to us through his Creation.

After shaping the treats, enjoy them with some teaching comments/questions and student responses as each is eaten.

How can we honor God by taking care of the planet?

How do animals "reveal the creative glory of God?"

Where are you in creation? Are you a steward or bystander?

What "stars" shine in your life? (people who lead you, you want to be like, who love you)

O Taste and See that the Lord called it "good"!

(and if the Lord calls it "good" how should we be taking care of it?)

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Last edited by Wormy the Helpful Worm

Creation "Parfait" or "Ice Cream Soda" Cooking Workshop

Summary of Lesson Activities:

Acting as creators, Children will make a fruit parfait  or ice cream soda whose layers will represent the 7 Days of Creation

Scripture Reference:

Genesis 1:1-2:3

Sundae Parfait Supply List:

7 Days of Creation Parfait Ice Cream SodaIf you choose to make a "healthy" parfait:

  • fresh fruit (blueberries, sliced strawberries and banana)
  • yogurt (vanilla and plain)
  • granola or nuts
  • raisins

If you choose to make an Ice Cream Soda:

  • Blue ice cream (kids can make their own by mixing in food coloring)
  • Green ice cream to represent the land and vegetation
  • Soda (seltzer) or lemon-lime soda to represent the waters of creation
  • Whipped cream
  • Gummies bears and Swedish fish
  • mini gingerbread men to represent us
  • cherry on top to represent rest

  • plastic parfait cups
  • spoons
  • straws for ice cream soda
  • napkins
  • permanent marker

Explain to the children that they will have the opportunity to be creators today. Ask the children if they know what parfaits are and explain it to them. You'll be making a yogurt parfait or ice cream "soda" (basically like an ice cream sundae but with seltzer water to turn it into a drink).

After reading your favorite translation of the Creation Story, or favorite children's book about Creation, students will assemble a 7 layer "parfait." Encourage them to not only create something they would like to look at and eat, but also something that is beautiful and honors God's creative Spirit.

Once the parfaits are assembled, collect them all for a quick class discussion, asking each student about their choice of foods/tastes for the various layers.

Closing Reflection:

Draw a 7 Layer Parfait on the Big Board and take suggestions for "layers" God wants us to be made of:   love, patience, kindness, faithfulness, caring, loyalty,forgiving, intelligence, imagination, etc etc. that would make us IN GOD'S IMAGE.

Conclude with a prayer asking God to continue to "create in us" his "parfait."

A lesson idea posted by member Stdavidskids


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  • ice cream parfait
Last edited by Wormy the Helpful Worm

Wormy Note:

Here are two Cooking and/or Storytelling IDEAS moved here from previous posts. There are several "creation snack/cakes" projects in this thread. In the Creation Sundae idea, however, the author suggests using the ingredients AS THE STORY IS TOLD, rather than as simply the "activity after the story." It's almost a Storytelling workshop.

Creation Sundaes

I did this 20 years ago and here's what I remember, other than "the kids ate it up".

As the storyteller/teacher RECOUNTS the story of creation, they invite the kids to ADD INGREDIENTS to their "Sundae". The storyteller asks questions and makes points in between each ingredient. Now what the kids end up creating could be sloppy and full of odd combinations, but that's the daring fun of it.

Day 1: Light: vanilla ice cream.

Day 2: Firmament (air/sky/clouds) whipped cream

Day 3: Plants and earth: chocolate, crushed cookies and candy-something plants)

Day 4: Stars, Sun, Moon. Candy decorator dots, etc.

Day 5: Birds/animals/crawly things: gummie bears and worms.

Day 6: Human beings (gingerbread men)

Day 7: God Rested...and enjoyed.

We added a Maraschino cherry on top saying that it was God's crowning grace, Jesus Christ, etc etc.

Originaly posted by Neil MacQueen

From a similar lesson in the Exchange (which I've now moved to here)


• Form a big circle with each child having a plastic baggie/brown paper sack

• Pass around the “treats” as the story part is read (have everyone reach into the center of the circle to get the treat – or have the shepherd pass them out—each child should take enough of each item in order to share later.)

• After each “treat” is passed out - except the first one - the kids say in unison, “and God saw that it was good” (with maybe an extra emphasis on “good”.)

