Road to Emmaus
Video Clip suggestions:
The Messiah Comes! from Nest Nest Learning . com
Chapters: Cleopas, Prophecies, Cleansing Temple, Sanhedrin Debate, Nicodemus, Miracle Bethesda Pool, Parable Wicked Husbandmen, Road to Emmaus. Animated, 30 minutes.
The Miracle Maker, Noah's Ark Distribution, 2000, DVD, ISBN: 8015408792.
Jesus seen through the eyes of a child, Tamar, in state-of-the-art 3D animation. Covers several segments of Jesus life from when he started teaching until his ascension. Near end of movie the two men burst in to tell the others they saw Jesus on the Road to Emmaus, as they retell the story it reverts to cartoon animation from the 3D. (87 minutes).
Differences in scenes between the above two videos:
- In the "Miracle Maker", Jesus raises his hands and blesses the bread.
- In the "Messiah Comes", Jesus just breaks the bread and hands it to the other two.
- Each of the above videos only has a segment on this story, but in both the two men meet Jesus on the road, talk to him, and have a meal with him.
I thought the "Jesus" video, which is from Luke might cover it, but the two men only mention they saw Jesus on the Road to the others, you don't see it happen.