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This forum is for posting Storytelling and/or Puppet Workshop lesson plans and ideas pertaining to Road to Emmaus.  Luke 24: 13-35

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Last edited by Luanne Payne
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Walk to Emmaus

Puppet Workshop

Summary of Lesson Activities:

A popsicle puppet play. (Or use, "Puppet Peepers" -- see post below.)

Scripture Reference:

Luke 24:13-33

Lesson Objectives:

This lesson seeks to highlight (mostly by telling the story in three different ways) the process the two disciples must journey in order to recognize Resurrected Jesus. The lesson consists of watching a "movie" of the story (movie, here, refers to a "homemade" narration of slides - like a powerpoint presentation). The second activity consists of putting on a play that mirrors the events of the scripture story using popsicle puppets.

The full lesson is attached.

From the attached lesson, here is the puppet play script:


  • We’re going to put on a popsicle puppet play, now, that will very simply retell the story that we’ve just read and watched.
  • There are 3 parts: Cleopas, the other disciple and Jesus
  • We’ll do a practice run through, where I’ll be the director, helping yall know what to do and when to do it.
  • Once we got through the practice run, then we'll film it.

PRACTICE then RECORD Popsicle Puppet Play

Popsicle Puppet Script

Characters: Cleopas; Other Disciple; Jesus

The Walk to Emmaus
Cleopas: I can’t believe what’s happened. I can’t believe Jesus is gone. Just like that!
Other Disciple: I know
Cleopas: Just last week we were entering Jerusalem and people were shouting with praise and then Jesus cleared out the merchants from the Temple. Things were looking so good!
Other Disciple: I know
Cleopas: And Jesus had been doing such cool things way before that! He was healing, and teaching and walking on water and feeding the thousands. Remember how he’d take the bread, pray over it, break it and give it?
Other Disciple: I do. And I remember when he did the same thing at our last supper with him, just before he was arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane.
Cleopas: And then there was that time that he walked on water and Peter tried it too. That was kind of funny when Peter started to sink, though...
Resurrected Jesus: [pops up] Hello there!
Cleopas: Hi
Resurrected Jesus: Mind if I walk with you? I’d like some company. What are you talking about?
Other Disciple: We were talking about Jesus, who was arrested and killed by the Romans even though he didn’t do anything.
Resurrected Jesus: That doesn’t sound good. How did you know him?
Cleopas: We were actually his disciples. But now that he’s dead, we can’t follow him anymore.
Resurrected Jesus: I’ve heard of the guy. It’s my understanding that he was the Messiah and that if the authorities killed him, he wasn’t going to stay dead.
Cleopas: Yeah, he’d say that from time to time, but what does that mean?
Resurrected Jesus: It means that he lived God’s way, and God’s way can’t be destroyed. God’s way is the way Israel was supposed to live. But we didn’t do it very well. So our prophets like Isaiah and Elijah and Samuel kept telling us to stop living like all the other countries and to live like God was showing us to live. But we still didn’t listen very well, but we listened well enough that a Messiah, someone who would fully live God’s way would be born to us. Jesus was this person. Look at what the prophets say a Messiah would do: The blind would see, the lame would walk. God’s forgiveness would flow like a mighty river. And the dead would live again. And the Messiah would show us how to live like him, a way to fully live God’s way.
Other Disciple: You talk very well. I feel much better than I did earlier. I feel…HOPEFUL! Oh and look! We’re home! Please stay with us before you continue your journey tomorrow.
Resurrected Jesus: I will do that. that bread!?! Mind if I prepare it for us?
Cleopas: You just took the bread, prayed for it, blessed it and broke it like Jesus always did…
Other Disciple: That's because it's him! It’s Jesus! It’s Jesus!
Jesus: [Pops down}
Cleopas: I can’t believe it! He IS alive! He’s resurrected!
Other Disciple: We have to tell the others in Jerusalem!
Cleopas: Grab the bread. We’ll eat it on our return trip!
Other Disciple: Jesus is risen! Jesus is risen!
Cleopas: He is risen indeed! Let’s run to Jerusalem and tell everyone who knew him!


For the full lesson download the attached Word document (found at the bottom of this post). Note that the first three pages of the document are background and that the actual lessons starts on page 4.

To view the movie, click ( and then click the "view clip" link to the left of "Storytelling Supply Doc." For pictures to print out for the popsicle puppets, click the same link ( and then click the .doc or .pdf file for "Storytelling Supply Doc."

To view the other lessons in this lesson set (located on click HERE for Storytelling and HERE for Arts & Crafts.

If you like this lesson, visit for more free Sunday School lesson sets.

A lesson written by member Nathanael,


Last edited by Neil MacQueen

Thinking of RFOUR'S puppet lesson above, you might want to to incorporate the kids making their own peeper puppet and use them in place of the popsicle stick puppets, or purchase a sack of "peeper puppets."

Emmaus Walk - using Peeper Puppets

Peeper Puppets are a V shaped plastic piece that goes around your middle finger with the eyeballs sitting on top of the two points of the V -- your hand then makes the mouth. aKA " Finger" or "Ring" puppets. available in bulk for cheap!Peeper Puppets

Home Made Peeper Directions:

by: Jan Nappa

I made a bunch of these using neon colored chenille stems (aka pipe cleaners) and 1" google craft eyes. Made a pair for each of the kids to use during our puppet rotation for Emmaus Walk ("their eyes were opened"!) They loved it and they were so inexpensive we had each of the kids take home their peepers to share the story at home.

See this website for how they made these using med sized googly and pipe cleaners for ideas


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Last edited by Luanne Payne

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