**Note: they will take their Creation Mix to share with someone after church and tell the story of creation as they share**

Items: Whopper bars, Oreo cookies, Frosted Mini-wheats, sunflower seeds & fruit roll-ups, Yellow & orange M&M’s, Starburst candies, goldfish., animal crackers, gingerbread people, marshmallows, Fruit Breezers

Say the following -------

The Bible holds a “Whopper” of a tale (one whopper).

Day 1 - In the beginning God made the heavens and the earth. He created the light and called it ‘Day’ and the dark He called ‘Night’. (Oreo cookie). (The kids say, “and God saw that it was good").

Day 2 – God separated the waters from the waters. And the firmament He called Heaven. (Frosted Mini-Wheat’s cereal – for the clouds and the ground) (“And God saw that it was good").

Day 3 – God gathered the waters together to form the seas and the earth. And God let the earth bring forth seeds (sunflower seed) and fruit (‘fruit’ rollups)(kids say, “and God saw that it was good").

Day 4 – God created the sun (yellow M&M’s) and the moon (orange M&M’s). You can see the many stars He created in the Milky Way (Starburst candy) (Kids say, “and God saw that it was good").

Day 5 - God made the birds and the fish. (Goldfish) (Kids say, “and God saw that it was good").

Day 6 - God made man and woman and all the animals that creep on the earth. (Animal crackers and small gingerbread man cookie) (Kids say, “and God saw that it was good").

Day 7 – On the seventh day God ended His work and He rested (marshmallow ‘pillows").   God blessed the seventh day and made it holy. (Kids say, “and God saw that it was good").

Man and woman were created in the image of God. Life was a “breeze” (Fruit Breezers) in the Garden of Eden. We know that our God is an awesome God. There are “100-Grand” ways to show Him our thanks for the beautiful creation He made. (100 Grand candy bar)

(Inspired by Children's Ministry Magazine - July/Aug 2001)


In their journals (providing time allows) have each child write an acrostic about creation using each letter of C-R-E-A-T-I-O-N as the first word of each line.

Pray, thanking God for the wonder of all that he has made and for the gift of music, word and picture, through which WE create things of beauty.

Tidy up & dismiss.

Originally posted by Shirley Lotts

Volunteer Moderator added title and bolding for readability

Whoops, volunteer moderator (Luanne) would like to note I inadvertently deleted a post regarding this where the person disliked the term "Whooper" as it indicates a mistake, which God never makes. And suggested they would use another term if using the above recipe.

Last edited by Lesson Forma-teer


Cooking Workshop

Summary of Lesson Activities:

Children will create their own version of creation by decorating a cake with food items
that represent all creation.

Editor's Note: It was suggested in another thread to make 2 small cakes, one to eat, one to GIVE AWAY to an older person or someone in need, in the congregation.

Scripture Reference:

Genesis 1:1-2:4


God created all there is, both seen and unseen.

Supplies List:

  • Flip chart (or easel, or whiteboard); appropriate marker
  • Round chocolate cake (made ahead of time)
  • green, blue, and yellow icing
  • aprons
  • variety of edible items including goldfish crackers, animal crackers, marshmallows,
    pretzel sticks, grapes, broccoli, grapes, ice cream cones, etc. (possibly think of some "healthy" edibles?)

Leader Preparation:

  • Read the scripture ahead of time.
  • Think about everything included in this description of creation:
    heavens, sky, light, day, sun, darkness, night, stars, moon, water, seas, rivers, lakes, vegetation (plants, vegetables, fruit, trees) and living creatures (fish, animals, birds, humans). How might all of these be represented by food items listed above?
  • Gather the materials.
  • Make the cake.


Opening- Welcome and introductions:

Greet the children and introduce yourself. Introduce what you will be doing today.

Dig- Main Content and Reflection

Read the scripture to younger children. Older children might take turns reading parts of
the passage aloud.

Have children name things that God created and write them on the flipchart.

Explain that they will be creating their own representation of God’s creation as they decorate a cake.

Have the children wash their hands.

Show them the cake and ask them to describe what the world was like before God created
everything that’s in it, “formless void.”

Ask what the word “void” means. Accept all answers that are close--plain, empty, loose,
unfinished, etc. Then ask if any of those words would describe the cake.

Guide them as they “create the world” with the food items.
Have them refer to the list they made earlier.

Start them off with dividing the world into heavens, earth, and water.

Try to have everything that’s listed on the board represented on the cake.

Encourage children to talk about what they are putting on the cake as they are decorating


When the cake is finished ask if everything God created is on the cake or if anything is
left out. Older children might be able to give abstract answers such as love, goodness,
happiness, kindness, peace, evil, sadness, hate, indifference, etc.

Ask the question “Where is God in our creation?” (Note to teacher: there is no one right answer to this question.)

Allow the children to eat the cake to culminate the activity. (God say that his creation was good!)

Journal prompts:
Young children-- I’m thankful God made the world because...
Middle ages-- I believe God is happy with God’s creation because...
Older children-- Where is God in the created world today?

Sentence prayers that thank God for creation: Ask each child to say one sentence of
thankfulness or praise for God’s creation. Young children might say, “Thank you, God, for
making birds” and so on.

Close the prayer with “Thank you God for creating our world and the resources you’ve given us to live comfortably in it. Give us wisdom to take care of your world and all your creations. Amen.

A lesson written by Jan Marshal from Brenthaven Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Bentwood, TN, USA.

Wormy says Sign up!

Last edited by Neil MacQueen

Creation Sundae Cooking/Storytelling Workshop

As the storyteller/teacher recounts the Story of Creation, they invite the kids to add ingredients to their "Creation Sundae." The storyteller asks questions and makes points in between each ingredient.

Scripture Reference:

Genesis 1:1 - 2:3

Memory Verse:

“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.”  Genesis 1:1

Lesson Objectives:

  • Children will recognize that Genesis means beginning and that it is the first book in the Bible.
  • Children will recognize that God created the world and everything in it.
  • Children will explain that God declared his creations “good.” and that includes each of them, as they were created unique and special by God,
  • Children should be able to retell the story afterwards to their families.

Materials List:

  • Vanilla Ice Cream
  • Ice Cream Scoop
  • Bowls Ceramic (Black Bowls optional) 1 per child
  • Plastic bowls and/or Paper Plates
  • Sandwich Bags – 1 per child
  • Whip Cream
  • Chocolate Flavoured Wafer Cookies (pkg of 20) – 1 cookie per child
  • Wilson Sprinkles – “Flowerful Medley” (contains: Colorful Leaves, Pastel Hearts, Wild Flowers, Confetti, Daisies, Butterflies)
  • Wilson Sprinkles – “Animals & Stars” (contains: Bears, Cows, Dinosaurs, Dolphins,  Stars&Moons, Stars)
  • Jelly Belly Sours Candy
  • Gold Fish Crackers (multi-coloured)
  • Animal Crackers
  • So Sweet Neon Worms Candy
  • Chocolate Circle Wafers from Bulk Barn – need 2 per child
  • Mini boy & girl cookie cutters (2 ea.)
  • Small Board Books (Something flat that kids can use to put on top of cookie cutters)
  • Mini Marshmellows White
  • Pre-made “Church” Sugar Cookies (1 per child)
  • Church Cookie Cutter

Advance Preparation Requirements:

  1. Pre-make church sugar cookies using “Church” Cookie Cutters.  Will need 1 per child.
  2. Bowls - put in freezer so they are nice and chilled.  This helps keep the ice cream from melting too quickly.
  3. Sprinkles have several compartments, so I drew a simple picture on each section lid so the kids could find the right compartment easier.  They will open lids needed for that day and it will take several good shakes to get a few sprinkles out, then pass it on to the next kid.
  4. Chocolate Circle Wafers from the Bulk Barn – keep in cupboard (do not refrigerate)
  5. Place Whip Cream in fridge.
  6. Pre-set your table with ice cream scoop, sprinkle shakers, books, sandwich bags.  As well as, other ingredients removed from packaging and place in separate bowls or paper plates: fish crackers, chocolate wafer cookies, jelly belly sour candies, animal crackers, worms, and mini marshmellows, chocolate circles with cookie cutters, and “Church” Sugar Cookies.
  7. Have a large piece of paper taped up where all can see and a marker (or whiteboard).  Write Days 1 through 7 down the left side.

Lesson Plan


Greet the children and explain what they'll be doing and learning about today. Ask them to tell you what they already know about the Story of Creation.

Getting Ready for Sundae Making

  1. Send children to wash their hands.
  2. While kids are washing their hands get ingredients from the refridgerator:
    Bowls, Whip Cream, and Ice Cream.
  3. Have children gather around the table.

  4. SAY:  Today we are going to hear the story of creation and you need to listen carefully so you can answer questions I will be asking at the end of each day of creation.....

    And now we begin our Creation Sundaes!  I will require your help in a couple of ways.  First whenever you hear me say “And God saw that it was good.” I want you to say
    And God saw that it was very, very good!”

    As each day unfolds I will be asking you to add God’s creations for that day to your Creation Sundae.

    God’s creations are set out in the center of the table.  We will be passing around the plates and bowls each time I tell you to add a new creation.

    I just want to show you these sprinkle shakers.  I’ve drawn pictures on the lids of what is inside each compartment.  Sometimes we may have more than one open at a time.  They require you to give them a few hard shakes in order to get some sprinkles out.  Then pass it along to the next person.

  5. READ script below as you assemble the sundaes.

The Story of Creation – Genesis 1:1 - 2:3

(adapted from the NLT) by Luanne

The story of creation is found in the first book of the bible called “Genesis”.  There are several other stories in Genesis, but the Creation story is first.   So it’s rather fitting that  “Genesis” means “beginning”.   And that is why “Genesis” starts with the words ......

In the beginning, on the FIRST day, God created the heavens and the earth.

  • So who was here first?  (God)
  • So if nothing existed before God, who made everything?  (God)

The earth was empty, a formless mass cloaked in darkness.


And the Spirit of God was hovering over its surface.   Then God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.


And God saw that it was good.

Then he separated the light from the darkness.  God called the light day and the darkness night.   And that was the end of the FIRST day.

  • So before God started creating what was out there?  (nothing but God)
  • What did God create on the first day?  (Heaven & Earth) – write/draw on paper

And on the SECOND day God said, “Let there be space between the water, to separate water from water”.  And so it was.


God made this space to separate the waters above from the waters below.  And God called the space sky.   And that was the end of the SECOND day.

  • What did God create on the second day?  (Sky) – write/draw on paper

And on the THIRD day God said, “Let the waters beneath the sky be gathered into one place so dry ground may appear.”  And so it was.

(have kids put wafer in bag and crumble)

God named the dry ground “land” and the water “seas”.

And God saw that it was good.

Then God said, “Let the land burst forth with every sort of grass and seed-bearing plant.  And let there be trees that grow seed-bearing plant.

(Leaves, Wild Flowers, Daisies)

The seeds will then produce the kinds of plants and trees from which they came.”   And so it was.  The land was filled with seed-bearing plants and trees, and their seeds produced plants and trees of like kind.

And God saw that it was good.

And that was the end of the THIRD day.

  • What four things did God create on the third day?  (land, seas, plants, and trees)
  • Name five different trees and/or flowers God created.  (write/draw on paper)
  • And what would the plants give that would make them multiply?  (seeds) – write/draw on paper

And on the FOURTH day God said, “Let bright lights appear in the sky to separate the day from the night.  They will be signs to mark off the seasons, the days, and the years.  Let their light shine down upon the earth.”

And it was so.

For God made two great lights, the sun and the moon, to shine down upon the earth.  The great one, the sun, presides during the day;


the lesser one, the moon, presides through the night.


He also made the stars.

SPRINKLESAnd that was the end of the FOURTH day.

  • What three things did God make on the fourth day?  (stars, moon, and sun)
  • (Older kids) Name five stars or planets or constellations God created.  (write on paper)

And on the FIFTH day God said, “Let the waters swarm with fish and other life.


Let the skies be filled with birds of every kind.”

(Jelly Belly Sours Candy)

So God created great sea creatures and every sort of fish and every kind of bird.

And God saw that it was good.

The God blessed them, saying, “Let the fish multiply and fill the oceans.  Let the birds increase and fill the earth.”    And that was the end of the FIFTH day.

  • What did God created on the fifth day? (fish and birds)
  • Give me the names of five different birds created by God.  – write/draw on paper
  • Give me the names of five different fish created by God. – write/draw on paper

And on the SIXTH day God said, “Let the earth bring forth every kind of animal – livestock, small animals, and wildlife.”

(Bears, Cows, Dinosaurs, Butterflies)

And it was so.

God made all sorts of wild animals, livestock, and small animals, each able to reproduce more of its own kind.

And God saw that it was good.

Then God said, “Let us make people in our image, to be like ourselves.

Chocolate Circles – 2 per child
(Pass around male & female Cookie Cutters,
so kids can each cut-out/create a man and a woman)

Follow-up note - Younger Children: Younger children were unable to cut through Chocolate Circles with the cookie cutters. So we quickly came up with the idea to use the (extra) chocolate cookie wafers instead, which they cut through easily.


They will be masters over all life – the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, and all the livestock, wild animals, and small animals.”

So God created people in his own image; God patterned them after himself; male and female he created them.  God blessed them and told them, “Multiply and fill the earth and subdue it.  Be masters over the fish and birds and all the animals.”

And God said, “Look!  I have given you the seed-bearing plants throughout the earth and all the fruit trees for your food.    And I have given all the grasses and other green plants to the animals and birds for their food,” and so it was.

Then God looked over he had made, and he saw that it was excellent in every way.

This all happened on the SIXTH day.

  • Well God was really busy on the sixth day, what did he create?   (wild animals, livestock, insects, and people)
  • What are livestock?  (found on farms:  cows, horses, pigs, etc.)
  • Name me five livestock (animals) created by God.  – write/draw on paper
  • Name me five wild animals created by God.  – write/draw on paper
  • Name me five bugs that can fly created by God. – write/draw on paper
  • Name me five things that are crawly/slimy created by God.  – write/draw on paper
  • We are Canadians.  Give me the name of people from five other countries that God created. – write on paper

So the creation of the heavens and the earth and everything in them was completed.

On the SEVENTH day, having finished his task, God rested from all his work.


And God blessed the SEVENTH day


and declared it holy,


because it was the day when he rested from his work of creation.


Eat Their Creations

Reflect – Closure (can be asked while they are eating)

  • Can anyone tell me what God’s fourth commandment from the Ten Commandments is?  (remember the Sabbath Day and keep it Holy)
  • What day is the Sabbath day for Christians?  (Sunday) What day is "Sabbath" for Jews?  Why are we different?
  • What all can we do to "rest and restore" on the Sabbath?

End with prayer.


Adaptions – Younger Children

  1. Could have a small easel with the numbers 1 to 7 (preprinted on cardstock).  Stacked in order so as each day is over you remove it.  Would be a good visual for younger kids.
  2. For younger children, when you ask them for things created on each day instead of writing it you could draw it (or have a magnet board and magnets of the different most common things they might mention)


  • Above lesson created from the “Creation Sundae” idea by Neil McQueen link.
  • New Living Translation text used with permission.
  • Cookie Cutters – Boy (approx. 1 ½” x 1 ¾") & Girl (approx. 1 ¼” x 1 ⅝").Boy Cookie Cuttergirl cookie cutter
    Boy:  Metal Boy Gingerbread Cookie Cutter
    Girl:  Metal Girl Gingerbread Cookie Cutter
    (Note:  If you have larger cookie cutters than I used you will need something larger than the wafers I used for cutting out Adam & Eve.)

Toppings Reference

DayGod CreatedCreation Sundae ToppingNotes
1Earth, formless voidblack ceramic bowlbest cold – refrigerate
LightVanilla ice cream
2Sky FirmamentWhipped Creamair/sky/clouds
3LandChocolate-flavoured Wafer Cookieskids will crush in a sandwich bag
PlantsSprinkles - Colorful leaves, wild flowers, daisiesor use fruit-shaped JuJubes
4Stars, Sun, MoonSprinkles - Stars/Moons, Stars, Confettisun
5BirdsJelly Belly Sours Candybirds eggs
FIshGoldfish Crackersmulti-coloured
Sprinkles- DolphinsAround Easter you could use Marshmellow Chicks
6Animals/crawly thingsAnimal Crackers
"Sprinkles -  Bears, Cows, Dinosaurs, Butterflies
"Neon Worms Candy
Male & FemalePeople-shaped cookiesCut out of Chocolate Circles or Chocolate Cookie Wafers by kids
7God Rested...and enjoyed.Mini white marshmellowspillow
God blessed all he had createdSprinkles – Heartsxx
Holy Day (a day set aside for Sabbath)“Church” Shaped Sugar Cookiespre-made

A lesson written by Luanne Payne from: Hampton United Church
Hampton, ON, Canada

A representative of reformatted this post to improve readability.


Images (3)
  • Boy Cookie Cutter
  • mceclip0
  • girl cookie cutter
Last edited by Wormy the Helpful Worm

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